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  1. I don't think I'd be that simple. The riders per train is equal to that of Leviathan which has a seating arrangement similiar to what you described.
  2. Firehawk, of course. Diamondback close behind. Even if a hyper design like Diamondback isn't an amazingly unique doesn't make it any less special to the Kings Island park goers. I think it was desperately needed addition that really brought Kings Island's coaster line up to the next level.
  3. So I guess, earlier in the day, it was open to Toyota employees: And that crowd seemed to be building up just a bit when we arrived. but after some waiting the gates opened and we headed into the park. And we decided to purchase some frightlane! And then off to to our first haunt [Razmataz's first ever], Carn-Evil. Pretty good fun, some good scares, and the mirrors. God, I hate the mirrors. Always come out of that one laughing! 8/10 Then we waited inline for some thrills on Diamondback while the sunset. Then by the time we got off of that Beautiful B&M, it was dark and we set off for Tomb Stone Terror-tory. Which, even ontop of the pun, is one of my favorites. I love taking the train back, because who doesn't love trains? And then having to jump back in sheer terror as a bandit decides to whack the train for some reason! We made out way back through the eerie forest... Loved it! 9/10 Then we headed to Madam Fatals Cavern of Terror, which I enjoyed quite a bit, it was our first haunt to use the really cool special feature with the Skeleton key, and got a little something special. I love this haunt, you sit there trying to tell whether or not they're real, but it really doesn't matter because they're going to get you, and you're going to scream! 9/10 Then it was on to the new Slaughter house, by The Beast. This one too has a Skeleton key room, and was by far my favorite of the 5 with the special feature. Then we went onto Urgent Scare, which was pretty fun, however the Skeleton Key room Then onto the new one, Killmart, which was actually pretty good.[url=https://flic.kr/p/pm86oD][/ and you must run through the store to escape the evil. Great haunt. 8/10 and then head through a party crazed house with some scares here and there. 6/10 Then we stood in a half hour line to get an Aunt Annie's Pretzel before we went through Corn Stalkers. I loved Corn Stalkers from last year, traveling through, what seemed the most mid-west-ish haunt and the scare did a pretty good job scaring, me because I thought I was seeing a decline in scares, but they brought it back. Oh and that swing... that swing... 9/10 Then onto Club Blood, which I found so so, too short, etc. 4.5/10. We then went to go watch Blood Drums which I like, and was pretty entertaining, I'm glad they keep these shows going, very enjoyable. And then off to the last one, Wolf Pack, pretty good, some good scares, good hiding places, but at this point I was already pooped and didn't have as much emotion or reaction so when it was over we got a first nigth ride on Banshee and went home.
  4. I've always liked John Green and Mental_Floss, so this one was intriguing. Enjoy!
  5. Really?I would HOPE it depends, at least in part, on what the target market wants. I thought Dick Kinzel retired. And who is this Target Market?
  6. I'm sorry but I fundamentally disagree.Stand-up Coasters seem pretty dated at this point. I think they were more a fad that has died down. The last brand new, built from scratch stand up coaster was Georgia Scorcher build in 1999. 15 years ago. I really don't see a major comeback for this style of coaster. If you recall, Kings Island once had one, but it was demolished for a couple reasons. At this point in the amusement industry I think it seems unlikely that a park would invest heavily in that option like that when there are other things that are "in" right now. Like wing coasters, which have seen quite a lot of attention from a rather modest series of installations. But even it we look past of that, I think a 300 ft. Stand up would just not be feasible. Seeing as most stand ups are pretty inversion heavy like Mantis. And you think that no coaster has broke 200 ft. And had an inversion other than SOB, and we all know how that turned out... Let alone a monstrous 300 ft. Which still, even in the typical coaster style has had very conservative amount of installations. Now do I think that Diamondback will always be the tallest coast at Kings Island? I believe it will remain the biggest and baddest coaster for a couple more years. Banshee filled a very import gap in Kings Islands Coaster line up, but I do see the possibility of giga down the road. Like what is up far, far north.
  7. fanofFirehawk

    2015 Idea

    Much agreed. I prefer to sit back and relax while being transported to a new place, being immersed in the story. Haunted Mansion, Harry Potter thing (forget the name), ect. They are all fantastic and enjoyable, with out the the sprinkle of Operation Desert Storm. I much prefer those to Boo Blasters, Buzz light year, and MIB.
  8. The problem with that is that it doesn't just affect your body. There are numerous cases where second hand smoke has killed non-smokers. Although it would be very difficult to successfully outlaw smoking; It wouldn't really be feasible. Although banning it from the park; I don't really see the need for smoking within a park filled with children and families. If some really needed to get their fix, they could go outside of the park. I also think that park employees should be a lot more proactive when enforcing the designated smoking area, and not let people smoke around the park and especially in line. I don't know how many times I have been stuck right behind someone who doesn't care about the rules, the annoyance of others, and even the well being of others... and other guests are forced to enforce park rues when the park employees are paid to do that exact thing.
  9. Papers, Please.

    1. Sonofbeast2.0


      Been debating on getting that game... (assuming your talking about the game.)

    2. fanofFirehawk


      Its absolutely amazing, you should definitely give it a try! The plot line is amazing & it is a wonderful puzzle game for Brain aswell.

    3. Sonofbeast2.0


      I know I should of bought it during Steam Summer Sale... oh well... I'm sure I will pick it up some time soon though!

  10. If any of you are having a similar issue, one of the things I noticed (I don't know if something was changed) that it auto-hyperlinks youtube links, thus I suppose disabling IP Boards auto embedding of the Youtube videos. Like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9KZ3jgbbmI When I paste it here in the text box, it automatically turns into a hyperlink in the editor. And an easy way to fix that is to do the following: 1. Paste link, if turns into link... 2. Click on the link. 3. Click the hyperlink breaker thing in the editor menu (just to the right of the create new hyperlink button) 4. Post
  11. Is Cedar Fair in cooperation with Disney? Disney owns the rights to Marvel, correct? So in order for these characters to make an appearance, there would have been an exchange on currency.
  12. Recently I've been having issues with trying to post Youtube videos, usually I'd just paste the link and it would auto embed the video... But for some reason it doesn't always work anymore. After try after try it eventually will do it, but it gets annoying & I liked it much better when it would just auto embed the first time.
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