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Dare I Say There's Another Legal Topic to Discuss?


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In May of '99 and October of '00, I used a mini-tape recorder "hidden" inside a fanny pack, to tape myself on rides. I've done this at more places than King's Island, and I've asked other boards about it and most people are convinced it's not "illegal." Thoughts, anyone?

I've read the topic on "illegal" picture taking, and don't have anything to say about that. I've never done it, that's all I know. Strictly audio is much much better, I think.

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I think the italianchef is right. Does he work for La Rosa's? smile.gif Anyway, I mean, the only real way to make a profit off of it is to record what I taped onto my computer, then record that information onto a CD, and then sell it. Why would I want to go through all of that? Who would want to buy it even if I did? The only thing I have of interest is some "audio files" of Phantom Theatre, as recorded by me. Anyway, I was just wondering what you all thought. MAESTRO! That's the guy's name from PT...Ok, well nevermind I just thought of that it was something that was bothering me. I look forward to posting more on the best park ever and getting to know some of you fanattics like me; and, like I said, I'm still in the process of creating a quiz about PKI and I'll keep you posted on its progress. Peace.

PS. Hats off to the great pics I've seen on this site and the site that the dude gave the link to.

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Geezs... let me settle this for the last time!

Recording, be it audio or video, of any ride in the park is illegal.

KI can actually sue the person/group and can request that you reliquesh any film or tape. Of course, that's the extream. Security and park managment would deal with it on a case by case basis.

Any filming/recording that goes on in the park is usually done by Q-TV. If it is a private person/group that wants recording they are usally escorted through the park by marketing and/or security so that we always know what they are recording.

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DragonLord, get over it. It happens daily and it really disgusts me that the park and people like you make such a huge deal out of it. Its a picture! ITS JUST A RECORDING! FOR PERSONAL USE! GEEZ! its not like we are going to use it against the park! and for your info, I have recorded all of Spaceship Earth AND Dinosaur, ON VIDEO! not to mention TOT. Goodgosh people! is it really that big of a deal? do we really want to instigate another fight over this?

Edited by Inraider
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Yeah, I know. I didn't want it to turn into a big argument, hence the "Dare I Say." Like I've said, there's no real way I can profit from it in any way, shape, or form. That's the only reason I can think of why it would be illegal. Safety might be an issue too, but not in my case since the recorder was safely stowed away. Another than safety, which of course is paramount, no pun intended, and profiting from it, what issue is left? Do you think I charge admission to have people come to my house and listen to my exciting, enthralling, audio tapes of Kings Island every weekend? Certainly not. Again, there's virtually no way to profit from this. None.

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In all true fairness I am just telling you what the rules are and how they are enforced. I never said that I personal care or not that people do it. I was just telling you guys what the rules are. I suppose the "Geezs... let me settle this for the last time!" might have gotten you confused as to my personal feelings for stuff like this.

I don't want another fight either, but the question was brought up as to wheather or not it was legal. I answered that question. You don't have to blow up at me for giving you the answer.

This topic has been gone over and should be closed to spare any further argument or disagreement with the rules. If you recording things good for you. Just don't brag about it in the forums.

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For the second time today, I apologize for starting another sore topic. Even though I can't offer a reason behind the rule, and it appears nobody can, I respect it as a rule that should be followed. In case I haven't said it before, I believe environment is key at a place like PKI. Many of the recordings I like the most aren't when I'm even on an actual coaster: they are when I'm just walking on international street, hearing the fountains and the music in the background. It's the environment that makes it such a special place and I just wanted to capture it on an audio tape. Do I subsitute that for a trip to PKI? No way. But I do listen occasionally to get a feel of what it was like walking around there. Some people pop pills to get rid of bad memories, but I choose to pop in a tape to bring back good ones. Sometimes memories are all we have to go on, but, again, I now know that it wasn't a necessarily lawful act. Going along with what someone else said, I just don't believe in spending eight dollars after every ride in order to preserve the memory of it. And, to quote a great Paramount Pictures character, "That's all I have to say about that."

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OK... I have no opinion on this cause i do not know the answer. But in the future, when you want to know some "legal" advise like this and you want to ask it....DON'T! Every time we are just proving that we will never agree, all it does is start fights. I say close the topic and forget about it!

Edited by matt3224
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DragonLord, get over it. It happens daily and it really disgusts me that the park and people like you make such a huge deal out of it. Its a picture! ITS JUST A RECORDING! FOR PERSONAL USE! GEEZ! its not like we are going to use it against the park! and for your info, I have recorded all of Spaceship Earth AND Dinosaur, ON VIDEO! not to mention TOT. Goodgosh people! is it really that big of a deal? do we really want to instigate another fight over this?

PKI, like all parks, is private property. PKI has just as much right to say you can't take pictures or record audio, just as a person has the right to tell a guest in their house that they can't take pictures, or smoke, or whatever.

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I don't see any reason that Audio taping would be illegal. Just make sure that the recorder is tightly secured so that it doesn't fall out during any rides. The only thing that I would see being illegal would be taping the live shows...for copyright reasons.....but i know that that is not illegal. I say feel free to do some audio taping.

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Inraider, I don't mean to brag, but this guy's got it. If it's a violation of law, it's a violation. Again, not bragging, but just saying that I do happen to have the audio of the former Phantom Theater. (hmmm would the leagality change because it's a former ride?) Anyway, I don't want to upset anyone that thinks there's a possible legal issue in this, I'm just replying to what Inraider said. Don't think that I'm the only one with the audio from the ride, as I'm sure many others have got their hands on it one way or another, but I would never consider selling the audio of it for profit even though it's a legend.

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You could probably share it for free and no-one think a thing of it. But, you are right in saying that you cannot sell it, now thats illegal. But, I sure would love to have it, as would a lot of other people here. I am sure that if guys asked the park, since the ride is defunct, that it would be ok. A disclaimer and description on who produced the piece, I am certain that it wouldn't be a problem, but you 'll have to ask first. The last thing we need is the park angry at us. But, if you do get the go ahead, it would be greatly appreciated by many.

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