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Disney PTR of awesomeness


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I went to the Mecca of theme park fans, and had the best week of my life. So what was so spectacular?

Day 1: Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios



This was my main goal for the trip. It met my expectations. While it didn't surpass them, I did have high expectations for this ride. The ride was SO much fun.





Our good friend Nipplesaurus



While Everest just met my expectations, the Nemo show surpassed them. Of course, I didn't have as high expectations for this show.


This thing was HUGE.

More coming soon!

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Hey Henry, looking forward to more here. I'm most likely hitting Disney World during my honeymoon in November. I'm pretty excited and still trying to figure out what to spend more time waiting for. We're doing a cruise too, so we'll probably get a 3 day pass and maybe have 1 day be a park hopper. I figured we could do the Magic Kingdom in one day, Epcot in another, and split the Studios and Animal Kingdom with the hopper on the 3rd. I'd must rather have a day for each park, but it looks like 3 is the magic number.

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Day 2: Hollywood Studios

First thing we hit up is The American Idol Experience. Not being a fan of the show myself, I was still VERY impressed with the production.


Now, this is an exact replica of the Idol stage, which I thought was pretty cool, especially considering what came later.

I actually auditioned for a show with two friends. Both of them HUGE Idol fans. Me, not so much. We go in, and both my friends promptly get the boot, not making it past round 1 of auditions. As they sit out back, they wonder why I haven't come out of the audition building yet... This is why...


I got as far as possible without actually getting to perform in a show. I made it past round 1 of auditions, but the casting person warns me as we came in rather late during the audition process (little after 11am), alot of the slots had been filled. He said if I came in earlier, I'd go through no problem.

Well, I get to the final decision guy, "The Producer". He makes the call on whether or not you get in a show. I performed for him (with the actual music I'd be singing with on stage), and TAH-DAH, I am handed a "VOTE FOR ME" badge and am told I am an alternate for the 4PM show. If one of the selected people for that show chickened out, then I'd be performing on an actual Disney stage in front of hundreds of people.

I arrive an hour before the show time, and alas, all of the performers showed up, even though one woman was looking very nervous, and I thought she might drop out. Backstage was very cool, got to chat with the people performing, and watch as they all got to go get in makeup and such, while I kept hoping someone would get too nervous. Sadly, no one did, BUT I got fast-passes for my group, got to go out on the stage before the show, and got to watch from the "VIP" section with the families of the performers. Surprisingly, the woman I thought might chicken out won the show, and advanced to the finale show that night.

Needless to say, if I go back to Disney again this year (which I do plan on this winter break when I use my free Uni ticket), I'm swinging by Studios first thing in the morning and auditioning again.

We also did the usual rides, ToT, RnRC, etc. Just as awesome as I remembered.

The new attraction we got to do was Toy Story Mania. VERY FUN and very well done. I wasn't expecting much, as it seemed like just Scooby Doo with 3D, but actually seeing the things we were shooting, and having INTERACTIVE 3D was quite a technical achievement, and VERY cool.

BTW, we tried auditioning again in later days, but our voices had all started to go downhill from screaming so much the past 2 days, that none of us got past round 1.

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Way to go! Good luck next time with AI!

Toy Story Midway Mania was very cool, it ranks as my 2nd favorite dark ride (it's pretty hard to surpass Spidey). I wasn't expecting too much from that either since it's basically travelling to different screens, but the whooshes of air and everything coming back at you were great. As you can see from my avatar, we liked it!

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Smurf (are we there yet Papa Smurf:0),

when are you hitting the parks in Nov? Tgiving week is very very busy and you can expect long lines for all major rides. In general, the MK can be done in a long day, but every other park can be shortened by just hitting the highlights. In Epcot, the future world stuff is all def worth riding (though the Living Seas isn't really a ride), but the world showcase, aside from Mexico and Norway (which have boat rides..Norway's being the better of the 2) are just a loose collection of shops and restaurants with a couple of films (China, Canada) and a show in the American pavilon which is basically an expanded version of the show at the Hall of Presidents)..so, if you breeze through the world showcase, epcot can be done in about 3/4 of a day.

the studios and AK you can def do in one combined day..just be sure and utilize your fastpasses as much as you can to save time. Also, for a romantic evening, consider going to the top of the contemporary hotel (the giant toaster) for a drink at the Bar..the bar overlooks the MK and is a great spot to watch the fireworks at nights' end.

