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Fewer Flights to America’s Playgrounds

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Yeah, heard about this on Friday.

The flights are being canceled due to it being difficult for airlines to make money on leisure travelers, with gas prices so high. The bright point of this is that it's expected to severely drive down the prices at most resort locations. The only problem is in getting to the spots.

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Guest kwindshawne

I don't know-my flight to Alaska was booked solid-no empty seats at all. I guess not too many go up there and they can pack them full.

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Guest kwindshawne
^ Alaska huh?

That could not have been cheap.

Are you leaving from Cincy?

No, Dayton-returned last night in the midst of the micro burst. We were diverted to Detroit, so a 45 minute flight from O'hare turned into a 4 hour ordeal. I didn't think we would make it-lightning was striking all around, the plane bounced everywhere, and my niece told me today that when she was there the airport was leaking. When I returned, the computers at rent a car were still out-at 1:15 am. But yeah, I booked back in March I think, and it was approx. $880 bucks-which was before the gas hit $4.

That was my final flight. I told my sister next time I come up, I will be driving through Canada one way-that is, if I can ever find my passport....

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I went on Priceline and got a round trip flight from Dayton to Newark, NJ during the July 4th week for only $200 with United.

I love New Jersey, so don't take this the wrong way...but....

Who on earth would think Newark, New Jersey is a Playground of America?

Tee Hee.

From Newark you can go down to Atlantic City and my favoritie, Wild Wood! Cape May is a very nice spot to vacation at and the ocean is very calm.

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