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June 14th meet up, really short trip!


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My brother Brian (doesn't have a username), my sister Ashley(Ashers on KIC), and I got to the park at around 10:15 to find a large group of KICers waiting around by Diamondback's exit. After waiting for what seemed like forever, Ashley, Brian, PKIruler, Keiko Coaster, and myself decide to run over to Wild Thornberry's River Adventure since it had no line, and the large group of KICers was still waiting for Rachel (StalkerChick) to arrive. So we run over to that and get on in a few minutes. Brian, PKIruler, and myself rode in a boat, and Ashley and Keiko rode in another. It was a lot of fun! I rode in the back and hardly got wet, but Brian rode in the front and got drenched! :lol:

We got off of WTRA and went back over with the group to sit and wait. After like 20 more minutes Brian, Ashley, Keiko, and Gigacoaster2k, were tired of waiting, so we stood up and started walking to Diamondback. Soon the large group of KICers followed us to make a group of 19! It was fun! You can definately tell the difference between a group of coaster enthusiests riding Diamondback than the GP. We were cheering really loud when our train rolled back into the station!

After getting off of Diamondback we all stopped for a group picture!

Ashley, Brian, Danielle, and I were getting hungry, so we decided to skip the 2nd lap on Diamondback to get some food. We ate at the Central Grill in Nick Universe. The chicken meal was good, and a good value too! It was 8 bucks for quiet a few chicken tenders, and I pile of curly fries. Danielle, Ashley, and I all got the chicken meal. Brian however got the burger and said it was pretty gross. So he wasn't feeling good from drinking too much the night before, and now a bad burger on top of that, so he wasn't feeling too good at all. So we figured we were leaving earlier than we planned :angry:

So before we had to leave we wanted to ride a few more things on the otherside of the park. WE walked right on to the Blue Racer (red also had a walkon). Mental Note: Only ride on Red Racer side! Blue is way rougher! It was still fun though.

Next we decided to hop on Adventure Express. This too was almost a walkon. This ride is still fun for not being one of the big coasters.

Then we went into Action Zone and waited a couple cycles for Delirium, I wanna say we waited two cycles and got on the third?... I like Delirium, the cycle is just way too short. Once you get going, you stop.

Then we walked over to Drop Tower, we waited two cycles for this, and got on the third. I love Drop Tower! It's such a rush!

Brian said that he was done riding rides and didn't want to ride anything else, so we decided to just leave at 2:00pm :(

It was a really fub trip! We got to meet a lot of really cool people, and we had a great time! It sucks we had to leave early, but just as we were leaving the rain started.

I can't wait until the next KIC meet-up, maybe then we'll actually get to stay with the group! Hope everyone else had a good time too!

Pictures are on the way! stay tuned!

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Here are the pictures!

I see Diamondback!


Here's a pretty empty Nick U.


Diamondback's hills in the distance


train going up the lift hill


Picture of the group


Here's Justin's awesome costume LOL :lol:


more random group pics



Ashley and Angie posing!



Us getting our picture taken right before we left


These are just shots I took on the way out.







Storm clouds moving in!


Me and Ashley


More storm clouds moving in



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Thanks for the great report and pix!

You're very welcome!

Nice seeing you for one second! Next time, we actually need to hangout for a long time and ride stuff!

I know! Everytime we say we're going to meet up, we sort of just don't. Next time we'll actually meet up and ride stuff. Were you guys just getting there when we saw you?

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It was really fun hanging out with you guys yesterday.. sorry brian didnt feel good :( We'll have to hang out again!

Yeah I wanted to stay longer yesterday, but I guess that's what having a season pass is for, you can come back whenever. That would be fun to hang out again! :D

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LOL good seeing you guys out in the parking lot hahaha hope yall felt better after you got home ;) i still think if i can do it hungover so can you O:)

You too!

I wish we would have stayed, but there's always next time! :D

I really need to watch for who is taking pictures.... that one of me is wow. God awful ha ha ha

Sorry! I was just trying to get a few pictures of everyone just talking.

Another fun Trip Report to read...I like that yours always have "personality"! I'm sorry that your trip was cut short...and on that subject/drinking, i'm beginning to get a better idea why you "guys" always look like you're so happy in your photos! :P

Thanks :D

lol I;m underage! :rolleyes:

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