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KI Central Member of the Month?

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Looks like someone went to the local supermarket and bought "Answer in a Can!" LOL

Disclaimer:Not all answers will be liked by everyone at the same time. Some will get used to the answer, while others show their disgust. Use Canned Answer sparingly. Some will mistake canned answer for being politically correct. In some instances Canned answer has caused road rage, Red Face, Drymouth, outrage, baldness and in some severe cases jail time. If you experience any of these symptoms contact someone who cares!

Let me just state that I am completely kidding! I just liked Chef's idea! Nemo, that really is a great sentiment, I for one am glad that KIC feels that way, although a member of the month would be kind of cool!

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My humble opinion is that if KIC gives a spotlight to some of the people who don't post as often, those people might feel more comfortable participating on KIC. There are a lot of potential hams out there who would love to have their picture on this site and give an interview. I see it all the time as a staff writer (my temp gig) and as a freelance writer.

Also, I think by having a monthly spotlight on a certain member, it would enhance the sense of community and give some people a sense of excitement. Some folks may even view it as a potential networking tool.

But hey, I'm just an average Chef on this site. It is up to the administrators to do what they feel is best.

Have a great weekend!

Italian Chef

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My personal opinion is to not have this kind of 'competition'. I like to think that everyone who posts on the forums is a valued member and should be treated as such.

I agree. Never been into popularity type contests.

Everyone has some type of value.

You can count me out on this one.

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