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Smurf (are we there yet Papa Smurf:0),

when are you hitting the parks in Nov? Tgiving week is very very busy and you can expect long lines for all major rides. In general, the MK can be done in a long day, but every other park can be shortened by just hitting the highlights. In Epcot, the future world stuff is all def worth riding (though the Living Seas isn't really a ride), but the world showcase, aside from Mexico and Norway (which have boat rides..Norway's being the better of the 2) are just a loose collection of shops and restaurants with a couple of films (China, Canada) and a show in the American pavilon which is basically an expanded version of the show at the Hall of Presidents)..so, if you breeze through the world showcase, epcot can be done in about 3/4 of a day.

Definitely have to disagree with you there. Other than the fact that they both have to do with America, the HOP and The American Adventure are totally different shows. The HOP is a collaboration of our nations presidents with a short movie, and a speech from Abe Lincoln and our current president. The American Adventure on the other hand is a very intense walk through the history of the United States, with Disneys most advanced Animatronics figures, that is hosted by Ben Franklin and Mark Twain. It's considered the most elaborate Animatronics Stage show at any Disney Park Worldwide.

I also think you underestimate the World Showcase pavilions. Every pavilion has things to do and things to see. Literally off the top of my head is: The British Invasion, The English Hat Lady, MoRockin, Off Kilter, French Waiters, Italian Mime, World Showcase Players, Masquerade (Italy), Morrocan Belly Dancers, Dragon Legend Acrobats, Matsuriza (Japanese Drummers), Voices of Liberty, Shows at the American Gardens Theater, Spirit of America Fife and Drum Corps, Si Xian, Mariachi Cobre (Mexican Band), Miyuki, the show at the African Outpost, and I know I'm missing a few.

In addition there are the more subtle details, such as the Mexican animal sculptors, the Japanese tin toy museum, the Twinning’s Tea Tour, the French Perfume Seminar, the Viking Museum in Norway, the model city in Germany, and more. Honestly the Pavilion with the least to do is probably Germany because 60% of the Pavilion is taken up by the Restaurant and Dinner show, which is fantastic by the way.

Also I assume you have not been there since the release of Kim Possible's World Showcase Adventure. I don’t care how much anyone wants to judge it, it is very cool. Though I know people do, it's definitely something that you should not put down until you try it.

One thing I learned from working in Disney (and I'm not saying that you did) was to never say something sucks unless you can really back it up because there is a good chance whoever you're talking to will love it. My roomate told me that the Comedy Warehouse at Pleasure Island was terrible so I didn't go for the first 2 months I was there. Then I went with a different friend and found out it was AMAZING. Unfortunately by then, Pleasure Island only had a little more than a month left before it was to be shut down forever. Boy was I ****ed at that roomate. Lesson learned, think for yourself because you may have an idiot for a roomate.

Sorry if I come of harsh. Epcot will always be special to me. Especially considering the EPCOT was the original focus of the Disney "Florida Project."

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Not to mention that you can (and should) eat and drink your way around World Showcase. I love Epcot, and I prefer to be in World Showcase most of the time too, betweeen all the shops, live shows, and food and drink there is really no better way to spend an afternoon. Not to mention World Showcase is where the best firework show on the property takes place at closing.

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Thanks DeLorean for saying everything I wanted to say (and more) about World Showcase! When I read Gabe's post i just went "wah?" American Adventure's a very good show (but then I am a history buff), and World Showcase is not all about rides. There is sooo much to do and appreciate there.

And Gabe, have you been to Living Seas since The Seas with Nemo and Friends was put in? If you have, I don't know how you can say that's not really a ride... :blink: It's very fun, and innovative with how they were able to project the characters into the actual aquarium. Especially love the EAC section!

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Brad – great pictures I really liked your Yeti foot print used as the children height gage picture. Super cool experience for you at American Idol sorry to hear you got that far, it would have been awesome to have read about a member winning the daily contest and getting a front of line pass for a real audition. How may days did you go down and if I remember right you won a Universal ticket did you get to go over to Universal too during this trip too?

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Day 3: Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom

We went back to Studios to try Idol again, but I already told you how that went.

I did meet a very nice girl there though, here's our pic.


She was the first of two characters I made crack up by doing my Mickey Mouse voice. The characters rock!

After our Idol hopes being dashed, we moved over to Epcot for some rides and drinks. Mission Space was FREAKING AWESOME. Totally was not expecting it to be that realistic. The little game at the exit of the ride is also very fun too.

After hitting up the other rides, we went on over for.... DRINKING AROUND THE WORLD!





I swear, this was our first drink. I know I shouldn't be looking that bad.



There is a Hidden Mole somewhere in this photo.


Our final drinks in Mexico.


These guys were our lunch-time entertainment.

