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Kings Island Trip - Help


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Hey All,

My wife and I are going to KI on friday. This will be the first time for me since 2001. Unfortunately we are going to keep the day short lived (approx. 6 hours at the park). What are the must do's and the rides to avoid. I want to make sure that I get alot of excitement and enjoyment, but I honestly don't no where to begin.....My wife isn't much of a thrill seeker, so some of the rides I will definitely be riding solo. Does KI have a "fast pass" program like Disney, etc. Or how bout single rider lines?

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Nope -- no Fastpass unfortunately.

However, if you do a 10-5pm then lines shouldn't be much of an issue. It's Friday evening where it typically picks up for the weekend unless of course something's going on that day.

Must do's:

Avatar (You guys can do that together)

Firehawk (that one's for you)

Flight of Fear (thrill ride)

Grand Carousel (even if you don't like the ride, respect its history)

Wild Thornberry's River Adventure (log flume - you both should be able to do that)

Beast (you)

Drop Zone (should be open, but it's all you)

I'd say see what catches your eye. I don't think you should have much trouble with rides if you're there for six hours. I'd try to catch a show while you're at it too.

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The new additions since 2001 are:

Tomb Raider (not worth riding anymore, has fallen into disrepair)

*Delerium (really fun big spinning ride, not too nauseous though)

*Scooby-Doo Dark Ride (indoor ride with gun zappers, might be fun, beware long lines)

Sponge-Bob 3-D Movie (moving chairs movie, so-so)

Boomerang Bay (new waterpark, probably don't have time)

*Italian Job (unique family coaster with some special effects, fun)

Nick Universe (big area for kids, N/A except for Avatar ride)

*Firehawk (flying coaster, somewhat intense)

No single rider lines unfortunately. However, some rides (especially Firehawk) do a good job of asking for single riders to fill in empty seats.

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Firehawk along with Delirium was doing a great job yesterday at pulling single riders outta of the que. I got to skip waiting an entire cycle for Delirium and got to go to seat #50 that was a first. I also got to skip 2 full Que Rails at Firehawk yesterday as well. So big pluses there. :)

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don't forget Vortex! almost always a short line and a great ride. Here's what I would do...

start back by The Beast because everyone goes to Action Zone first. Then go backward around the park, hitting Italian Job and Vortex. That should probably only take a little over 1 hour I think.

Then if you're wanting to hit Firehawk, do it, but be ready for at least an hour wait. Flight of Fear will also be kind of long. Then hit up Racer. That should be really short. Then you can make your way to Action Zone. You should be able to do pretty much everything you want. If you don't want to ride some of the rides in AZ, you can go to Nickelodeon Universe and ride Scooby Doo's Haunted Mansion. It's actually pretty pleasant. The Avatar coaster is surprisingly fun too.

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Must do's:

-Adventure Express - Mine ride Roller Coaster (A really good Night ride)

-Vortex - Mega Looper (ride last car)

-Beast - Longest Wooden Coaster (ride very front or a middle of any car) (good night ride)

-Son of Beast - New and Improved wooden coaster (Ride the front of the very last car)

-TOPGUN - Suspended Roller Coaster in the woods (Ride Near the Front)

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