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Help for The Beast

The Beast Rider

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Okay I don't know alot The Beast with trim brakes, but back in the old days if the skid breaks got wet from rain you got a very fast and wild ride. One thing that bugs me is you used to be able to see the other train on the other lift from the first one now days that does not happen. Anyone know why?

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Also from personal experience working The Beast, the operator has the ability to check the speed of the train in several locations throughout the track, and throughout the year, I have seen speeds above 70mph.

Sorry Nick but The Beast hasn't hit 70 MPH in years, if at all. The computer is, dare I say it, WRONG.

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I dont see why all of a sudden the accuracy of The Beast's computer has come into question. So far nobody has any evidence of it being wrong other than that the park has never actually said that it has exceeded 70 (as well it shouldnt because of the rarity). Who here has taken a calibrated radar gun to the park every day checking the speed of every train. Just because it doesn't "feel" like it's going 70 doesn't mean you're not going 70. I tried telling that to a police officer once and it didnt go over very well.

Just because nobody "thinks" the ride breaks 70 doesn't mean it's true. In line with the new TOS, we have to cite our sources. Mine is The Beast computer. Where is everyone elses proof that it hasn't reached 70.

I'm definitely not saying that the ride always caps 70. I'm not even saying that the ride always caps 60. But it DOES happen. Yea it's rare, but it happens. If on a day when the computer reads 70 consistantly (13 miles an hour off according to todd), are we saying that the ride is really only going 44mph when it reads a typical 57mph? Seriously, a system like The Beast's computer is not just going to go in and out of calibration like that, if it did, it would be fixed. I've seen first trains of the day finnish the brake shed at 7 miles an hour in the morning. Was the train really stopped? Obviously not since it came back (though there was much concern about having to go push). The speeds on The Beast DO fluctuate a lot.

Like I said, its not often, and many people here probably haven't been on it when it's reading 70, but I have and it definitely makes a noticable difference. It is once in a while when the train has x amount of people and the temperature is x and the humidity is x and the wind speed is x and the moon is blue and there are x trim brakes and there were slight showers earlier etc. etc. etc. but it still happens. Not once a day, probably not once a week, but it does happen.

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