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Is Holiday World worth visiting?

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I've been going to Holiday World every year from 2004, I can't get enough of the place. I think the major thing they have over a lot of parks is there water park, its a lot newer, and they keep adding new slides. Plus things you get for free are, free parking, free soft drinks, free sunscreen, and you don't have to break the bank to eat in the park ether. Plus they have three of the best wooden roller coasters, The Raven, Legend, and The Voyage. Holiday World is a better value for your buck than most of the other big chain parks, that all there interested in is making money.

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I hear it's an exceptional park but for a thrill ride junkie is it better than King's Island?

I would not say better than KI. They do some things better, but it is a lot smaller. What they lack in size though, they make up in quality. If you like wooden coasters, they have 3 of the best around. I believe it is worth a trip. I usually go once a year.

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YES. :)

*Free drinks including soda, Gatorade, lemonade and iced tea

*Free SPF 30 sunscreen

*Free parking

*Trim-free coasters

*Park is very, very, very clean

*Employees, ride ops, and management are all extremely hospitable, and will go out of their way to help you with anything

*Theming throughout the park is wonderfully done

*Weather alerts will sound over the PA system when bad weather is approaching, and again when the weather has left

*Low food prices

*Great food quality

In fact, I was so blown away by the park on my first visit that only a few hours into the day, I looked at my friend and announced that I was getting a season pass on my next visit.. which I did.

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I to was also blown away from my first visit to HW back in 2004, it was like were am I? this is so perfect! It was so nice to drink gatorade though out the day, I hate it at other parks were yeah they charge four or five dollars for a drink, and the medium and large is way to much, were I some times feel sick after wards. But getting a drink when I want one is so great. And I do not like how other parks keep every year raising there parking price, and it its like were is this money going, it isn't going to the parking lot. And I've never had a cold plate of food at HW, were I have had cold fries and burgers at KI.

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Of course, go! Exceptional wooden coasters. great water park... having the world's tallest water ride isn't a bad plug either. One thing I've always believed about the soft drinks there is that, yes, you pay the price in your admission, it's all about perceived value. And what a value it is, that you don't need to wait in any lines for a drink. If you need just ice water, no hassle there, either! I've had a few less than pleasant experiences asking for water from stands at a park (but most of the time the workers were friendly).

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On my very first visit to the park, only a few hours after arriving, I was so blown away by the park that I proclaimed that I was going to buy a season pass on my next visit.

Which I did. I am now a season passholder, only having visited HW twice in my entire life.

By the way, HW is 4.5 hours from where I sit (3.5 with the time zone change from EST to CDT).

If that doesn't tell you how impressed I am, I don't know what else to say.

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YES. :)

*Free drinks including soda, Gatorade, lemonade and iced tea

*Free SPF 30 sunscreen

*Free parking

*Trim-free coasters

*Park is very, very, very clean

*Employees, ride ops, and management are all extremely hospitable, and will go out of their way to help you with anything

*Theming throughout the park is wonderfully done

*Weather alerts will sound over the PA system when bad weather is approaching, and again when the weather has left

*Low food prices

*Great food quality

In fact, I was so blown away by the park on my first visit that only a few hours into the day, I looked at my friend and announced that I was getting a season pass on my next visit.. which I did.

You name off a bunch of things a describe them as "free" but that's far from the truth. The truth is that you paid for all of those amenities when you bought your ticket by paying major league prices for a minor league park. It's all built in. Claiming that you get free sun tan lotion at Holiday World is like saying that you get free rides on Top Thrill Dragster when you buy a ticket to Cedar Point.

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I have to agree with BoddaH1994 on this one. I think it really evens out, really. Yeah, HW gives you all of these perks. The cost of the "perks" is built into the admission price. KI has numerous many more rides and more entertainment to offer than HW. Not to say that HW isn't a great park that has quality rides, service, etc. I believe both parks are a good value in certain respects- KI in the rides/entertainment dept., HW in the service and quality dept...

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If your a member of ACE you get about $15 off the admission price.You only have to pay $26.95 for a one day ticket and only $23.95 after 3. It is also only $84.95 for a season pass.

Those prices are still very comparable to Kings Island prices if you go the right route.

No one's going to argue that the amenities at Holiday World are convenient. They truly are. I do, however, have a problem with people saying they're free. Again, it's kind of like saying it costs $47.99 to walk through the gates at Kings Island but then you get to ride Diamondback, The Beast, The Vortex and Flight Deck for free.

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You name off a bunch of things a describe them as "free" but that's far from the truth. The truth is that you paid for all of those amenities when you bought your ticket by paying major league prices for a minor league park. It's all built in. Claiming that you get free sunscreen at Holiday World is like saying that you get free rides on Top Thrill Dragster when you buy a ticket to Cedar Point.

