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Everything posted by Bengals890

  1. I have ridden 5 Mantis, Vortex(Carowinds), Georgia Scorcher, Skyrider and Shockwave. I loved the TOGO's I don't know why most people say they are death machines they are by far the best but Scorcher was good too. The thing about them is no one is willing to build them anymore. I believe if a stand-up was built now rather than the most recent being in 1999 they would be far better than the older designs. The reason they are dying is that no one is willing to bulid them anymore because of the unpopular designs of the 90's. Just my 2 cents.
  2. Have you guys checked out Canada's Wonderland's site. It says that if you renew your season pass you get a free Fast Lane Plus wristband to use at their park this season. (I contacted them and this promotion is only valid at Canada's Wonderland.) Do you think that Kings Island will offer something similar because that would be a great incentive for people who may not renew because it doesn't appear that anything big will be coming next year.
  3. I had a great time on opening day but the thing that bothered me was The Racer was not racing! Both sides were running but they would not release at the same time. We called it the big racing wooden coaster that doesn't race for the rest of the day.
  4. When I was there it broke twice while we were in line and we hadn't moved yet so we left and got FL+. The line took about ten minutes.
  5. I was wondering will the gold/platinum pass family meal deals be available this year? If so which ones?
  6. Did you get the pass at Kings Island because I was trying to renew my families platinum passes on visitkingsisland.com and it did not work. Then I remembered we originally bought them at Carowinds in 2012 and it worked flawlessly for Carowinds so maybe go to the website of the park you originally bought them at if it wasn't Kings Island.
  7. When I went to Canada's Wonderland in 2013 for 3 days most rides don't get to an hour but the ones that did were Thunder Run, Leviathan, Behemoth, and The Fly. I cannot help with Darien Lake though because I have not been there.
  8. I also saw the Canada's Wonderland show last year it was great!
  9. Hello I am new here to KIC and I am very excited for Banshee! By the way I have met Matt Ouimet as you can see in my profile picture. How I met him is on opening day for Gatekeeper I was exiting the ride while he was entering and realized it was him. I told my family who it was ... they thought I was crazy. We waited until he got off and then my dad went up to him and said my son thinks that you are the CEO of Cedar Fair. He replied, "Your son is a very smart man." I then talked to him for about ten minutes and he said maybe one day I will have is job.
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