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KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. I'm a freshman now and last year I totally was. I think I annoyed my teacher who actually worked at Kings Island. Oops. If you enjoy rollercoasters and all the science with it, I would recommend going into an engineering class next year if your high school offers PLTW classes. This is what I'm doing this year and we will learn about the force and acceleration and deceleration of rollercoasters at the end of the year. Also, if you get a B average the whole year, you get a college credit to some colleges.
  2. Tennessee tornado at dollywood, I think that's what it's called.
  3. I'm going today too with my friend. He doesn't really go there and when he does we usually get fast passes but this time we aren't. I'm usually the type of person who avoids August at Kings Island AT ALL COSTS, but this is my last weekend before I have football games to go to every Friday night till November so I won't have much more time to go to one of Ohios "happiest places".
  4. I wouldn't want to see any of them gone in exception to face off. (Yes I still call them by their original names)
  5. The first coaster my cousin ever rode was Diamondback, I told him just hold on to the lap bar, enjoy the view, don't hold his breath, and have fun. He loved it but didn't want to ride it again that day.
  6. I think if its not super crowded they'll let you ride again and again if you're a single rider but if its crowded they won't. That's been my experience, in the summer I don't count on reriding with another single rider. In the fall on a Sunday though that's a different story.
  7. I used to be able to do the ladder game by not rushing but not going super slow. Plus you have to balance all your weight out and not slide around on the bars. Hard to explain.
  8. On the wheel spin I got a front of the line pass on my first spin. That one there's I think 1 where you don't win anything so for the what I think is 2 dollars you have a pretty good chance of winning something. I would like any of those prizes except for XFlyer or whatever it's called. That thing scares me so bad.
  9. I've done the all clear you're outta here thing before.... A few times.. Not for locking the car, but when I'm buckling in my seatbelt.
  10. You can call the workers by their nickname.
  11. I don't know if anyone else thinks so but I personally think slingshot only gets a lot of people to ride it when they drop the price down. I hope they tear it down. It's fun to walk by and watch the people but other times its hard to get past it because of people watching it. On another note, who else hopes that it has a "roar" like raptor on its first drop.
  12. Thanks it's kind of hard to find on the tapatalk app but I figured it out, thanks again.
  13. I don't know how to edit on my phone. I'm sorry.
  14. I heard about Banshee plonking there. Does anyone know how much it is?
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