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Flight Commander


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Wow - it seems weird that people don't know what Flight Commander was....no offense to anyone.

I personally hated the ride...it was located where the bungee trampolines are currently located. Basically it consisted of little planes (kind of like the layout of the Eagles - in a circle) - it was up to 2 people per plane. In essence you flew the plane as the ride moved in a circular motion. You could 'fly' the plane up and down as the ride spun as well as spin the plane left & right in a barrel roll type of motion....you could spin in a complete rollover loop.

Yes, a drunk women was injured, actually she was killed. She got herself out of the restraints and fell.

I hope that makes some sense.

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I rode Flight Commander in its last year. I remember I was always too scared to flip it upside down though, because I thought I was going to fall out like the drunk lady. The year after they took it out, there was a sign that said a new ride would be dropping in the next year, which was either 1996 or 1997. So, I guess Drop Zone was originally going to go here, but then was moved to help create the new Action Zone.

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I loved Flight Commander back in the day. After they reopened the ride me and one of my friends spent two hours on it riding in every seat (It was easy since NOONE rode the ride oater the accident) so we could say we rode in the death seat. Looking back on it it was kind of morbid but hay we were kids...

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I remeber riding this ride one time in my life. It was around 1994-1995. They were little planes with over the shoulder restraints and one person could control the movement of the plane. I was so scared to make it go upside down. I rode it with my dad and he kept on making go on its side and it scared me. Now i think it would have been kinda cool.

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Correct me if i am wrong but didn't it have a seat belt or something else... i do not remember if it was an over the shoulder harness...

The ride was modified after she fell from it, and I think seatbelts, and also a divider between the seats were installed. I think originally, she slid out, because she was in the ride alone, and there was no divider, between the seats. Soemthing along the lines of she was leaning out the car to see what was going on, and then did a couple of barrel rolls, and then she fell out. Flight Commander was quite cool though, and it turned in acircle you could control which way the car turned and what it did, with a joystick between the seats.

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