At the end of the night, we went back to Studios (notice a trend here? It is my fav park there afterall) to hit up Fantasmic. Pretty cool show, even with some of the stuff not being done as it should have, due to high wind. At the end of the show, our friend we went with who worked there told us she had a surprise for us. We head to the opposite side of the auditorium, fighting through the crowd and everything. We started telling our friend this better be one kick ass surprise if we are fighting through massive Disney crowd for it. Oh how it was worth it.


Can you say private meet and greet?

(OK, so I had my days mixed up. We did Fantasmic on day 2, not day 3. Oh well.)

After drinking around the world, what better way to end the night (not with Fantasmic) than a trip on the monorail to Magic Kingdom? Trust me, Pirates of the Caribbean is much more enjoyable after a couple drinks. We all turned into Captain Jack Sparrow.

More to come, including JUNGLE CRUISE.

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Day 4: Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom

We tried Idol one last time, but to no luck. All that screaming and drinking the day before hurt our chances.

So after that, we were sick of Studios, and went to Magic Kingdom to wrap up our trip. We did pretty much everything, including multiple rides on Space Mountain and the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor.

Tomorrowland is hands down my favorite area still. It's the home of the best attractions in the park, including Push! He is my new best friend. If you didn't know, Push is a trashcan that roams Tomorrowland. He gave us some good tips for our trip.

The Laugh Floor is hands down my new favorite attraction. This interactive show is different every time you see it. We went through it three times, and every time came out laughing.

Now, believe it or not, I had NEVER been on the Haunted Mansion before. I have the entire soundtrack for it on my iPod, and know it by heart, but had never actually been on it. I had been waiting for years to finally go on this classic attraction, and it did not disappoint.

Another classic ride I had never been on was Jungle Cruise. This is such a cheesy ride, I loved it. Our tour guide was pretty funny, and good at keeping the others on the boat entertained. I really thought the tunnel part of the ride was very cool. Nick, I can see why you worked that ride. It's perfect for you, haha.

At the end of the night, we went to go hang with the Pixies and Princesses.


I just came off Splash Mountain, can ya tell?



I made this poor fairy crack up for a couple minutes when I did my Mickey voice. She was covering her mouth, trying to keep from laughing, but we could tell from her cheeks that she was on the verge of just losing it. Very cool pixie.

Well, that's the highlights. A great trip all around, that if I covered everything we did, this would be a novel. I do have some surprises coming up soon, in the form of hidden Mickeys we found along the way...

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My family loves the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. We make sure to do this every time we go. Unfortunately we've never seen Push. I always look for him, but we always seem to be in Tomorrowland at the wrong time.

How can it be that you've never ridden Haunted Mansion before? I don't think Kronos would approve of you waiting so long! :lol:

Even though we know a lot about the parks already, we get the WDW planning dvd every year. It's fun to see the changes every year, such as the new rides and the different promos they have. The reason I bring this up is because GatorGirl just watched her favorite one last night, which is the 2006 edition. When it was over, she said "I want to go to Disneyworld now!" It doesn't help that we've taken her every year for the past three years. We told her (again) that we weren't going this year, but that we're going to visit a lot of other parks instead. I said to her "And one of those parks is a Sesame Street park" (Sesame Place). This helped, because she loves Sesame Street too. But I don't envy Mrs. Gator when they go down to Florida in a few weeks, since GatorGirl equates Florida with Disneyworld. Maybe we'll tell her Disneyworld is closed that time of year... she's used to that with KI! :lol:

I'm looking forward to the hidden Mickeys. I've only found one on my own that I hadn't read about before going.

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Smurf (are we there yet Papa Smurf:0),

when are you hitting the parks in Nov? Tgiving week is very very busy and you can expect long lines for all major rides. In general, the MK can be done in a long day, but every other park can be shortened by just hitting the highlights. In Epcot, the future world stuff is all def worth riding (though the Living Seas isn't really a ride), but the world showcase, aside from Mexico and Norway (which have boat rides..Norway's being the better of the 2) are just a loose collection of shops and restaurants with a couple of films (China, Canada) and a show in the American pavilon which is basically an expanded version of the show at the Hall of Presidents)..so, if you breeze through the world showcase, epcot can be done in about 3/4 of a day.

Definitely have to disagree with you there. Other than the fact that they both have to do with America, the HOP and The American Adventure are totally different shows. The HOP is a collaboration of our nations presidents with a short movie, and a speech from Abe Lincoln and our current president. The American Adventure on the other hand is a very intense walk through the history of the United States, with Disneys most advanced Animatronics figures, that is hosted by Ben Franklin and Mark Twain. It's considered the most elaborate Animatronics Stage show at any Disney Park Worldwide.

