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KI May 3, 2009


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So I was sitting at the computer, being bored. Kat IMs me and asks if I want to go to the park with her. I hadn't been feeling well and was extremely sunburnt from Saturday, but didn't want to sit here all day with nothing to do, so I was debating. After a few minutes of convincing, I caved, put on about 946 layers of sunblock, grabbed my car keys, and drove to her house in Fairborn.

We left her house, grabbed some McDonalds on the way, and arrived at the park around 4:15 to see the parking lot rather full for an overcast Sunday. We were going to hit DB but the line was ridiculous, so we opted for Beast. We saw Adam (pkiboy), Nick (dare to fly), and 2 of their friends in front of us, so we ran up behind them and scared them half to death.

The six of us rode Beast, and Kat wasn't feeling well so we sat down in the shade, and everyone talked/people watched and got to know each other. After the poor girl's stomach calmed down, we hit FOF. We ran all the way to the station, and Kat and I chose the very rear seat. Around the first turn, the side of my head was thrown into the top edge of the seat so hard that I felt it in my jaw. I wasn't able to enjoy the rest of the ride.

Adam, Nick and their friends wanted to ride Vortex, but Kat's response was "I'm sitting out on this one." I sat out with her. I wasn't about to ride a coaster with OTSRs after the punch I took to the head on FOF.. it really hurt. I've NEVER sat out on a coaster in my entire life.

Kat, Adam, Nick and I decided it was time for Diamondback, and the two others split off to go get food. We ended up meeting up with Kawana, Elina, markr, and Zach (Ki Man). We were being slow so Kawana and Elina ended up ahead of us in line. The six of us ended up getting 4 rides on DB before the queue closed, and were on the last train of the day.

My total ride count:

Diamondback - 4

FOF - 1

Beast - 1

Not bad for 3 hours and 45 minutes spent at the park. :)

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Last minute KI trips are always fun! Sorry to hear that FOF got the best of you but I'm glad you got your DB fix in.

Sundays have really been interesting this year. It seems as though the crowds have been non-existant up until around 12:30, and then the park, and particularly the DB line, explodes with people. The line then shortens in the evening as crowds depart, so you employed the best DB line strategy for your arrival time.

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I learned my lesson yesterday - no McDonald's on the way to the park! I felt sick the entire rest of the night. My stomach really just can't handle fast food anymore, it appears. Even with the sicky-feeling at times, I still had a ton of fun and the extra 4 rides on Diamondback made it worth it to me.

The good news is, the sinus infection I've been fighting off all weekend seems to have cleared up since last night, so at least I'm not dealing with that as well. :)

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I hear you with the sinus thing! From Wednesday through yesterday, my allergies/sinuses were causing me fits. I could barely hear out of my right ear! Yesterday, when I was at Coney for some training, it started to clear up and I could hear normally out of my ear again. Although, I`m still sneezing quite often. Darn allergies.

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  violakat03 said:
I learned my lesson yesterday - no McDonald's on the way to the park! I felt sick the entire rest of the night. My stomach really just can't handle fast food anymore, it appears. Even with the sicky-feeling at times, I still had a ton of fun and the extra 4 rides on Diamondback made it worth it to me.

The good news is, the sinus infection I've been fighting off all weekend seems to have cleared up since last night, so at least I'm not dealing with that as well. :)

I'm glad you're feeling better. Hopefully the medicine I gave you helped a little.

I ordered the chicken nuggets because that sits better with my stomach, but that's just me.. I never feel quite right after eating a McD's burger.

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  markr said:
Thank you all for helping me to end a most pleasant day. Hope you all enjoyed the Graeter's Ice Cream.

I thoroughly enjoyed my two delicious scoops of double chocolate chip.

I also learned not to line jump in front of Kat in an ice cream shop.. I almost got karate chopped. :lol:

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  gigacoaster2k said:
  markr said:
Thank you all for helping me to end a most pleasant day. Hope you all enjoyed the Graeter's Ice Cream.

I thoroughly enjoyed my two delicious scoops of double chocolate chip.

THATS MY FAVORITE ICE CREAM... And on the other note, I didnt eat anything since lunch at KI because i didnt want to get sick on Slingshot or Skyflyer... But I will be there on Friday riding Skyflyer yet again ahah.

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Thanks for letting us hang with you guys for a bit. I guess you never know who you'll run into at the park.

Like me! for instance haha, you all looked like you were having fun...I wish I had run into you guys a bit earlier, I was by myself all day. But that means SRL and less waiting ^_^

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  Braves0511 said:
Like me! for instance haha, you all looked like you were having fun...I wish I had run into you guys a bit earlier, I was by myself all day. But that means SRL and less waiting ^_^

I have a tendency to grab random KIC members if I see them, and pull them into the growing crowd walking with me. B)

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  gigacoaster2k said:
  Braves0511 said:
Like me! for instance haha, you all looked like you were having fun...I wish I had run into you guys a bit earlier, I was by myself all day. But that means SRL and less waiting ^_^

I have a tendency to grab random KIC members if I see them, and pull them into the growing crowd walking with me. B)

Except when it is Pointless...or sumthin?

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Angie didnt post this, but we had some fun on my last ride on DB, tell them what i did angie, or kyle, or ashley!i got pinched by angie for doing this the whole time, and for some reason in all my on ride photos i look like i am on some HEAVY medication!!, wish i wouldve bought one lol.

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  pkiruler102 said:
Angie didnt post this, but we had some fun on my last ride on DB, tell them what i did angie, or kyle, or ashley!i got pinched by angie for doing this the whole time, and for some reason in all my on ride photos i look like i am on some HEAVY medication!!, wish i wouldve bought one lol.

LOL, wrong TR.

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  BavarianBeatle said:
Saw you guys on FoF. We were second in line the car in front of you when you got on. It was my son's first ride on it and the launch was making him a bit nervous. But once he rode it, he loved it, as I knew he would.

Glad you had fun!

You should have said hi or something! Don't be shy! :)

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  gigacoaster2k said:
  BavarianBeatle said:
Saw you guys on FoF. We were second in line the car in front of you when you got on. It was my son's first ride on it and the launch was making him a bit nervous. But once he rode it, he loved it, as I knew he would.

Glad you had fun!

You should have said hi or something! Don't be shy! :)

I would have, but you were already strapped in your seat when I noticed you.... :)

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It was nice to finally meet you. I enjoyed talking with you and Kat until the wee hours of the morning, but I paid for it Monday, as, I'm sure, did you.

Grabbing random KIC members is quickly becoming a tradition. People ask me why I can stand to go alone to an amusement park, and that's exactly why. There's always someone there to aggrava...I mean ride with.

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  gigacoaster2k said:
My total ride count:

Diamondback - 4

FOF - 1

Beast - 1

Not bad for 3 hours and 45 minutes spent at the park. :)


Shouldn't this read more like

Diamonback - 4

FOF - 1 win vs. Angie - 1 loss

Beast - 1

boy can this lady take a punch! :)

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Beatle - You still should have said something! I hate it when people post later that they were at the park and saw me but never said anything. It makes me feel bad for not noticing! :(

Zach - It was nice riding with you too! And thanks for putting up with me. I tend to be a bit of a chatterbox, as I get severely excited around my precious B&M.

Nick - It was OK. I didn't have to work the next morning so I didn't care. In fact, I slept until almost 11 am. :P Besides, Graeter's ice cream makes everything better.

Trevor - I like your sense of humor about my brawl with FOF. :lol:

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