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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    But how would John Matarese know about this?
  2. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    hard to read, but looks legit.
  3. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Why? It's only dropping 301. Whats it matter if the height is 302?
  4. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Also, by your own rules, your post is useless.
  5. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Phew. Glad you cleared that up!
  6. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    You mean that someone else could have created a fake name and pretended to be a part of the story?
  7. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Reading the last few pages....
  8. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    No it can't be very different. It gives the path, heights, and the ride envelope. The version @DustinTheNow did in No limits is pretty close to, if not exactly, what it's going to be.
  9. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Well, we know the layout, so you can have half the excitement today!
  10. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Well...... It won't get announced today.
  11. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Gave a shoutout to google and nearmap too!
  12. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Thank god it was a QR. I thought it was going to be a Magic Eye puzzle.
  13. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The Notice of Commencement and plans are for physical construction. They would not include anything about videos or promotional materials on it. They would not use metal beams like that for the station. That is way too heavy of a material for the station. Anything that would have to support the coaster would come from CSF and would be painted already.
  14. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    I'll make sure I go tell those guys that actually know what they are doing that someone on the internet said they were wrong.
  15. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    tElL ThAt To AlL ThE PeOpLe WhO AcTuAlLy PouR CoNcReTe ThaT CalL TheM FoOtErS.
  16. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The sequence numbers could be red herrings. Hell the letters could be too. Also, I think multiple words is possible. And KI could be part of another word and were placed there to throw us off completely. I doubt we figure it out before the last poster if even then.
  17. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Thats not the sequence on the posters though.
  18. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The ride design has been nailed down for years probably. B&M, the City, and the contractors building the ride don't care a bit about teasers or fooling anyone and would not play games. They might change a lighting package or a sign at this point, but they are not changing the ride. This has all been said on here a dozen times.
  19. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Yeah the qualifiers kill the names as-is imo. Merch is part of these things, and there is nothing about those names in their base form that would make them need to use them.
  20. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    They probably are filing them under another name now. So if you go ask for KI prints, they have nothing under that name. But if you go in and ask for Cedar Fair, Kings Island incorporated, or Bill's concrete company, or whatever they are under they'd have to provide them. And no one go in there hassling them over prints trying to figure out why they aren't providing them. Those people are just doing their job and don't care the least bit about this stuff.
  21. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Just random musings. I think the hashtag theory is probably what we end up with. The sequence order could end up meaning they are rearranged. KI may be a red herring as there could be a 10th letter. #norwayKI fits but makes no sense.
  22. Well...... It is an Intamin.
  23. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Sorry, I didn't mean to invade your safe space.
  24. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    So you are saying Vortex actually is sinking.
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