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What is the weirdest thing to happen when your at KI?

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I thought really hard and used the search:


Yes, but which would you rather have, a new fresh topic with new fresh ideas, or a thread that started nearly 5 years ago, died for 3 years, was revived a year and a half ago for a whopping two posts, and died again?

I'm in a peace-keeping (or "don't pick on the newbies") mood today. Forgive me, Terpy. :)

(edited to clarify which post I was replying to)

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Terpy, in your heart you knew he would

And that's why we love you. :P

As to the original post ... I've been stuck on The Beast, I saw Drop Tower get struck by lightning, I helped get a very obese woman unstuck from a bathroom stall, witnessed an assault, and had a fog-induced panic attack. All but the first and last were when I worked there, and I'm sure I'll think of more.

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And then there was the year where a show in the now un-used theater beside what was then Phantom Theater consisted of, in its near entirety, Fred Flintstone dancing with a giant orange carrot with a green leafy top. I can't make this stuff up.


I hope you have a picture of that somewhere. :lol:

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Uhm...All wierd things I've done at KI excluded, i'd have to say it was the time when I was walking away from Invertigo and the cell phone of someone who was on Invertigo flew out of their pocket during the cobra roll and struck my backpack.

Luckily I was able to take the phone back in one piece and find the owner ^^

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Uhm...All wierd things I've done at KI excluded, i'd have to say it was the time when I was walking away from Invertigo and the cell phone of someone who was on Invertigo flew out of their pocket during the cobra roll and struck my backpack.

Luckily I was able to take the phone back in one piece and find the owner ^^

Yay a nice person that wouldn't run away with it!

That is pretty weird though. At least it didn't hit you in the head. :)

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Uhm...All wierd things I've done at KI excluded, i'd have to say it was the time when I was walking away from Invertigo and the cell phone of someone who was on Invertigo flew out of their pocket during the cobra roll and struck my backpack.

Luckily I was able to take the phone back in one piece and find the owner ^^

Yay a nice person that wouldn't run away with it!

That is pretty weird though. At least it didn't hit you in the head. :)

I wouldn't have minded being hit in the head with it, I've definitely had worse, I'm just glad my backpack was able to stop the phone from hitting the pavement and shattering. I lost a phone or two that way before I got smart enough to wear cargo pants with at least one zippered pocket to amusement parks.

So...Yay for KI's rediculous food prices that force me to bring a backpack with sandwiches in it :)

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During Halloween Haunt last season, I was in front of Larosas in Rivertown getting ready to get in line for The Beast when a scareactor who looked like a werewolf jumped out at me. He didn't scare me and I just said "Hey! How you doing? You ever heard of a razor?" Needless to say, the scareactor just shook his head, chuckled and walked away.

That same night, me and my best friend and his girlfriend were in line for The Beast....the line was past the pop machines almost to where the trees were removed for Diamondback, and three scareactors came up out of nowhere with laundry detergent bottles filled with rocks while I was talking about Diamondback to my friend and his girlfriend. He noticed the scareactors, didn't say anything to me, and one of the scareactors gets that laundry detergent bottle right in my ear and starts shaking it like crazy. It scares the absolute bejeezus out of me, and then they take advantage of a group of teenage girls in the first queue house and they almost wet their pants. I died laughing. :)

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Well I must say the Son of Beast accident. Long story short me and my brother go wait in line this nice man offered us to ride ahead of him (there were like some riders that had just got on) but we said no thank you so he gets on the train lucky for us we were not on that train he came back complaining about his back and I thought to myself wow that could had been me.The next thing we know there was lady complaining about chest pains thats when the medical team arrived. They kept telling us to to enjoy other attractions I decided to wait it was only me and 2 other kids in the station waiting there were recording the whole thing which was very immature. Thats when they told us to leave the station nicely and I obeyed the other kids thought it was funny.

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Yes, but which would you rather have, a new fresh topic with new fresh ideas, or a thread that started nearly 5 years ago, died for 3 years, was revived a year and a half ago for a whopping two posts, and died again?


Terpy, in your heart you knew he would

Terpy, this is why we all find you soo amusing. I needed a good chuckle.

Anyways, one time while I was working at Nick U this guy came in with one shoe on and no shirt. He said the demons stole it. I called park police, because he was clearly drunk. It was very weird.

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During Halloween Haunt last season, I was in front of Larosas in Rivertown getting ready to get in line for The Beast when a scareactor who looked like a werewolf jumped out at me. He didn't scare me and I just said "Hey! How you doing? You ever heard of a razor?" Needless to say, the scareactor just shook his head, chuckled and walked away.

That same night, me and my best friend and his girlfriend were in line for The Beast....the line was past the pop machines almost to where the trees were removed for Diamondback, and three scareactors came up out of nowhere with laundry detergent bottles filled with rocks while I was talking about Diamondback to my friend and his girlfriend. He noticed the scareactors, didn't say anything to me, and one of the scareactors gets that laundry detergent bottle right in my ear and starts shaking it like crazy. It scares the absolute bejeezus out of me, and then they take advantage of a group of teenage girls in the first queue house and they almost wet their pants. I died laughing. :)

I love the Haunt guys when they team up with guests to get the teenage girls. :D I saw one of the guys who had metal kneepads and would go sliding down the slope near the splashdown area. I told him I loved watching them do that so he's like "you guys (meaning me and my husband) walk like you don't see me and I'll get someone for you." He hid behind my husband and when a group of girls was walking towards us, he jumped out from behind us and scared the crap out of them! We also saw a couple sucking some serious face next to the exit for Firehawk, so we walked up to two of the scareactors at the prison attraction and told them they should go get the couple. And boy did they!

I worked at haunted trails for 4 years during and shortly after high school, so I can go through haunted stuff and predict exactly where people are hiding. We went through the work zone, and there was a group of screamy girls behind us. I'd say to my husband "there's someone hiding behind that sign" and lo and behold, as soon as we passed, someone would jump out and get the girls behind us. I pointed out just about every one of them and they still scared the girls.

Now that I'm thinking on it ... Haunt had a lot of funny moments for me this year. On the train trail, I pointed out a girl hiding and she got upset with me and started, literally, hissing at me. Another one came up behind my husband and said something about wanting to eat him. He turned and said "funny, my wife says that too." The girl busted up laughing.

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^Those aren't weird but those are all very very funny! :lol: Thanks for sharing! I love the Haunt season.

Yeah, me too. The mazes scare the crap out of me cause I have a real problem with tight spaces...But I digress. It really sucks that I won't be around for the haunt this year :(

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Guest rcfreak339

Well when I was waiting in line for Flight Deck some kid, oh I'd at least 9 years old walked up to me and asked if I wanted to see hes Pokemon cards....I was like What the Heck?

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