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in line now for db


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Our group split up towards the end, and they were being pretty rude on the single rider line. They asked me if I could prove I was a single ride, and I looked behind me (there was no one anywhere around me) and was like "umm... do you see anyone with me?" I mean, I know I was with a group earlier, but does that automatically preclude me from becoming a single rider later in the day? I thought they handled it with very little tact.

Sounds more like you were at Cedar Point than Kings Island. I smell the Cedar Fair attitude bellowing downward........sigh.....

I thought all of the people working at Diamondback were really nice today. The people working at the queue were really nice and the person assigning seats was nice and let me request my seats. But, there was one REALLY rude worker that was working the exit gate when I was getting off once.

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Got my first ride in with the passholder ERT and waited just about a half-hour-got there bright and early and was close to the front of the rope when they opened for passholders at 9am.

I rode 4 more times throughout the afternoon and wait wasn't bad at all-45 minutes to 1 hour. The crew does an outstanding job as far as capacity. For example, a little after 10am the line was all the way back to Larosa's in Rivertown and went in the direction past the Eiffletower-people were yelling it was 4-6 hours when in fact from that point it was about 2 and a half hours-still long but not as bad as people thought.

I also want to comment on the Single Rider's line. It is my understanding from reading the sign that it is for people who are in fact by themselves and not with a group. I would think it is legitimate if you were with a group earlier but end up by yourself because the group left or just didn't want to ride. I will probably be by myself next Saturday, so I plan to take advantage of this privilege. It looked to me like a lot of people were abusing this privilege by actually being in groups but getting in the single rider line and pretending they were not together. I think this is wrong. I would not be surprised if the park stopped the single rider line because of this abuse.

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I honestly didn't mind the small groups going through, because they were ok with being split up and not picking their seat. It kept both lines moving quickly and assured that no seats went empty. It's when the groups try to sneak onto the same train or try to meet up with people in the regular line via the single rider line that I get irked about it. The single rider lines at Disney allow small groups if they're willing to be split up, that's how we did Test Track. I saw no problem with this, because most groups aren't willing to be split and so the single rider line stays very short and no seats go empty. I don't know that there are enough truly single riders to keep a single rider line busy enough to have a single rider available at all times.

My biggest problem with the single rider line is that the associates running it were very rude and didn't want to believe that you could be with a group earlier and now be a single rider. They asked me if I could prove I was a single rider multiple times and kept implying that I was lying about it because they'd seen me with a large group not even an hour beforehand. So what? I'm a single rider now, get over it.

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Okay its the day after and it was a great day, i rode DB 3 times, first ride waited about 45 minutes, second almost an hour, my last ride which also was its last run of the night at abou 25 minutes after park close we were up front on the spread out seats and waited practically nothing. I honestly feel the whole line thing was exxagerated a bit yeah it looped stupid long when the general public git in line but that was the only time. There was no need to wait 3 hours plus if you played it smart. We rode beast twice one of which was at closing. Longest wait fot it under an hour easy more close to 30 min. We rode Vortex 2 times including the second to last run or it for the night. Ohh and both Vortex and beast were front seat rides at night. We rode Firehawk longest wait of day about a hour maybe more. Rode Flight of Fear wait about 1o minutes seriously. Rode delerium wait 15 minutes or so. Rode Son of Beast wait 30 minutes after they fixed it. Hmmm rode racer no wait, i think thats about it not sure though. The park was fairly busy but not near what most expected in my opinion. Nothing like last year evil kaneival day not by a longshot.

Complaints: first the way they check passes for ert is b.s. Trust me I know fact a fact that someone got in that did not have a gold pass. They do not even check At all just tell everyone in the crowd to hold it up, people were holding up their krogers plus cards.

The crypt was broken many times - go figure

Thats about it really.

Rating of DB:

Well this a tough one for me I have a lot of coasters so here goes:

GOOD- smooth very smooth, wonderful seats and restraint best ever, its fun,

BAD- now heres where everyone is start yelling... Not innovative or unique, nothing sets it apart to be honest. Like the hulk i. Universal shoots you up the hill from the start, the ttd goes insanely faster, millenium feels more massive, etc. Nothing to me sets it apart.... No loops, not they are necessary but boy would they have made a difference also could have used tunnels.

