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Tomb Raider Confirmed rumors--(finally!)


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This was located in different topic, but I thought it to be worthy enough news to deserve its own topic, so here it is:

Yes thats correct, I didn't see his name tag, but someone made a bad comment about the ride being too short. He replied with:

" we were going to do it this year, but our time and funds could not support it. So, it will be done for next year. We haven't completely hammered out the details yet, but we do know that it will have a whole rotation ADDED to the original. This rotation will be the escape part of the ride and will involve at least two more flips and added effects. making it about a minute to a minute-and-a-half longer and we are hopping to bring it up to a 5 on the extreme level ( the highest level at pki, only 3 rides have it ). The ride will be longer, but even more than that, it will be MUCH more intense"

-again I didn't get his name, but I then asked (just for the sake of clarification) "what did you do on tomb raider?"

he replied with:

"I designed the ride sequence and effects"

So there you have it!

I also agree with RyanA, lets focus on getting the ride FULLY OPERATIONAL before we start adding stuff to it.

Tomb raider will be change, right there it is! black and white confirmation!

Edited by Inraider
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I get the feeling this isn't going to be an easy task. If you've payed attention to every detail of this wonderful ride, you'd know it has a soundtrack that is timed in synch with the ride cycle, so, it stands to reason that to change the cycle, you would have to either add new music tracks to the musical score allready in place, or loop a section over, or do it the cheap way and have no music or sound effects.

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Well, we can rule-out no "sound effects or music" we all PKI would never do that. But I also asked Jeff Siebert about what the man said, Jeff said "he was exactly correct in what he said", I proceeded to ask:

"Well, does it cost a-lot to reprogram a ride like TR:TR?"

HE SAID:" HO YEAH! it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to reprogram a ride."

I asked: " well why?"

he replied:"We have to get the guy that designed the ride system, the guy from Huss, and the team from technifex over here all of which cost cash. Plus, the cost for a longer soundtrack and the new effects we will need. So I guess you could say its not the reprogramming thats expensive, its the equipment and prep that goes along with it. But, nonetheless, it will be done in time for the opening season next year."Jeff Siebert.

And this man I am refering too designed the ride, told me about the changes, then Mr. Siebert confirmed them! if you don't think thats black and white enough, then penguins must look like Easter Eggs to you!

(no offense meant)

Edited by Inraider
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I'd like to second what Inraider said, I was sitting next to him at the time and heard all of this. I am definetly excited about 2004. But for now, 2003 is looking good, and with the new restaraunts it's tasty too.

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