Technically I didn't buy a ticket for either visit to Holiday World. I got into HoliWood Nights without paying a penny to HW because I'm an ACE member.

My season pass price on my second visit to HW was $84.95, compared to the normal $139.95 (thanks again to my ACE membership). That's a difference of $55.

So my $60 ACE membership basically paid for itself, and as I see it from what I just wrote, I got one heck of a deal.

Even if parking, drinks, and sunscreen aren't technically free, it seems that way because things like hydration and proper sun care are far more important. Sunburn and dehydration are very serious, and if you are suffering from both, you can get sick in a heartbeat. I appreciate not having to pay a gouged price every time for food, drinks, or sunscreen at HW. The park takes care of you.. I like that.

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Yes, but CF dangles great deals in your face for a very limited time, and then yanks them away for the rest of the year.

From a park visitor's point, it seems that the people in the ivory tower have dollar signs gleaming in their eyes. Charge for everything you can possibly charge for, and gouge the prices of the things people need the most.

I am aware that the cash flow all evens out to a certain point, but the way it is executed is what I am trying to get at.

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The people in the ivory towers at Cedar Fair have a very large debt staring them in the face...Debt for things such as park acquisitions and yes, even building things like Diamondback. And debt that must be paid, one way or another. Six Flags is currently experiencing the "other" alternative. Cedar Fair earlier this year attempted to refinance its debt. There has been no announcement of such a restructuring, but rather of selling parks and excess land. Revenue must be raised, one way or another.

Customers can choose whether or not to consume food and beverage in the park. If the price of that beverage has already been collected, they cannot choose whether or not to pay for it. That, I believe, is part of Ryan's point. I am taking, to some extent, a third position. See, Cedar Fair does it, too. Is free parking with a Kings Island gold pass really free? Are refills on a Kings Island drink service wristband really free? Or have you already paid for both? As to the last, you did not pay for any beverages if you did not buy a wristband or any beverages in the park, while at Holiday World, you have, at least theoretically.

Someone must pay for the rides, labor, shows, interest payments (if applicable), executive salaries, and, hopefully at some point, profit. How? Therein lies the rub.

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I just realized that I paid a $42.95 preregistration to get into HoliWood Nights. My bad. :( (But it was worth every single penny!)

Aside from that mistake, I will try one last time to make my point.

At CF parks, parking fees are based on what type of admission you are paying. Then you pay a reasonable price for a ticket or season pass. Then in the park, you pay gouged prices for food, drinks, sunscreen, gifts, pretty much everything. You pay and you pay and you pay.

At HW, you do not have to pay to park. Then you pay a gouged price for your admission ticket or season pass. Then in the park, you don't have to pay for drinks or sunscreen. Food and other items are reasonably priced.

From a guest's point of view:

One marketing strategy very obviously puts the company first.

The other very obviously puts the customer first. (THAT SHOULD BE MORE IMPORTANT!)

What does each marketing strategy say to the park guest, whether enthusiast or not?

What would you rather have people say or think?

"Wow, the people on the corporate ladder are really trying hard to make money"

or, "Wow, this park really cares about their customers"


*As much as I love the rides at the parks I've mentioned, the magic I feel on the midway, and the many friends I have made there, I see exactly what is going on when I see the price tags.

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I have never been there, and I doubt I ever will. They just don't have that much for a 40 dollar price tag. But then again I don't give a rats behind about water parks, I like the amusement side, which means I am paying 40 dollars for 2 nice wooden coasters and a small collection of carnival rides basically. I don't need free soft drinks, please charge me for them and take that off the price of admission and let me decide whether I want to spend money on drinks or not. I usually just pack a cooler in the car and go out and drink one if I get thirsty, but they are not free you're paying for them in price of admission, and how about $140 for a season pass are you kidding me? It's what between $95 and $110 for a Cedar Point season pass depending on when you buy it. To me it looks like a park that would be about at $25 -$30 dollar admission, but they throw on a big waterpark which are relatively cheap compared to major rides and jump the price up $15, well I'm not paying for that water park. If you are a fan of water parks it might be a great place, but if you just like the amusement side I can't imagine it being worth the price or the drive. As far as Indiana goes I would recommend Indiana Beach. It is a fine old fashioned reasonable park with a terrific variety of rides.

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It has three amazing wooden coasters, a S&S double shot, fantastic water park, and a crazy log flume.

I LOVED the place. The Voyage is an absolutely insane roller coaster.

You don't know ejector air until you've ridden the back seat of Voyage. It's my number one coaster!

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