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The Record


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I believe Drop Zone at PKD will have a taller drop, at 305 feet, while DZ @ PKI's drop is only 264 feet (but the actual tower height, including the pole at the top, is 315 feet). I might have to check into this more, but I remember seeing somewhere that the tower heights for both DZs will be the same. Can anyone back me up on this? :blink:

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According to PKD's homepage, the tower itself will stand 305 feet while the drop height is 272 feet. Giving us the taller tower but a shorter drop. How in the heck that is going to work is another thing. That's why they(Intamin) get paid to do this and we don't. As for the record, the only record PKI mentions on Drop Zone is "the worlds tallest Gyro Drop". So I guess that means we can keep it! :D

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I was at a bookstore the other day and happened to pick up a copy of Guiness 2003, and flip through part of it. The part about coasters and length we are definitely in there for. I am not 100% sure, but I thought I also read about DZ being the tallest drop ride around. Don't quote me on this, cause I'm not 100% sure.

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I also saw Guiness 2003 and DZ at PKI is the "World's Tallest Gyro-Drop Ride". However, I don't think that the record was compared to PKD's New For 2003 DZ, because of the fact that it is not standing yet. It would just be like saying that an unbuilt coaster is the worlds tallest. There has to be some type of proof amd official measurement, so I think that PKI's DZ and PKD's DZ will be compared for the record for Guiness 2004. ;)

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They way things should be judged and the way things are judged are two different things. Chances are, that Guiness will measure it the easiest way possible, which is tower height. If you read through most of the records, it lists them by overall height, not drop height or how fast it drops. Obviously, the only factors in in dropping would be acceleration, and the force of gravity. A few more feet of drop, isn't going to make it go that much faster. heck it probably wouldn;t even be noticeable to anyone that rides it.

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