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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. It's stuck? Where do I go to refund my season pass?
  2. I see it testing now, but don't see any legs. Could be an amputee test though.
  3. Not a huge fan of either, but there's been a steady decline in the quality of attractions in that building, so default goes to Phantom.
  4. I see they went all out on the lights for the marquee sign on Opening Day.
  5. My wife and I both experienced that rattling on Diamondback the last couple of years enough to comment about it being a bit "rough", which most B&M's are not. I also felt it on Gatekeeper last year, but those are the only 2 B&M's that I've felt it on. Not enough to make me not want to ride, of course, but enough to make me think, "What happened to the smoothness of the first year?" Hope Banshee avoids that.
  6. ^If the rendering is accurate, I'd say no. The Banshee sign has the ride just to the right of it. The circle is out by Delirium and the snack shop.
  7. I can't believe that the virtual ride ops didn't virtually kick you out of the park for taking virtual pics while on the rides. Seems like a virtual insane asylum!
  8. Yeah, the first few times I "snapped", I thought I was doing something wrong and breaking the ride. I saw people watching me, but the op wouldn't say anything. I would try to stop snapping and sometimes that seemed to just make it worse. Later I realized it was accepted by the park and was, really, the only way to ride.
  9. Not too ludicrous. I have a grocery list app that I use just about every time I go to the store to make sure that I've got everything. Not sure that I have my nose buried in it while I'm walking around though.
  10. I'm on board. I would give up the Backlot Coaster for the Eagles any day of the week.
  11. I didn't know that Station was working with them. This is going to be excellent!!! Station!!! Will not be surprised if nobody else gets this. Totally understand.
  12. ^Yeah, fountains like that tend to become play areas for kids. And when kids play in fountains like that, they're usually running back and forth at full speed which could, again, cause problems in a congested area. Especially in an area where people are going to be gazing up at a brand new Banshee while they walk.
  13. I feel like if they made that very large circle a place where you could not walk, it would cause an awful lot of congestion in that area.
  14. They look a little too spaced out to be grave stones to me.
  15. In the old days Gargamel wanted to murder the Smurfs and use them in potions to make gold, or to eat them. He was a monster.
  16. I paint the ground with the blood of my enemies no matter what the temperature is. But, that's just me.
  17. I'll be 100 along with The Beast. Hopefully I'll still have nuts and bolts holding me up too.
  18. Haha, your great grandchildren will be grumbling because they have to rent a locker to store you in while they ride.
  19. ^ Aw man, I just had my mouth open and everything.
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