I also think you underestimate the World Showcase pavilions. Every pavilion has things to do and things to see. Literally off the top of my head is: The British Invasion, The English Hat Lady, MoRockin, Off Kilter, French Waiters, Italian Mime, World Showcase Players, Masquerade (Italy), Morrocan Belly Dancers, Dragon Legend Acrobats, Matsuriza (Japanese Drummers), Voices of Liberty, Shows at the American Gardens Theater, Spirit of America Fife and Drum Corps, Si Xian, Mariachi Cobre (Mexican Band), Miyuki, the show at the African Outpost, and I know I'm missing a few.

In addition there are the more subtle details, such as the Mexican animal sculptors, the Japanese tin toy museum, the Twinning’s Tea Tour, the French Perfume Seminar, the Viking Museum in Norway, the model city in Germany, and more. Honestly the Pavilion with the least to do is probably Germany because 60% of the Pavilion is taken up by the Restaurant and Dinner show, which is fantastic by the way.

Also I assume you have not been there since the release of Kim Possible's World Showcase Adventure. I don’t care how much anyone wants to judge it, it is very cool. Though I know people do, it's definitely something that you should not put down until you try it.

One thing I learned from working in Disney (and I'm not saying that you did) was to never say something sucks unless you can really back it up because there is a good chance whoever you're talking to will love it. My roomate told me that the Comedy Warehouse at Pleasure Island was terrible so I didn't go for the first 2 months I was there. Then I went with a different friend and found out it was AMAZING. Unfortunately by then, Pleasure Island only had a little more than a month left before it was to be shut down forever. Boy was I ****ed at that roomate. Lesson learned, think for yourself because you may have an idiot for a roomate.

Sorry if I come of harsh. Epcot will always be special to me. Especially considering the EPCOT was the original focus of the Disney "Florida Project."

Well, I didn't say anything sucked. I just said that if you are more of a ride person, then there are things at epcot worth skipping. The American Adventure is a larger show than the HOP. However, unless they've updated the animatronic figures, I don't think they're the latest and greatest. I think that honor belongs to Obama in the HOP and the Wicked Witch in the Great Movie Ride at the Studios.

As for Epcot, I too like the park, but I can tell you that Walt's version of Epcot and what eventually became the park were two completly different ideas. Walt wanted Epcot to be more like what Celebration is today--a stand alone self-contained community, albeit dedicated to science-type endeavors. After Walt's death, company execs soon realized that this idea would never earn the company as much money as a theme park could. I worked at Disney on the College Program, so I do know of what I speak here. For years, the park was seemingly never updated like the other parks. Indeed, well into the 90s, Epcot had a feel of a park that was still stuck in the 80s (heck the last scene on spaceship earth showed a kid at a computer with the voice of walter cronkite saying that in 50 years saying we'd all be using them..)

In the end, it all comes down to preference. If its just rides, then my recommendations would be good to follow. If you're into more than just rides and want to stop and look at details, your version is the way to go. That said, I agree that the resturants for the most part are good in the world showcase, esp. France Morocco and Japan (IMO).

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I was looking up to go to Disney this week, and all of the Disney hotels were completely sold out except for the top luxury ones. The campground was even sold out!! I'm wondering how they are able to facilitate all those people. I even called to make sure there wasnt even one room left and they told me nope.

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Smurf (are we there yet Papa Smurf:0),

when are you hitting the parks in Nov? Tgiving week is very very busy and you can expect long lines for all major rides. In general, the MK can be done in a long day, but every other park can be shortened by just hitting the highlights. In Epcot, the future world stuff is all def worth riding (though the Living Seas isn't really a ride), but the world showcase, aside from Mexico and Norway (which have boat rides..Norway's being the better of the 2) are just a loose collection of shops and restaurants with a couple of films (China, Canada) and a show in the American pavilon which is basically an expanded version of the show at the Hall of Presidents)..so, if you breeze through the world showcase, epcot can be done in about 3/4 of a day.

the studios and AK you can def do in one combined day..just be sure and utilize your fastpasses as much as you can to save time. Also, for a romantic evening, consider going to the top of the contemporary hotel (the giant toaster) for a drink at the Bar..the bar overlooks the MK and is a great spot to watch the fireworks at nights' end.

Thanks for the advice. We're going the first week of November, so I shouldn't have to worry about the Thanksgiving turkeys. I'm totally a ride person for most things, but I plan on kicking back at Epcot and enjoying the different countries with my "new" wife; that's why I'm planning a full day there. I'm assuming that the next time we ever go to WDW, we'll have a kid and we won't be able to do the adult things as much, so I need to enjoy them now. Glad you like the Haunted Mansion, Henry, it's always been my favorite ride at both Disneyland and Disney World. I can't wait to ride it again.

