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    Huntington WV

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  1. It is an event where you must purchase a ticket - your season pass does not work, as this is a fundraiser. Looks like a new group is hosting this year. Yes, Planet Snoopy is generally closed during the event. In the past, meal plans and drink plans have worked, not sure about this year. I will be there loud, proud, and most likely with some form of glitter on me somewhere. A meet up would be fun!
  2. I saw where info about this year's event is now online! https://www.cincinnatipride.org/pridenight.html One of my most fave nights of the year!!!
  3. Complete mayhem and bedlam...but would not have given up the experience for anything! I had a great time despite the lines, crowds, and everything else. Being among the first to experience Mystic Timbers is something I will cherish for a very long time.
  4. To me, the horrible state of the parking lot is a major detraction to the entire feel and vibe of Kings Island. Knowing I have risked my car's alignment is generally not a good way to start my #KIBestDay . I think if I could have one "wish list" item to push to the top of the list, it would be the parking lot at this wonderful park. I know other things need tended to as well, but the parking lot is really getting bad.
  5. I was more into enjoying the unique Beast ride experience to pause to look at the fence.
  6. Anyone going??? https://www.facebook.com/events/218841421961128/
  7. I would contact the park directly regarding your request: ATTN: Guest Services6300 Kings Island DriveKings Island, OH 450341-513-754-5700 https://www.visitkingsisland.com/help/contact-us
  8. Really, really, really hoping they do something special to overlay or something with the shed for Halloween!
  9. Anyone heard any announcement of the event for this year (2017) yet???
  10. When you have rheumatoid arthritis, 300 feet after a long day can mean the world.
  11. I asked the question on the contact form on visitkingsisland.com and received this response
  12. Super busy, but fantastic day overall. My only complaint was (again) food service was woefully slow...and Mystic Timbers is just wonderful all around.
  13. I feel horrible living about 20 minutes from Camden Park as well and not having been there in at least a decade or so. I cannot remember the headlights ever working either.
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