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The Racer


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"Hey, that was back in 1970, before alot of things haha. That pic makes The Racer seem HUGE! Not height, but length. "

Yeah I know, but just comparing it seems... yeah. Well it was before everything GOOD happened, I was born in 1996. I brought joy, peace, and all things good.

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Whenever I go to Kings Island, I always ride The Racer after everything else. When I ride it, every time, only the Red train is going. Why is that? I thought that maybe it was because there were not enough people to have two trains going, but three times there was at least a 10 minute wait and the whole Red train was filled up and there were still leftover people.

I just want to know why they won't run the Blue train! It's no fun when you ride something called The Racer and there's no trains racing each other. Why?

HI, i am one of the associates working at The Racer. During the morning, we only open up one side (usually red) because we only have 3 workers come in in the morning. During the day we run both sides and race them. And around 8 pm at night, we close the blue side down because Swings leave at 8 and only like 4 people work till close, which is enough to run the red side. Hope this helped.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Lookin at THIS picture, It seems to me that there is or was one last cammel back. It seems to me that where that last hill is, is where it starts goes up then straight. Was that removed or is it still there?

which part are you talking about , I cant tell, but it sounds interesting.

and wait wheres The Beast?! lol I see Vortex.

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Ummm that isn't The Bat, that is for sure The Vortex. Notice Flight Commander is in that pic. And yes The Racer used to have another dip before you would hit the break. The former forwards side was the first side to see the change in 1996, then the former backwards side saw the change in 1997.

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^ That's not The Vortex thats The Bat. I think.

:( OH WHY'D The Bat HAvE TO GO? BOOHOO *cries*

The Vortex is now where The Bat was. And The Beast isn't any where near Coney Mall its in Rivertown

As PKIVortex noted, that is actually Vortex - in addition to Flight Commander, some other things give this away: Flying Eagles moved to new location, Zephyr installed and Flying Carpet moved. FYI - the picture is taken between 1990-1993

Also, although The Beast entrance is in Rivertown, the ride actually goes fairly close to The Racer Turnarounds.

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Ummm that isn't The Bat, that is for sure The Vortex. Notice Flight Commander is in that pic. And yes The Racer used to have another dip before you would hit the break. The former forwards side was the first side to see the change in 1996, then the former backwards side saw the change in 1997.

yeah i had to look twice to make sure it wasn't The Bat, i was like hunh?

I coulda sworn you can see part of beast from this angle ,lol

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