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What do you think of the name "Diamondback"?


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I think the name is to... IDK, "overdoing it". Needs theming if going to be placed in a Amusment park were almost every ride has some sort of themeing. Like have abanded old houses placed around the ride to make it blend in with Rivertown... Red, Mustard yellow, And white doesnt blind in with the whole rivertown thing, but nethier does TombRaider I mean The Crypt. I think it should be placed somewere in X-Base if there is room get the rights for the song 30 seconds to mars, name it that, die the water in splash down thing red so it looks like lava and have various other things like that. IDK im just 13 what do i know? :lol: BTW people who want to correct me for grammer/spelling sorry, i'm not downloading the spell check thing so hardy har har lol, j/k...

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I think the name is to... IDK, "overdoing it". Needs theming if going to be placed in a Amusment park were almost every ride has some sort of themeing. Like have abanded old houses placed around the ride to make it blend in with Rivertown... Red, Mustard yellow, And white doesnt blind in with the whole rivertown thing, but nethier does TombRaider I mean The Crypt. I think it should be placed somewere in X-Base if there is room get the rights for the song 30 seconds to mars, name it that, die the water in splash down thing red so it looks like lava and have various other things like that. IDK im just 13 what do i know? :lol: BTW people who want to correct me for grammer/spelling sorry, i'm not downloading the spell check thing so hardy har har lol, j/k...

I never have understood why some people are so proud of being illiterate. Or maybe it's just laziness. :blink:

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I think the name is to... IDK, "overdoing it". Needs theming if going to be placed in a Amusment park were almost every ride has some sort of themeing. Like have abanded old houses placed around the ride to make it blend in with Rivertown... Red, Mustard yellow, And white doesnt blind in with the whole rivertown thing, but nethier does TombRaider I mean The Crypt. I think it should be placed somewere in X-Base if there is room get the rights for the song 30 seconds to mars, name it that, die the water in splash down thing red so it looks like lava and have various other things like that. IDK im just 13 what do i know? :lol: BTW people who want to correct me for grammer/spelling sorry, i'm not downloading the spell check thing so hardy har har lol, j/k...

I never have understood why some people are so proud of being illiterate. Or maybe it's just laziness. :blink:

I'm not "proud" of it im just get mad when someone tells me to fix my spelling or grammer. Its my weekend and i want to do what i want and how i want to. Im not that good at gramer and im not proud of it ok. Also im good at it when i want to be, i have plaques in my room that read: 2003 - 2004 Proficient porfolio, 2007 - 2008 proficient portfolio and i plan on getting my 2012- 2013 proficient portfolio and are award for getting it is going to KI BTW.

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I think the name is to... IDK, "overdoing it". Needs theming if going to be placed in a Amusment park were almost every ride has some sort of themeing. Like have abanded old houses placed around the ride to make it blend in with Rivertown... Red, Mustard yellow, And white doesnt blind in with the whole rivertown thing, but nethier does TombRaider I mean The Crypt. I think it should be placed somewere in X-Base if there is room get the rights for the song 30 seconds to mars, name it that, die the water in splash down thing red so it looks like lava and have various other things like that. IDK im just 13 what do i know? :lol: BTW people who want to correct me for grammer/spelling sorry, i'm not downloading the spell check thing so hardy har har lol, j/k...

I never have understood why some people are so proud of being illiterate. Or maybe it's just laziness. :blink:

Im not lazy i love to learn English and wright stories.

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I think the name is to... IDK, "overdoing it". Needs theming if going to be placed in a Amusment park were almost every ride has some sort of themeing. Like have abanded old houses placed around the ride to make it blend in with Rivertown... Red, Mustard yellow, And white doesnt blind in with the whole rivertown thing, but nethier does TombRaider I mean The Crypt. I think it should be placed somewere in X-Base if there is room get the rights for the song 30 seconds to mars, name it that, die the water in splash down thing red so it looks like lava and have various other things like that. IDK im just 13 what do i know? :lol: BTW people who want to correct me for grammer/spelling sorry, i'm not downloading the spell check thing so hardy har har lol, j/k...

I never have understood why some people are so proud of being illiterate. Or maybe it's just laziness. :blink:

I'm not "proud" of it im just get mad when someone tells me to fix my spelling or grammer. Its my weekend and i want to do what i want and how i want to. Im not that good at gramer and im not proud of it ok. Also im good at it when i want to be, i have plaques in my room that read: 2003 - 2004 Proficient porfolio, 2007 - 2008 proficient portfolio and i plan on getting my 2012- 2013 proficient portfolio and are award for getting it is going to KI BTW.

Sorry. It was just that saying "i'm not downloading the spell check thing so hardy har har" makes it sound like you could NOT care less about the rules of this forum and are rubbing our noses in it. Spelling isn't everyone's strong suit. All we ask is that an effort is made. It is harder to read a post with no punctuation or proper spelling and people will tend to ignore you especially if they think that you are doing it on purpose. If you don't feel like making the effort, I would suggest that you find a forum that doesn't have the same TOS as ours if you want to be taken seriously.

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  • 7 months later...

O i have respect, its just that i don't understand my mistakes, im not that smart lolz.

I'm sorry. And the only reason i said that about writting storys was to say that i enjoy writting and put my effort in it but like i said befor i don't understand my mistakes or can't find them... Which im sure i already made gramer and spelling mistakes in here, the only thing i ask of is that everyone to stop being my english teacher, now i do understand if i post something like this: "Last night i went 2 KI" that people WILL stand in line and critize me... The only reason i said that about downloading the spell check is because im not aloud to download stuff on my moms PC... So guys im sorry.

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I really like the name. "Diamondback" it just fits in so well with Rivertown, especially with the landscaping, waterfall, and rocks around the splashdown. I also like how the park has installed those new wooden fences and restored the old rivertown buildings that were falling apart last year. This just goes to show that our assumptions may be wrong and that Cedar Fair might actually care about AERIAL THEMING. Rivertown just looks great in general, and it now finally actually looks like an area themed to a western mining town. It makes me wonder if CF is going to do some more overhauls in other sections of the park for future rides. :)

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