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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. All this talk is making me hungry for a "pretzel"
  3. It's official, all the coasters in Action Zone hang
  4. Even though it was short, this was probably one of the best trips of the summer.
  5. I'm sorry, Greg and Don, but The Beast will always be the best night ride
  6. Or when Don was running rate "Version says its 10:02!" "AT&T says its 10:02 also!" "So does Cincinnati Bell!"
  7. Did anyone else notice when Greg mentioned WindSeeker and Dinosaurs Alive, everyone got all quiet?
  8. I was there tonight. I don't know what was more ear piercing- the constant Banshee wails, or the screaming coaster enthusiasts.
  9. A couple of things I would like to say: THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! I had a feeling it was going to be Banshee but Kings Island just knocked it out of the park! The worlds longest inverted coaster at 68 miles per hour!! Blue and purple! A zero-g-roll, people!!! The station just looks sick, as well as the logo and the track layout. This is just an overall perfect coaster. Now I know why they took the water tower out. I've never seen so many people hype this as much as they did tonight in Action Zone. The cars look incredible! B&M is just an amazing company and I know that this coaster will be a signature coaster for not just Kings Island, and Cedar Fair, but to the company itself. I've never wanted a season to end so quickly but I cannot wait to ride this! Banshee!
  10. They could, but that would be the dumbest lawsuit ever filed
  11. Am I the only one who is slanting towards B&M flyer?
  12. In just under 24 hours we will know the truth but until then, lets speculate some more. Will it be Banshee, The Bat, or something else?
  13. I'm guessing the line would stretch out past Delirium
  14. Is there any involvement with the area where the water tower once stood?
  15. Que is gonna be inside the track?! I'm siked!
  16. In just two days we will know......
  17. I'm on my ipad and I accidentally hit the bar showing the new threads. It vanished and the page expanded, so I hit it again and the page shrunk back and the "Recent topics" is still there but the topics themselves have vanished
  18. I'm really starting to get steamed. Let me know when the trolls are gone. Goodbye.
  19. Trolls are like bees- when you try to leave them alone, they will still sting you
  20. I just think that it's sad that your constant trolling is damaging great threads like these
  21. YoungStud is trolling again, making new user names. Your trolling here bro making ridiculous accusations! Hmm let me see. People who always rant about B&M and praise Intamin: Big Sexy YoundStud Intaminisnumber1 I'm sensing a reoccurring theme
  22. If we are all fish, then I must be the shark. Tony Shark
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