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Oh, for anyone wanting to know "some other B&M Hypers" for Question 3...I haven't ridden any of these but...

Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland

Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia

Titan at Six Flags Great Adventure

Note, Magnum XL 200 is NOT a B&M Hyper. It is a Hyper, but not a B&M.

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good. no pain... no other b&ms. Sorry but I could just ride Beast or SOB all day.... DB is good. I just make sure that ride op makes the lapbar as tight as ever. One time they told me it was ok when I wanted her to put it down more, she just looked at me & said,"you are fine". EEEEEKKKKS. No I wasn't. Ok, call me whimpy... I know terpy will...

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  McSalsa said:
Oh, for anyone wanting to know "some other B&M Hypers" for Question 3...I haven't ridden any of these but...

Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland

Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia

Titan at Six Flags Great Adventure

Note, Magnum XL 200 is NOT a B&M Hyper. It is a Hyper, but not a B&M.

Mine were phenomenal, no pain, and the only B&M Hyper I've been on.

By the way, I believe you either meant Titan at SFOT (Which was manufactured by Giovanola) or Nitro at SFGAdv. Just an observation.

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  McSalsa said:
OK, who slammed DB with a poor rating!?!? :angry:


Ahhh,Crap! I did that! I was still clicked on the no pain choice,and I was usinng the arrow keys and it moved it to that,and I hit ok,then realized i did! Sorry! I dont think I gave it it a poor rating though, stupid arrow keys!

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  Tom76257 said:
  McSalsa said:
Oh, for anyone wanting to know "some other B&M Hypers" for Question 3...I haven't ridden any of these but...

Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland

Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia

Titan at Six Flags Great Adventure

Note, Magnum XL 200 is NOT a B&M Hyper. It is a Hyper, but not a B&M.

Mine were phenomenal, no pain, and the only B&M Hyper I've been on.

By the way, I believe you either meant Titan at SFOT (Which was manufactured by Giovanola) or Nitro at SFGAdv. Just an observation.

Yeah, I did...I also didn't realize they weren't B&Ms, though they resemble them in appearance...which is how I was tricked.

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  McSalsa said:

I AM KIC LOCAL NOW!!! :lol::lol::lol:

...and no one notices...

How could we not notice with you announcing it like that

... and I think McPollster would be a better name for you

Oops - forgot to say. Phenomenal, No Pain, Only B&M. This is one of the few rides I could ride all day long without getting bored or feeling pain. Its addicting and I'm actually going through withdrawl right now since its been 2 weeks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Phenomenal, no pain, Better than all of the ones I've ridden. Diamondback's bigger hills (Pre-MCBR) are better than Goliath's big hills (Pre-Horseshoe.) but Goliath's smaller return hills are better than Diamondback's Small Return hills. Goliath's Helix is better than both of ours. But our Hammerhead is better than Goliath's Horseshoe turn. Overall Diamondback is better. Raging Bull can't really compare to Diamondback, except it's low to ground helices are better.

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Average, No Pain, Slightly Worse.

It was over-hyped for me. After watching it grow from a pile of dirt to a giant structure I was excited to ride. I rode it 3 times in 15 minutes. The first time was suprisingly dull in the back car. I said to my cousin that it had to just be a bad ride, and that we would try again to see if it would put out. It again was pretty dull to me. The only slightly amusing ride was front seat. Still nothing for me to be excited about.

Apollo's Chariot and Nitro were both better.

Magnum is still the best all time though :)

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I was going to say... What about Apollo's Chariot and Raging Bull? Apollo's Chariot is just as good a ride, if not better IMO. Raging Bull, however, is far worse that Diamondback. Being a longtime KI fan, I rated Diamondback as phenomenal. It's a great ride and much-needed for many years at the park.

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