So do not get me wrong its a quality made ride, extremely smooth which is nice for a change, but nothing sets it apart really. I just feel if you are build this new 22 million plus ride you have got to have some original idea that when someone rides it is like wow look at that I have never seen that before. Its has not got that "wow" factor ttd has or many other coasters. I still feel The Beast is the best coaster at KI period. Is db worth riding ohh yeah is it worth a 3 hour wait nope but few are. My opinion ttd is as the experience is unmatched except his bigger brother in jersey of course. So my rating is a tough one as what it does it does and executes perfectly. Smooth fast fun not frightenening. I give it a 8.5

By the way Son of Beast is my least favorite by far. I have rode that thing too many times to count and why did they over do it. Its a beautiful piece to look at magificent in stature. But the ride is painful, i wish they could have worried less about speed and more about comfort, it beats the crap out of you and npt in s good way. Not cool.

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Also to chime in on the single rider debate who cares? First let me say I did not use it. But if I want to go with my friend and we want to use single rider who cares? Single rider means to I will sit anywhere with anyone just to fill those extra empty seats. I prefer to ride with my wife pr friends but I dont care if another wants to split up and do single rider or even if a group does as long as they are filling empty seats who cares? People worry to much about dumb things just enjoy the ride...

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Complaints: first the way they check passes for ert is b.s. Trust me I know fact a fact that someone got in that did not have a gold pass. They do not even check At all just tell everyone in the crowd to hold it up, people were holding up their krogers plus cards.

The crypt was broken many times - go figure

Thats about it really.

Nothing to me sets it apart.... No loops, not they are necessary but boy would they have made a difference also could have used tunnels.

So do not get me wrong its a quality made ride, extremely smooth which is nice for a change, but nothing sets it apart really. I just feel if you are build this new 22 million plus ride you have got to have some original idea that when someone rides it is like wow look at that I have never seen that before. Its has not got that "wow" factor ttd has or many other coasters. I still feel The Beast is the best coaster at KI period. Is db worth riding ohh yeah is it worth a 3 hour wait nope but few are. My opinion ttd is as the experience is unmatched except his bigger brother in jersey of course.

Couple things. Yes, people were jsut having to hold up their pass. But then, when you would go through the opening in the gates, they were checking passes, or at least when I went through. Secondly, "nothing sets it apart." Are you kidding me? First of all, have you seen the water in the middle of Rivertown? Or the little splash that is made as a train passes through? Diamondback has a freakin' splashdown! How many other hyper coasters, or even coasters in the world for that matter, have a splashdown? How many other coasters have the seating that Diamondback has? Yes, loops could've been used, but that would have changed the entire ride! Yes, tunnels could've been used, but where? You can't cover a 130+ ft. hill with a tunnel! If you want a ride with a loop, then ride one of the other five rides in the park that goes upside down. If you want a tunnel, then ride one of the other four or five rides in the park that have a tunnel. I'm sorry for kinda going off, something 'groundbreaking' is not what KI was going for. You got possibly the best ride that there is for the type of ride we recieved.

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They checked zero passes when the area around us went through. My opinion on the splashdown is it is gimmicky to be honest, when your riding it you do not notice it one bit as the trail if water is behind the train. As for tunnels and loops I am not saying it needs to have these but an addition would have been a treat. Also as for it being the best or what not this is all personal opinion and I was not the only individual that was not overly impressed, it is a nice ride and very well made. But the best not in my opinion. As for for its type, what type is that hyper, giga, what? Class it as you may I dobt care tp argue or be one of those asses to stirup trouble but as a coaster in general it does nothing groundbreaking, does it set records at KI yes, is it fun? As stated yes. Are the restraints nice? Yes and I clearly stated my adoration for their design and I also believe they should become the standard. But to me a great coaster should offer either fear, thrills, and entertainment production value. Did I get scared? Nope was the speed something new? Were the hills highet, steeper, unique in any way? Nope

Was there any unique experience involved? Nope

Was it purely a well executed and designef coaster? Yes very so

I can name off many coasters that are original and grounbreaking in their time:

Everest disney animal kingom for its thetrical aspect, car stops at broken tracks and reverses never been done like it

Hulk universal shhots you up the hill

Millenium Cedar Point highest hill ever when oped

Millenium highest fastest possible at time and rivaled today

TTD and kinga kan been said before straight up straight down 120 mile an hour +

beast intimidating power and force for a wooden, wooded atmosphere, tunnels the whole thing creates that uncomfortable feelinf we all crave

Vortex flips you all over in all direction few like it when it opened

Vegas coaster on top of building just nuts to see

Cobra standing up never done like that

Theres just too many the list goes on

I am just trying to say nothing sets it apart. Its a great ride no arguing but it does not have anything innovative it the actual rider experience thaT sets it apart in my opinion.

