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Everything posted by fryoj

  1. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Maintaining line of sight with the drone from a parking lot you have permission to fly out of might be difficult.
  2. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Unless you are going to fly directly over the roads, you'll have to cross someone's property to get to CSF.
  3. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    If you can get pics of where the KI track was, that would be helpful, though I suspect its still sitting there.
  4. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Yeah, we'll get one in August or September. Unless they don't do one just to spite the people on here asking for one.
  5. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    I'm talking about the gray track against the building. That's the MCT track that is KI's. Your pic that you say is where the KI track was with the brown curved track is taken of that brighter blue section of the building off to the left of the Midway Mayhem pic. Here is another pic from them showing the area you are saying where the KI track was. The same curved pieces are sitting there. https://www.facebook.com/pg/MidwayMayhem/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2334996800079258&ref=page_internal
  6. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    How much flour do they use when baking a normal giga?
  7. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Thats not where the KI track was sitting. It was here:
  8. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    You can see the ST9 piece is still outside and is still gray. Shipping isn't exactly the biggest cost of a coaster. Yeah, and already they've had to stop testing Hagrid before it's even opened for an issue that no one seems to want to talk about. Rumors of it being too intense and prematurely wearing out wheels or axles are floating. This will be Universal's first dose of a true Intamin coaster. Hopefully they don't regret it. They already are being made. The MCT track that we've been talking about for weeks on here.
  9. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Might have had to do with as slow as it takes that last inversion.
  10. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The only trim is on the last hill before the helix.
  11. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Which confirmed that it wouldn't be splintercat. The painted supports for Banshee's storage shed started showing up in May at CSF. No track showed up at KI until after the announcement in August. It's almost June and we've not seen any painted track unless it's going to be gray. Don't expect the timeline for this coaster to be increased rapidly.
  12. The on ride video thing is about safety and has nothing to do with video rights. "For safety reasons, we cannot permit on-ride photography of any kind on any ride other than the Eiffel Tower and the Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad. Due to the potential for water damage, White Water Canyon, Congo Falls and Race for Your Life Charlie Brown riders should leave their cameras and other valuable items with a non-rider or in a locker. Use of camera phones or any type of photography or video recording devices is prohibited in any rest room or Soak City changing area. Guests taking pictures or video while riding may be asked to leave the park with no refund given and a misdemeanor under O.R.C. 1711.551."
  13. You can send them all the train ride videos they can handle.
  14. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Yeah, I've got blueprints and know how to read them. Still. Straight.
  15. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Looks pretty straight to me.
  16. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    Those would be the round cages going in the holes. According to the foundation plan, they are supposed to pour concrete when the drill, so most likely they have concrete in them already. They will let these cure for around 90 days. That's fairly standard with roller coasters. You can go back through the decoding 2014 thread to see when they poured footers versus when they erected steel. They were were pouring the station area in April/May and didn't start putting in supports till August. This isn't a floor where they leave the forms underneath the concrete while they keep moving up. This isn't about the weight the footer can support. These require anchor bolts that tie into the rebar cages. The supports that get attached to them are often angled and would cause vertical lift on the bolts. If you attached a support to those bolts in 7 days, it would pull the bolts. Maybe not completely out of the concrete, but any movement would likely result in tearing out the pier cap and starting over.
  17. Construction has already started.
  18. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    You are talking 2029 at the earliest for a third coaster to be built. There will be lots of changes to the park and ride technology before then.
  19. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    They are still trying to sell tickets and season passes for 2019. Announcing next year's attraction, at least one this big, would affect attendance this year. Also, people would show up this year wanting to ride Lil Giga
  20. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    That gets said every 20 or so pages in every decoding thread. This time people actually did it and got plans. You didn't cause anything.
  21. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    He couldn't provide a source.
  22. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The pad is actually SW of your square. Compare the curve in that road in the latest pic. But I have doubts about it being a maintenance building. They do a lot of that stuff offseason, and those tent type buildings aren't really that easy to heat. I'm leaning more towards storage or something to do with the carnivale.
  23. fryoj

    Decoding 2020

    The electric is odd. Theres 7 smaller conduits coming up, and no obvious spots that they come back up. If they were just supplying electric from somewhere else, there'd likely just be one conduit coming up. Regardless what the purpose of the building, it was going to have electric for lights. These multiple conduits are odd though, unless they are coming up elsewhere on the pad and they just can't be seen in the pic. Stranger is how they have indentations at the ends of the concrete pad. Looks like 4 on each end and they likely line up. That suggests the building has a specific purpose beyond just storage.
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