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Disney to CA Gov: We Don't Like Your Stinkin' Tax!

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Yeah and that is after you paid income tax and were given what was left then you would get taxed 9.25% of that. How and why people go along with this I’ll never understand.

Well, the Indiana state-wide sales tax increase from 6% to 7% has done wonders to help Indiana's budget!! As an Indiana resident, I can't say it's really been that big a deal, and while no matter what side you lean to, Mitch Daniels has done pretty well in most areas.

As for California...are they still "giving away" free health care to all "citizens"?? Yeah, that's really cost effective!!

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The increase of Indiana’s sales tax had nothing to due with Indiana’s budget other than shifting the home owner’s exceptionally high property tax, (which was delayed for over a decade) to be spread out and into an increase in the states sales tax. If you remember right since you live here in Indiana, many many politicians where tossed out of office even though they had nothing to do with the property tax fiasco. This was not a one side or the other issue; citizens all over the state on both sides rallied in the streets in protest and spoke out at the ballot box. The only solutions the politicians on both sides could do to give the home owners some relief was to increase the states sales tax which was not going to cover the whole amount so part of the states budget reserve was going to be needed to cover the shortfall in edition passing a increase to the business property tax through reassessments. The governor even seeing the anger of the citizens of the state has been working on putting caps on tax increases, so much so that he is trying to make it a state constitution amendment, so that the citizen can be reassured that the taxes will not be increased over a certain amount. I am very proud of Indiana citizens standing up and speaking out against tax increases, I hope they continue doing so in the future.

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Yeah and that is after you paid income tax and were given what was left then you would get taxed 9.25% of that. How and why people go along with this I’ll never understand.

Well, the Indiana state-wide sales tax increase from 6% to 7% has done wonders to help Indiana's budget!! As an Indiana resident, I can't say it's really been that big a deal, and while no matter what side you lean to, Mitch Daniels has done pretty well in most areas.

As for California...are they still "giving away" free health care to all "citizens"?? Yeah, that's really cost effective!!

*sigh* yet they still can't fix the roads :P lol

StalkerChick, a proud resident of Ohio, only 3 minutes from the Indiana border :P lol

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^^Back when I was in high school (in Indiana) someone who moved from Ohio was telling me in Ohio road construction is all one big scam in the sense the roads are never built to last in order to continually provide future improvement jobs!...and living in Ohio for 2 years, I firmly believe it!!

Thankfully Indiana doesn't mess around with such garbage and games. I suffered while the East/NE side of 465 got re-done while in college, and as a former INDOT employee, I can tell you that part of 465 won't touched for a long while again!! There's too much serious road work in Indiana to be done to not do it right the first time!!

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tigellinus – thanks for your INDOT insight, living here in Indianapolis the construction around 465 is never ending. It was in bad need of improvements and not just repairs but also in widening and better on/offs ramps. The thing is it seems as if they are on the slow speed at times but from your explanation, it looks as if they are taking there time and doing it right the first time. This is reassuring, thanks.

It will be interesting to see what Californians end up doing. Speaking of ticket Tax isn’t time for Mason Ohio to bring up their Ticket Tax proposal again? I can hardly wait to see the reason they need it this time.

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Depending on which Disney resort you stay at the tax rate is 12.5% to 13%, Ouch. Some of the resorts run $400.00 a night that would be an extra $50.00 a night just in taxes.

As far as not paying income tax, that is true they don’t but the employer usually justifies the lower Florida wages by pointing out they make more than others because of the no income tax.

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Still it is all relative to the taxes charged in Niagara Falls. Our hotel room was less than some Disney Deluxe resorts for the night, but after taxes we had paid almost an additional $100. They hit you with crazy taxes on every purchase, food retail, even attraction tickets. Still we will go back.
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