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The Beast and it's Brakes


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Yea, they did fix The Beast's brakes. They did it before the start of last season. Last time I remember riding it, it would slow down pretty hard in some places.... although it's been awhile since I rode The Beast. unsure.gif


I think he meant did they fix them so they don't slow the ride down as much? No ones sure if they did probably because no ones ridden it yet! Plus I didn't think they were bad last year anyways.

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I hope they fixed the Brakes I haded slowing down in some parts of the ride and then picking up speed. Why did they have to put the new brakes in on The Beast? Yes I know it crashed in the station but if the person running the ride would have looked. I am just asking what happend?

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Definetly wasn't an operator error, it was weather related. The wet brakes simply couldn't stop the train in time but it had slowed it down to about 5mph.

I'm sure they will tweek the brakes through out the year or already have since they retracked the first turn out of the tunnel. We'll just have to wait and see come tomorrow night.

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OK. First the old fin brakes didn't push up on the car, they pushed together and grabbed a fin that stuck down from the bottom of the train and second it wasn't the rain that caused the crash. I've ridden it in the rain hundreds of times and it always stopped on the dime. SOB still has fins so if that was the case it would have had problems and The Beast would have had one long before it's 23 running year. Personally, I liked the fins much better.

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The Beast always had "sleigh brakes" meaning they rubbed agains the bottom of the car to stop them. Then after the crash they added a mixture of fin and magnetic brakes. The magnetic are only trim brakes while the fin brakes are the MCB and station brakes.

SOB has fin brakes cause they are fine, it was just the "sleigh brakes" on The Beast that can be less safe when wet.

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Hmm... I coudl have sworn the accident was operator error.

Oh well...

They have done some work on the off season, like retrack the ride. It's supposed to help make The Beast go as fast as it used to (faster maybe?). This is normal maintence, though, so I have no idea.

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