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Nature Trail


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Does anyone remeber the old Nature Trail that you entered near The Beast? Does anyone have any stories they can share...lol

I remember we used to partake in some naughty activities ;);) back in those woods...some possibly illegal. :wacko::blink: ..lol

And that was primarily the reason that the trail was closed. Too difficult to patrol for the people doing less than legal activities in a public place.

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Sheesh. Were you also one of the people who made grad nights a thing of the past?

I never went to grad night....but I did do a lot of making out in the woods....how is that a big deal? Yes..we smoked the weed back there..but we were way back outta sight...not like we were flaunting it.

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Sheesh. Were you also one of the people who made grad nights a thing of the past?

Now you are bringing back memories! I did not do anything like that but when working, I saw some people doing some of those kind of stuff! When I worked at the Holiday Inn, they would be 10 or so in each room drinking. The fun was having the cops going room to room and making them pour all the beer down the drain! It was their version of spring break!!


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Wow, I did not know that. I graduated in '91. I wasn't part of the drinking crowd. When I found out thats about all they did, I passed on it. Ironically, 5 years later, I was a substitute at my old high school. The girl that was student council president asked me to chaperone. Being the naive 22 year old I was, I said yes. What a joke. They must have just needed a chaperone down on paper, but not really one in reality. Every kid in the park was high or drunk. If I owned an amusement park, I wouldn't want any part of that.

Tragically, a high school senior from here in town died driving home from grad night in 1992.

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When I was supervisor at International Street Funnel Cakes, I remember coming in on Saturday morning (after grad night) and they had bent a wrought iron table in half. Now mind you, you could stand on these tables and not put a dent in them. Absolute destruction.

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Wow, I did not know that. I graduated in '91. I wasn't part of the drinking crowd. When I found out thats about all they did, I passed on it. Ironically, 5 years later, I was a substitute at my old high school. The girl that was student council president asked me to chaperone. Being the naive 22 year old I was, I said yes. What a joke. They must have just needed a chaperone down on paper, but not really one in reality. Every kid in the park was high or drunk. If I owned an amusement park, I wouldn't want any part of that.

Tragically, a high school senior from here in town died driving home from grad night in 1992.

I believe it was on grad night that the boy was killed on the Eiffel Tower. You say grad night is a thing of the past...but whats to stop a large group of kids organizing an event on their own and going. I did notice last Sunday kids in yellow shirts proclaiming it was thier "prom after party".

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Boy, I don't know what kind of an example we are setting for the younger members of this board.....But, back in the old days, it seemed enforcement was a lot less strict. For example, when we were caught by security drinking beer in the parking lot when we were about 17, the security told us they would have to confiscate the open beers but "I didn't see those three 12 packs in your cooler." They even told us to buy souvenier cups and drink the beer out of those and they wouldn't bother us as long as we kept it in the parking lot and didn't bring it into the park. Imagine that situation today.... Those kids would probably get arrested.

But, for the record, two members of our "group" had girlfriends who didn't drink, so we always had a designated driver at the end of the day.....

And we never destroyed or damaged any park property or anything like that.

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One of the places employees would go after close was the Gold Star up towards Mason. (Was one of the few places in the area that served beer in them days.) There were many that were under age and we went in large groups. When they would card everyone, we'd pass all the id's to the end of the table. We'd confuse the server so much (almost every night) that everyone would get served. <G>

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Ha. Wine coolers...a trend that lasted about 10 minutes, and one I had almost completely forgotten about. About like that hard lemonade thing about seven years ago! :)

I'm of a certain age. The trendy thing in my youth was something called Hereford's Cows. Truly nasty stuff...think alchoholic milkshake in trendy flavors....

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Ha. Wine coolers...a trend that lasted about 10 minutes, and one I had almost completely forgotten about. About like that hard lemonade thing about seven years ago! :)

I'm of a certain age. The trendy thing in my youth was something called Hereford's Cows. Truly nasty stuff...think alchoholic milkshake in trendy flavors....

Hard Lemonade is still around. I actually have some in the fridge. I know that they serve it in some restaurants and bars here in ATL.

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Not to mention the then legal drinking age was 18, no?

At that time it was 19 for beer.... I believe that it changed on September 30 the year I turned 19 and my birthday is October 3, so I missed by two days and change...... Fortunately, in college one of the local bar owners thought that was "close enough" :)

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Guest kwindshawne

It's funny, I never could drink underage-I got carded for cigarettes at 35. But a lot of things went on back then that would never fly today. I don't agree with smoking weed and taking advantage of the female patrons in the woods, and I wouldn't brag about it either.

On a side note, my last ride on KCKC an approximately 12 year old kid decided to stand up and take a leak at the top of the hill.

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It's funny, I never could drink underage-I got carded for cigarettes at 35. But a lot of things went on back then that would never fly today. I don't agree with smoking weed and taking advantage of the female patrons in the woods, and I wouldn't brag about it either.

On a side note, my last ride on KCKC an approximately 12 year old kid decided to stand up and take a leak at the top of the hill.

You'd probably be amazed at how much sex has always gone on in the park.

Employees, guests and any combination of the two.......

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Guest kwindshawne
It's funny, I never could drink underage-I got carded for cigarettes at 35. But a lot of things went on back then that would never fly today. I don't agree with smoking weed and taking advantage of the female patrons in the woods, and I wouldn't brag about it either.

On a side note, my last ride on KCKC an approximately 12 year old kid decided to stand up and take a leak at the top of the hill.

You'd probably be amazed at how much sex has always gone on in the park.

Employees, guests and any combination of the two.......

I know..I'd like to believe it doesn't happen...I remember that kid every time I do a water ride and think...yuk.

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It's funny, I never could drink underage-I got carded for cigarettes at 35. But a lot of things went on back then that would never fly today. I don't agree with smoking weed and taking advantage of the female patrons in the woods, and I wouldn't brag about it either.

On a side note, my last ride on KCKC an approximately 12 year old kid decided to stand up and take a leak at the top of the hill.

You'd probably be amazed at how much sex has always gone on in the park.

Employees, guests and any combination of the two.......

I refuse to respond to this post on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me........ LOL!!!!

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It's funny, I never could drink underage-I got carded for cigarettes at 35. But a lot of things went on back then that would never fly today. I don't agree with smoking weed and taking advantage of the female patrons in the woods, and I wouldn't brag about it either.

On a side note, my last ride on KCKC an approximately 12 year old kid decided to stand up and take a leak at the top of the hill.

You'd probably be amazed at how much sex has always gone on in the park.

Employees, guests and any combination of the two.......

I refuse to respond to this post on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me........ LOL!!!!


We could start a thread about the places everyone has fooled around.

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Drinking age for me was 18..when it was raised to 19..I was already 20...and when it was raised to 21...I was 22. Drinking and partying in the pre-Just Say No era was so much different than it is now days. We didn't have the problems then that we have now. We were more mature and were not so wrapped up in violence. Everyone here over the age of 40 can probably remember the late 70's til the mid 80's...there was always one kid in the neighborhood who would have partys when his folks were gone for the weekend..and the parents would buy the kegs. But it was so innocent then...when I was 16-17..I was going to bars..nobody ever i.ded for beer or cigarettes....but we all seemed to grow up okay...and we weren't shooting each other. Partying..especially smoking marijuana has become such a dirty thing in the minds of society...but you know...when those parents bought kegs..and we partied at their houses...they knew where we were..and that we weren't out getting in trouble. Now days..they sneak around..and thats a bad thing. If your a young person..go rent the movie Dazed & Confused...and look at how things were when I was growing up...and try not to be jealous :lol:

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