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SIX Conference Call

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Announced buried in this press release:


"...The Company will host a teleconference for analysts at 9:00 EST on November 10, 2008 to announce the Company's third quarter results and performance through October 2008. Participants in the call will include President and Chief Executive Officer, Mark Shapiro, and Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jeffrey R. Speed.The teleconference will be broadcast live to all interested persons as a listen-only Web cast on http://investors.sixflags.com/. The Web cast will be archived for one year."

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The dollar is cheap if you are an overseas investor. The list of possible acquirers for Six Flags is not endless, but it also not short. Given that I, among many others, believe that Mark Shapiro is on the right track for a future strategy, I see no reason to start listing potential suitors here. Besides, those suitors may have other gems to tantalize soon...as in the Busch parks.

Also, Six Flags is no longer a worldwide company, but more a North American one, and that with only one park each in Canada and Mexico....

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"When I get to the bottom

I go back to the top of the slide

Where I stop and turn

and I go for a ride

Till I get to the bottom and I see you again"

Sorry Beast1979, your post just put that song in my head for some reason (that would be "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles for all you young'uns out there who might not know)!

Music is a great thing. I'm glad I put that in your head. ;)

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