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How many pets do you have?


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I have one dog, his name is Kody, he is a Pomeranian. I have two cats, Stewart who is white and has short fur and is the oldest animal of the house, and Zany; we just got her yesterday, she is 7 weeks old, has long fluffy black fur and is very adventurous!





^Zany and Kody (he just got a hair cut)





^Stewart and Zany

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Very cute! Love the pic of the kitten looking at the dog :)

I have two pets...a four year-old cat (a black long hair, that the vet yells at me for feeding too much); and a two year-old black dog that the Franklin County Humane Society said was a Chow/Lab mix (we adopted her when she was six weeks old), although I think she looks like a lot like a Flat Coated Retriever:


All of my pets for the last 15 years or so have been adopted from rescue agencies. I highly recommend it--you not only end up with a great pet, but you're helping an animal that really needs it!

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Guest kwindshawne
Two cats-a tiger and a cow kitty. I miss my siamese.......

like a grr tiger or a meow cat that isn't really a tiger but looks like one.

Looks like one...she is a tad spoiled!! The other one is brain damaged...he just does a lot of weird things, and even though he is 7 years old, he still looks like a kitten in the face. I figure the fevers he had as a kitten damaged him in some way.

At one time I had a wolf dog, a shepherd and several cats. Most of them died off, one went with the house I sold, and these two guys are what's left.

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I have a 5 year old Calico named Corn Flake (I call her Flakey} that I adopted from a no kill shelter after my cat Frisky died after 22 years. She is always close to me and lays in front of my monitor all the time. That is why I keep my can of air handy to blow all the hair off.


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