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And now.... the Hidden Things at Disney post!


Expedition Everest


It's Tough to be a Bug


Tower of Terror


Hollywood Studios, by ToT's entrance


(Not so) Hidden Mole


Great Movie Ride


Pizza Planet


Test Track


Mission Space


World Showcase


Digging up dino bones place


Hidden vine lady


Pixie Hollow


Also Pixie Hollow

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Smurf (are we there yet Papa Smurf:0),

when are you hitting the parks in Nov? Tgiving week is very very busy and you can expect long lines for all major rides. In general, the MK can be done in a long day, but every other park can be shortened by just hitting the highlights. In Epcot, the future world stuff is all def worth riding (though the Living Seas isn't really a ride), but the world showcase, aside from Mexico and Norway (which have boat rides..Norway's being the better of the 2) are just a loose collection of shops and restaurants with a couple of films (China, Canada) and a show in the American pavilon which is basically an expanded version of the show at the Hall of Presidents)..so, if you breeze through the world showcase, epcot can be done in about 3/4 of a day.

Definitely have to disagree with you there. Other than the fact that they both have to do with America, the HOP and The American Adventure are totally different shows. The HOP is a collaboration of our nations presidents with a short movie, and a speech from Abe Lincoln and our current president. The American Adventure on the other hand is a very intense walk through the history of the United States, with Disneys most advanced Animatronics figures, that is hosted by Ben Franklin and Mark Twain. It's considered the most elaborate Animatronics Stage show at any Disney Park Worldwide.

I also think you underestimate the World Showcase pavilions. Every pavilion has things to do and things to see. Literally off the top of my head is: The British Invasion, The English Hat Lady, MoRockin, Off Kilter, French Waiters, Italian Mime, World Showcase Players, Masquerade (Italy), Morrocan Belly Dancers, Dragon Legend Acrobats, Matsuriza (Japanese Drummers), Voices of Liberty, Shows at the American Gardens Theater, Spirit of America Fife and Drum Corps, Si Xian, Mariachi Cobre (Mexican Band), Miyuki, the show at the African Outpost, and I know I'm missing a few.

In addition there are the more subtle details, such as the Mexican animal sculptors, the Japanese tin toy museum, the Twinning's Tea Tour, the French Perfume Seminar, the Viking Museum in Norway, the model city in Germany, and more. Honestly the Pavilion with the least to do is probably Germany because 60% of the Pavilion is taken up by the Restaurant and Dinner show, which is fantastic by the way.

Also I assume you have not been there since the release of Kim Possible's World Showcase Adventure. I don't care how much anyone wants to judge it, it is very cool. Though I know people do, it's definitely something that you should not put down until you try it.

One thing I learned from working in Disney (and I'm not saying that you did) was to never say something sucks unless you can really back it up because there is a good chance whoever you're talking to will love it. My roomate told me that the Comedy Warehouse at Pleasure Island was terrible so I didn't go for the first 2 months I was there. Then I went with a different friend and found out it was AMAZING. Unfortunately by then, Pleasure Island only had a little more than a month left before it was to be shut down forever. Boy was I ****ed at that roomate. Lesson learned, think for yourself because you may have an idiot for a roomate.

Sorry if I come of harsh. Epcot will always be special to me. Especially considering the EPCOT was the original focus of the Disney "Florida Project."

As for Epcot, I too like the park, but I can tell you that Walt's version of Epcot and what eventually became the park were two completly different ideas. Walt wanted Epcot to be more like what Celebration is today--a stand alone self-contained community, albeit dedicated to science-type endeavors. After Walt's death, company execs soon realized that this idea would never earn the company as much money as a theme park could.

That’s why I said that the EPCOT was the original focus. EPCOT is an acronym, Epcot is a name, and EPCOT Center is the name it opened. Believe me, I know ALL about Walt's original intentions for central Florida.

I wasn't trying to be mean, I was trying to say not to talk bad about something unless you're sure the other person will agree. Otherwise they'll be ****ed if find out they missed out on something cool based on your recommendation.

I don't think they're the latest and greatest. I think that honor belongs to Obama in the HOP and the Wicked Witch in the Great Movie Ride at the Studios.

Also just so you know, the Abraham Lincoln animatronic is always supposed to be more sophisticated than the current president. It's one of the guidelines that is followed during HOP refurbs. Oh and the other thing; I hope you don’t think they're building a new animatronic for Obama. Obama's body panels are going on George W's frame just as George W. did on Clinton. Sure they'll update the actuator rack as they do during all refurbs, but other than that it's still the same figure.

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