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topthrilldrag123's Achievements

KIC Tourist

KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. One of my ride buddies swears up and down its the best coaster he's ever ridden, and he's been to lots of parks, yet he only rides once or twice a year due to its roughness. Don't even get him started on it at night, he will go on and on and on about how great it is.
  2. I know this is getting really close to preview night, but does anyone know where I can check to see my renewal date. Quite honestly, I have no idea when it was renewed but was looking into going to preview night? Thanks!
  3. ^^ I'm not seeing anything unusual right now around the site, don't know what it could be other than an evaluation^^
  4. I feel like I'm going to law school all over again... So many laws...
  5. I honestly can't see them putting something large and exciting there right in front of the entrance when there's obviously going to be a 4+ hour wait opening day. But that's just me...
  6. When you go a day without thinking about KI, wake up, realize what you've done, and start crying over it.
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