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Everything posted by gingerkid

  1. We should warn Don about the coaster possibly being leaked.
  2. What did the new signage say? If you don't mind me asking. THE_BEASTmaster, who likes to be curious sometimes, even though he'll be at the park this evening. The new signs say the same thing. The only difference is the last sentence does not appear to be added on compared to the original signs. The original signs look like they taped something over the original words only to reveal something different at a later time.Has anyone tried to peel these off to see what is underneath? I'd imagine trying to peel that would get you in quick trouble for something like vandalism or property destruction. Maybe they'd be cool with it but why risk it? My curiosity got the best of me and I tried to get a good look. But I was unsuccessful. I know for sure the this is sorta what it look like. (\/ bottom of sign covered bytape)this [_____?_____] identified. The new sign takes up more space on the bottom, which leads me to believe "evil phenomenon" was a last minute add on. For adiversion maybe?
  3. Has anyone been following "Patrickmichael" on YouTube. He's claiming he has blueprints of the ride.
  4. Obviously nothing went in this year. But waiting one year would definitely save up money. Anyone have any ideas how much it would have cost to tear down SOB and the cost to hull it away. It is pressure treated wood with chemicals so I'm guessing it wasn't easy or cheap. Thoughts?
  5. My binoculars broke. Sad. Turns out they have been broken for about a year now. Only thing to report today is expanded construction into newly fenced area. And that big triangular footer will be supporting 4 track supports.
  6. At the park now. I brought my binoculars, it has a built on camera. I will post pics in the next few days. Construction looks like it is expanding into the newly fenced off area.
  7. Yeah. I got to caught up in the moment. Big Sexy and others were ****ing me off.
  8. Mt apologies, just got on my computer, mobile does not do justice. It looked like a track support on my SmartPhone. Sorry. Now I'm Sad
  9. PICTURE 23 PICTURE 23. BOTTOM LEFT. PICTURE 23 What are you shouting about? Rebar? The Back of the Delirium station? Explanation needed...No, track support... below that
  11. I just done, I am deleting my account. Bye gingerkid out!!
  12. I've been trying to follow this, but the pages grow to quick. So I apologize in advance if someone already said this. Their is an update on Screamscape.
  13. Anyone? How much is $250,000 translated into concrete amount? How much will that get us?
  14. For those of us who has been following, Let's think about how big this might be. How much concrete would $250,000 get us?
  15. This link sends me to Photo buckets homepage. It doesnt show your awesome photos...
  16. What kind of roller coaster is that?
  17. coasterfusion.com/news.php?extend.13 ^a few days old but has some cool photos...
  18. It's still there m8. http://screamscape.com/html/kings_island.htm About 3/4 of the way down the page with the obligatory stop sign.Thanks. I'm blind -.-
  19. I don't see anything on screamsscape about the new coaster. Was it removed?
  20. Beast is 4:10.What ever, you know what I mean
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