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Have the Gold season passes been discontinued? I'm going on a trip up there in a few weeks and I would really like to take advantages of all the "VIP" perks ERT's, discounts, etc. It's just I couldn't find where to buy a gold pass online and I can't afford a Platinum pass.

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Crap..... Now I can't take part in the benefits of the gold pass without getting a platinum pass which is too much money for me. I'm going up there in like a week and every lit bit I could do to save money (discounts) and to basically just have a better time (ERT's) would make the trip that much better.

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to be honest, the discounts on food are nice (though nothing to write home about) when ive used them, but the ert is only 30 min during the week, which, on a busy day, usually only nets you 1-2 rides on DB. Beast is usually empty during ert, so there is a chance for a reride. IMO, the free parking is the best perk, which is why i always renew in the fall when prices are lowest. look for presales of 2010 gold passes around Haunt time.

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to be honest, the discounts on food are nice (though nothing to write home about) when ive used them, but the ert is only 30 min during the week, which, on a busy day, usually only nets you 1-2 rides on DB. Beast is usually empty during ert, so there is a chance for a reride. IMO, the free parking is the best perk, which is why i always renew in the fall when prices are lowest. look for presales of 2010 gold passes around Haunt time.

Thanks for the info. The only way I can get the presales for the gold pass is if they sell 'em online. I live in Miami.

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What's usually the fall price on gold renewal?

Last fall it was $84.99 for adult, $69.99 for Junior/Senior. What the prices will be this fall, only a very select few know now (and no, I'm not one of those select few!).

Not bad. I know prices fluctuate, just wanted a good idea ;) We'll be renewing this fall for sure. I interview for the RN program next week, and if I get in, there will be no 'vacation' for us next summer...so we'll have to make due with long weekends. And yep, what better place to do so than at the Island? :D

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What's usually the fall price on gold renewal?

Last fall it was $84.99 for adult, $69.99 for Junior/Senior. What the prices will be this fall, only a very select few know now (and no, I'm not one of those select few!).

Not bad. I know prices fluctuate, just wanted a good idea ;) We'll be renewing this fall for sure. I interview for the RN program next week, and if I get in, there will be no 'vacation' for us next summer...so we'll have to make due with long weekends. And yep, what better place to do so than at the Island? :D

Where Else?

good question.

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What's usually the fall price on gold renewal?

Last fall it was $84.99 for adult, $69.99 for Junior/Senior. What the prices will be this fall, only a very select few know now (and no, I'm not one of those select few!).

Not bad. I know prices fluctuate, just wanted a good idea ;) We'll be renewing this fall for sure. I interview for the RN program next week, and if I get in, there will be no 'vacation' for us next summer...so we'll have to make due with long weekends. And yep, what better place to do so than at the Island? :D

It is a good price. Considering I've been 10 times so far (and I'm not done yet!), that works out to $8.50 admission per visit at this point. :D

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As I recall, the price was just raised to 84.99 from 79.99 this past season (well, to be techical, in years past (last few seaons anyway) it was 79.99 with a 'free' upgrade to gold. This past year it was still 79.99 for the basic pass with an upgrade to gold available for 5.00 more), so I wouldn't expect an increase. I also wouldn't expect a decrease. If past years hold true, I would expect the 84.99 price to hold for 2010 renewals. But, be aware, this renewal price is only good for current gold pass holders. I don't believe it applies to first time pass buyers. The free parking perk has traditonally gone away after the end of the season, but I know that it was carried over to the spring this year, so as long as we're still in a recession, I would guess that the free parking gets carried over to the spring of 2010 as well.

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I'm definitely getting a gold pass in fall/spring.

If I were you, I would save up for the Platinum pass and plan on hitting some of the other CF parks. Kings Dominion is getting a new Giga Coasters and CP is just a short drive up the road from Cincy (compared to Miami Fl that is). Canada's Wonderland was like a cross between Kings Island and Cedar Point IOW a great park.

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I'm definitely getting a gold pass in fall/spring.

If I were you, I would save up for the Platinum pass and plan on hitting some of the other CF parks. Kings Dominion is getting a new Giga Coasters and CP is just a short drive up the road from Cincy (compared to Miami Fl that is). Canada's Wonderland was like a cross between Kings Island and Cedar Point IOW a great park.

Well I'll have to think about that closer to the time when I'm going to get the pass. If I have the opportunity to go to another CF park like KD, CP, CW, etc. that would be awesome and I'd definitely buy a platinum pass. I doubt, though, that next summer when I go up to Ohio I'll be able to go anywhere other than good 'ol KI.

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