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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. I can tell you have a personal connection to this issue, and that's fine. But the accused has rights too. "To be fair" you've already convicted the guy and his supervisor without ever getting their story to see if there's any truth to this. Maybe her story is 100% true. Maybe it's half true. Maybe it's a complete distortion of the truth. The problem with how she has gone about this, the people she's accusing have already been named in public and have been pretty much convicted by people like you, but will never get a chance to defend themselves in court. KI will settle this out of court to make it go away. It doesn't matter if it's completely made up. Paying her and her lawyers off will be cheaper than fighting it in court and the court of public opinion. That's my problem with this. If she's telling the truth, go file charges against the guy. Don't just go after the one with deep pockets. If someone did this to my wife or daughter, I'd want to see him in jail.
  2. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Honestly, for those who missed it, the drone footage didn't show anything that we haven't seen already. It's more of a philosophical discussion at this point. Can't wait for that new Alfredo loop.
  3. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Double. Minor correction as the on ride vids are actually illegal. Someone posted it a while back, but the actual code says you must follow posted park rules on rides or its a misdemeanor.
  4. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The park can ban people for any reason. They don't need to be violating rules. They can not press charges or take any legal action over them flying a drone over an uninhabited area though. The FAA regulations on this have been posted. I know the park is against drones and the mods are going to do what the park asks. Nothing in my posts suggested otherwise. As for being dense, I asked where the line between the park not allowing drones and the board deleting the vids and the park not wanting to talk about the new coaster but plans being posted here was, and you responded about a physical property line. Yeah, so what was the secret about the Firehawk plot they were wanting to protect after O'roukre had been posting vids all fall from there? The Nearmap pics of that site were deleted too. And we both know a fit was thrown about those pics. I've seen the screen caps...
  5. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The park also doesn't like aerial photos from planes or nearmap images if you believe what's been posted here before.
  6. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Not sure if you are oblivious to the point or are intentionally ignoring it, but as to your answer, the park has no legal standing for that rule.
  7. I think a lot can be said in that this is a lawsuit against a corporation seeking financial gain vs a criminal charge against the actual person. One requires you to go to court and takes proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The other requires only a preponderance of evidence and, more often than not, is just settled out of court by the corporation with a financial settlement. I'm not saying it didn't happen. But the accuser here said it went on for 9 months and didn't press charges and that's always a red flag to me.
  8. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The park isn't acknowledging the new coaster construction. Should we not talk about it either? Wheres the line?
  9. The amount of water needed to flood the parking lot to a level high enough to float a car would be pretty astronomical. I'd think the whole park would have been flooded and shut down.
  10. Well according to one of his many FB accounts he doesn't work there any more. lol
  11. fryoj

    No Trams

    I tried to add this to the other post, but it wouldn't let me move the quote, so double post. Yeah, the last time we went to Disney, the then 10 year old wanted me to carry her like I used to.... Not happening.
  12. fryoj

    No Trams

    Where we need trams is for when you park by Soak City in the morning then forget to go move your car before they close the water park for the day.
  13. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Trams... Park policy does not make it illegal. If they found out who it was they could ban them from the park, but they couldn't press charges. I don't see anything expressly illegal in the video as he never goes over people and is probably in view of the drone at all times. Mods haven't seen it yet.
  14. Personally I feel the whole "must give a source" thing is stupid. I get why they have it in place, but that doesn't change my opinion. That being said, he pretty much gave his source. He's a past haunt actor and they were being told what the new maze was.
  15. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    They mentioned the station once. The "what do you think we will do with the station" post.
  16. Pretty sure "theres going to be a new maze" is neither a TOS nor non-disclosure violation. If he'd have revealed what the new maze was going to be, sure, roast him. Otherwise, chill out.
  17. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Theres nothing in a compressor building that would need a pier drilling machine. They'd dig a footer with an excavator or mini ex and call it a day. They probably just have it parked there so it's out of the way.
  18. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Anyone going into a thread that is specifically designed to figure out what a new ride is absolutely cannot complain that they ... found out what the new ride is. Theres no real way to do a spoiler thread/non-spoiler thread. Even if you do one where you can only talk about what's been officially released or can be seen at the park, people are going to speculate in the non-spoiler thread and people will slip and correct people when they make incorrect speculation. Then you have the whole deal where the spoiler thread goes off the rails and new threads are created for "what's next" and all that. People will wander into those threads and be spoiled. I don't get the need to stretch it out all Summer for some people. Pretty much every coaster at every park gets spoiled at this point. If you want to be completely surprised when the park announces something, message boards aren't a good idea for you. That includes reddit and the park's social media. Even the comments there lay out what's coming. If you want to truly decode, you pretty much need to solo it.
  19. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    A mod will have to do it. Just go edit it and delete the pic.
  20. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Yeah, that doesn't matter in the real world. I know that, at your age, you think cops can stop anything, but the reality is that if someone wanted to do something bad, knowing a cop was there wouldn't stop them. They could wait till he was gone, or just follow you when you left. If you don't believe me, show the pic to your friend's dad and he will set you straight. Theres a lot of bad people in the world. It's not worth the risk.
  21. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Eh. I've had bolts for concrete pours come in anything from burlap sacks to cardboard barrels to crates. These are probably at least 1 1/2" diameter by 36" long bolts. It's not that easy to damage something like that. Looking at pics, I'd say that cardboard box on the skid at the bottom left is the bolt box. http://www.wildgravitytravels.com/kings-island-2020-update-10/?fbclid=IwAR3vG6L7h4r8ZsCAtbXu3Q6LX7VWm4EY6Mj7A6HK-NbYwpd2AkmVPyfYJe4
  22. Odds are that will be the winter storage for the floats. The show moved to another park for the rest of the Summer, but they will likely bring it back after the run ends there.
  23. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    I think it'll be similar to the first turns on all of the Gigas minus i305. They are all around 90 and I think this will be too.
  24. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The supports for the storage shed will be light gray, not blue.
  25. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Dragster is 2800 ft.
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