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fan of beast

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we left slovakia saturday morning for the 3 hr drive to budapest. hungary has some of the smoothest highways you will ever see.

no border patrol. just like driving from state to state in america.

we arrived at the park at 11:00. it was a 45 min. wait for the ticket booth.


here is the line. they only have 6 windows.




this is the "looping star". it was very smooth. it is the premier coaster here.

it was a walkon when we arrived. later in the day it had a very

long line.


next was "kanyargo". swipers sweepers for big kids.



this is "t rex". this thing doesn't look big, but it packs a powerful punch.

this was an intense ride. once it starts throwing and spinning you around, it feels

like your brain is going to explode. the ride time was almost too long.

don't do this one after lunch.


next up was szellemvasut. typical haunted dark ride.



this is "familia express". it is a self powered family coaster. they give you 6 laps.

it was fun despite its lack of size.



now on to "titanic". you can see me peeking thru the bars on the 1st pic.

the europeans in our group sat this one out as they did on t rex.

this was the first time in an amusement park for one. she did do looping star.

what a trooper. the other euro has been to kennywood where he rode phantom with

his wife. she's from pittsburgh. she rode everything with me.





this was hullamvasut. it has quite an imposing track. it is a very old coaster.

the brakeman rides on the train. you get in and out without it coming to a complete stop.

after a cable pulls it up the lift, it descends slowly. it will do a 20 to 30 ft drop. then back up some.

it comes down like this all the way in baby steps. it runs on what looks like small railroad track. there are no anti-lift wheels.

restraints are non-existent.


this is ikarusz. kind of looks like shake,rattle,and roll.............


....... on steroids!!!!!!!!! this was a lot of fun.

now on to some of the things we didn't ride.












vadvizi utazas (stream ride)


break dance


they have no formal parking lot. just squeeze in where you can.

they use so much public transportation in europe that parking a car can be a nightmare

anywhere you go.

we stayed at the park for 5 hrs. you can see the whole place in an hour.

i really enjoyed this trip. settle my roller coaster withdrawals until i get back to KI next weekend.

hope you enjoy the pics.

fan of beast

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Thanks for taking the time to do the trip report...it was very interesting. It's nice seeing how things are in other places...places where they obviously do not sue as much!

I was wondering, in your photo, is that the peak position that the "boat" swings to?

titanic goes completely over. you only have a lap bar. i felt that if i straightened my legs, i could slide out.

it was freaky.

you're right about the not suing part. people here still take responsibility for their own actions.

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I'd have to agree.

Very nice trip report and photos.

So, anything interesting in the food offerings?

i had langos for lunch. it's like a fried pizza dough with sour cream and mozzarella cheese.

very greasy but, delicious.

admission was 3900 hungarian forints, 16 euros, or $24 usd.

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Fan of Beast, great to hear from you and great to see a report! Last time you were in the states and we crossed paths you had mentioned going here, glad to see you did and glad to see you took some photos! Were you able to wrestle your D50 away from the daughter? Great report, glad to see you had a good time, I would love to try that wooden roller coaster where the operator rides with you.

Please keep sharing your experiences from Slovakia and elsewhere, this is something we rarely get to see and something I for one, thoroughly enjoy.

Take Care and hope all is well,


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