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KIC Tourist (1/13)



  1. MBandjammin3


    I would recommend the Marriott Northeast, the Hampton Inn, the Hyatt Pleceor the Hilton Garden Inn which are all located within 10 minutes of the park and in Mason, OH. Don't stay at the KI Resort & Conference Center. They've been known to have problems and it IS NOT a resort. If you are looking for a little something extra, the Great Wolf Lodge is located directly next to the park and includes a water park. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
  2. I sent a design for a ride in one time. I sent it to Cedar Fair's HQ. They sent me back my design with a letter of why they couldn't use it or keep it.
  3. You won't believe the things I hear at work there on a daily basis. "Where is the Eiffel Tower?" -No explanation needed. "Can you see if the parking is on my Gold Pass?" *facepalm* "I'm not paying $15 for parking. I'm turning around." my response..."Uhh, no you're not.."
  4. When I was hired, I was hired on the spot immediately following my interview. It is already late in the season and I don't know if they even have any more HR training sessions. HR won't answer your questions if you call them. They never pick up the phone.
  5. I was working yesterday out at parking and we ran out of preferred parking. The security was way overwhelmed. Cars were pared illegally in the handicapped spots. People actually have to buy tickets for others. The associates and supervisors are always looking out on the pavilion for people who try to sell tickets. I have had to call security to have ticket scalpers removed from the park. I would NEVER go there on one of those days. The BAF days are usually Mother's and Father's Day.
  6. $29.99 for a military ticket, but you have to be active and shows a military id.
  7. It was open on employee day... I rode it.
  8. Hey. Just wanted to put out a quick reminder to all associates that we shouldn't be discussing park issues or complaining. HR is always on this site and they can easily track it. If anyone has any questions, just message me. Thanks!
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