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Local Union pickets outside indoor waterpark

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This has become a common sight in Sandusky, the unions seem to picket everything around here. They bring around that stupid blow up rat and stand around. They picketed the bookstore that was being built at the mall, and they were out in front of walmart once. But I don't understand it, when I shop at walmart I SEE UNION WORKERS SHOPPING there. What do you all think about Unions?

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That that gets way too close to political discussion, which is barred by the Terms of Service here?


See the sixth paragraph. . .

At least I put a comment with my post, YOU just post hundreds of links with NO comments about what your posting.

Interpreter is very much within his right to post links without comment, as far as I have interpreted the TOS. However as Interpreter was pointing out, there is a portion of the TOS barring political discussion on these forums. While I personally do not think this discussion is too completely political in nature, can we please not attack other users for offering warranted or constructive criticism? Especially when certain well-respected users who offer much to these forums, are completely within their right to post as they have done in the past without warning from the mods, and offer reasons for why they support what they do, not just blatant unsupported opinions!

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I think Lakes comment may be geared towards the fact at times the homepage of "Kings Island central" looks like cnn.com. It always seems that more than half of the most recently viewed posts are these news articles that really have no bearing on Kings Island. In my personal opinion the message board seems to be inundated with news stories about things other than what this site is for.

just a thought...

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I think Lakes comment may be geared towards the fact at times the homepage of "Kings Island central" looks like cnn.com. It always seems that more than half of the most recently viewed posts are these news articles that really have no bearing on Kings Island. In my personal opinion the message board seems to be inundated with news stories about things other than what this site is for.

just a thought...

And an invalid one at that.

If it is an off topic discussion it is posted under other categories on forum.

Interp (as well as others) impart and share knowledge about a variety of other topics.

There is much to learn from many on here.

Read the posts and learn.

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I think Lakes comment may be geared towards the fact at times the homepage of "Kings Island central" looks like cnn.com. It always seems that more than half of the most recently viewed posts are these news articles that really have no bearing on Kings Island. In my personal opinion the message board seems to be inundated with news stories about things other than what this site is for.

just a thought...

You'll have that this time of year. I think it's a good thing that people can come here for news and info beyond Kings Island, personally....

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I also believe the Unions were a LARGE reason for Geauga Lake's closing. When they were building the new water park Cedar Fair hired NON Union construction workers, and the Unions Picketed GL & Cedar Fair. That summer a LARGE AMOUNT of group outings were canceled at GL & CP because of the local Unions protesting. GL proabably would have been shut down eventualy, but I believe this pushed it a little faster.

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I also believe the Unions were a LARGE reason for Geauga Lake's closing. When they were building the new water park Cedar Fair hired NON Union construction workers, and the Unions Picketed GL & Cedar Fair. That summer a LARGE AMOUNT of group outings were canceled at GL & CP because of the local Unions protesting. GL proabably would have been shut down eventualy, but I believe this pushed it a little faster.

I agree. And Cedar Fair at first threatened to sue the unions for illegal secondary boycott, which only made the situation even worse! By the time the thought of such potential litigation was dropped, even more damage to the company's local reputation had been done.

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I think labor unions in general have ran their course.

I believe at one time they were a very important part of blue collar labor.

The rules they fought for are now mostly covered by state and federal laws.

Now they are more of a political group, caring little about the common worker they once fought for.

Other union members used to honor picket lines by not crossing, or not using products being picketed.

Now it's more like, "Well, they're not in my local, so who cares"

They operate like personal private clubs, if you aren't in it, they don't care about you.

And I think, in general, If you aren't in their club, you don't care about them either.

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