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I don't think a ride needs to be groundbreaking to be amazing.

Superman: Ride of Steel set no records when it opened, yet has been holding on tight to the number 1 spot in the Golden Ticket awards.

I firmly believe Diamondback will be giving it a run for it's money this year. I will also be doing extensive traveling this summer to ride coasters that were not ground breaking. I'm looking forward to Nitro, El Toro, Voyage, Great White, and S:ROS (at SFA). Some of the coasters I look forward to the most include classic coasters such as Wild Thing, 'run of the mill' coasters such as Big Bad Wolf, and other non-groundbreaking or 'significant' coasters that I'm sure will give absolutely amazing rides and still be world-class coasters.

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^^I strongly agree to that statement. Especially since it is going through the new changes.

Despite the changes to S:ROS I think Diamondback will still take its place. The coaster is absolutely everything a steel coaster should be.

^^ Its KingDa Ka. Sorry that was bothering me. wink.gif

Actually it is Kingda Ka. :D


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Sorry about that typing faster than thinking. And again beast is my favorite coaster and I too have rode superman. And i am only stating DB is not groundbreaking what it does it does well simple as that so others think because it has a splashdown it is groundbreaking? This is really a pointless debate.

Ride is good but nothing new, just a very well executed coaster.

And I could care less if a coaster is new or old, i just want a good experience. Its just the norm of past was when a coaster that has been spoke of on such a scale hits the scene you wanted it to be bigger, badder, and more original than any other in the world not just in the park.

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And I could care less if a coaster is new or old, i just want a good experience. Its just the norm of past was when a coaster that has been spoke of on such a scale hits the scene you wanted it to be bigger, badder, and more original than any other in the world not just in the park.

I think you mean you could not care less.

Diamondback FOF, just doin' Terpy's job while he isn't here.

^The trains are new...

First coaster in the US to have these new trains. First B&M to have a splashdown. Fastest coaster to hit Kings Island. $102 thousand from the auction. Sounds pretty ground breaking to me.

What about Sheikra and Griffon. Don't you mean first B&M hyper with a splashdown?

Sorry, that was irking me :lol: .

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Like i said i rode it twice and only had 2 clicks down the 2nd time, she said i was fine.

I am happy i rode, but am wondering, couldnt she gotten in trouble for that. I told her i rode before which i did, but somebody BIgger than me who can get two clicks in could of lied and said the same thing. I think they need to make sure they can see the black line before sending the train out. ( yes i could of gotten the last click if i had help, the ride op wouldnt help me, i guess that is park policies, and i think KAT was already in her seat before i was.)

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^I don't think it's park policy to not help someone get the restraint down. I saw two rides ops pushing on the same restraint trying to get it down far enough (I forget which ride). But that was a couple years ago, so policies could've changed.

And yeah, they do have a computer in the drive box booth area, because the person working there would day which rows have to be checked again or pushed down more.

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Our group split up towards the end, and they were being pretty rude on the single rider line. They asked me if I could prove I was a single ride, and I looked behind me (there was no one anywhere around me) and was like "umm... do you see anyone with me?" I mean, I know I was with a group earlier, but does that automatically preclude me from becoming a single rider later in the day? I thought they handled it with very little tact.

Sounds more like you were at Cedar Point than Kings Island. I smell the Cedar Fair attitude bellowing downward........sigh.....

I thought all of the people working at Diamondback were really nice today. The people working at the queue were really nice and the person assigning seats was nice and let me request my seats. But, there was one REALLY rude worker that was working the exit gate when I was getting off once.

I would agree except for the supervisor out front. Unnecessarily rude. Also, while she may have been nice, the separator in the station was very inconsistent. While my group of two was not permitted to wait for the front seat because the line was too long (equal with a pole in the station) a group of three directly behind us was.

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