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Haunt Trip Report


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I got to the park around 7ish or a bit after to find a near-dead parking lot. We got our passes scanned and went for Son of Beast- walk on. We rode that while the guys with knee pads slid in front of us as we got off the ride. We went to get on Firehawk to get that over with assuming it had a long wait- 20 minutes. After getting off that we skipped out on FOF's 30 minute wait and decided to come back around at 11 to ride that and go through Death Row and TOT. Went to The Racers- walk on and rode it twice. We got hungry and went to the Larosa's in front of the Diamondback construction and got a pizza- we dropped 30 bucks. We went to get on Vortex- I never knew how fun it is to ride at night, and not nearly as rough. My girlfriend and her friend wanted to ride The Beast at night- absolutely incredible. We took a break of rides and went to get on urgent scare. I loved it- I love how they got you going before you went through. After that we went and rode Flight of Fear- walk on and I was surprised. We went and walked through Death Row- meh, nothing but people in jumpsuits jumping at you, mediocre. Then we went through TOT. I loved it, but a man that didn't like it pushed us the whole way through so it sorta threw off the experience. To finish the night around 12:15 we hit Crypt and Invertigo and then took the 2 hour expedition home.

Overall I had a good trip. The park wasn't packed and I thought that was good for a Friday night.

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Sounds like you guys got a good amount of things done in such a short amount of time! Sounds like you had a great time! I can't believe The Crypt was open! Did it have any of it's props taken out to use for HH? Since many members thought that those skeletons and spiders in rivertown could have been the exact ones from the crypt.

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