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PT Animatronics


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Hey i did a search and couldnt find a Phantom Theater topic so i had a question. Can someone post pictures of all the characters and tell me where they appeared in the ride. I have been watching many videos on Youtube but i cannot find one that has the characters in it.


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  • 3 months later...
I love your choice of song in that video. I miss PT so much. But no use crying over it because it is never coming back.

People also thought that man would never walk on the moon.

I know he said it in January, but does anyone think Boddah was trying to tell us something? This coupled with the thread about something else old becoming something new for 2009 has kind of got my wheels turning. I mean, I'm not one much for conspiracy theories, but I have my own conspiracy theories against SDatHC. I mean, the licensing will run out on Scooby and his pals eventually, maybe even this year. (Nobody knows for sure and I wouldn't trust anyone who said they "knew" when this was going to happen for sure.) So, PT's old building is still there, they still have all the characters, we learned last year at HH that they still have the soundtrack, not to mention the fact that the biggest display yet of characters was at last year's HH. And they still have the old cars and the exact same track. I'm sure the old sign is somewhere too. So I'm really thinking there's a reason that they're holding on to all of that stuff...perhaps it's just wishful thinking and perhaps it's nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theory from a crazy mind.

By the way, there's an amazing video here of a girl playing PT's music on the piano.

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I love your choice of song in that video. I miss PT so much. But no use crying over it because it is never coming back.

People also thought that man would never walk on the moon.

I know he said it in January, but does anyone think Boddah was trying to tell us something? This coupled with the thread about something else old becoming something new for 2009 has kind of got my wheels turning. I mean, I'm not one much for conspiracy theories, but I have my own conspiracy theories against SDatHC. I mean, the licensing will run out on Scooby and his pals eventually, maybe even this year. (Nobody knows for sure and I wouldn't trust anyone who said they "knew" when this was going to happen for sure.) So, PT's old building is still there, they still have all the characters, we learned last year at HH that they still have the soundtrack, not to mention the fact that the biggest display yet of characters was at last year's HH. And they still have the old cars and the exact same track. I'm sure the old sign is somewhere too. So I'm really thinking there's a reason that they're holding on to all of that stuff...perhaps it's just wishful thinking and perhaps it's nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theory from a crazy mind.

By the way, there's an amazing video here of a girl playing PT's music on the piano.

Oh my god you have no idea how excited I was when I went to Halloween Haunt last year and heard that music! And to hear the characters and see them too! I was flippin out on my friend tellin her all about it.I have no idea why i love that ride so much it was just cool to me.But yeah, I wonder why the kept everything like the signs and the little details on the ride the trunk and that bloody dress that came out of it? Who knows they prolly just wanted good Halloween decorations.

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