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the scareing is urgent, there isn't any evil carny's


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i started my day with the screamin meanie{a truckers godsend} going off at 5:30am. i shut it off and fell back asleap. i woke back up at 9:15am. so i left around 10 and got to the park around noon. i messed up by going thru regular gates, instead of employee entrance. so i backtracked to gold lot, & scored a close spot in front of a van that looked familair. as i walked up to employee entrance for monster resources, i got a bunch of snickers, stares, and people saying "hey, your going the wrong way, gates over there" & "you baffon, your going to cook yourself". this was due to the fact i had on cargo pants that unzip at the knee, a t-shirt on under a long sleeve stripped polo, and dress shoe.

i got in and was suprissed at the turn-out for first day of open interviews. i hung out over by a group of people that looked like a bunch of rehires. got to talking to them and they seemed kool. one well built girl was going for make-up artist and mentioned she new stalkerchick but kept calling her by the wrong name. another was reapplying for club blood. i saw the old guy from the begining of carnevil last year and he said he was just the set-up guy. saw a short guy built like me with the name of paul, but people called him uncle feaster{cause he did look just like him}. they mentioned he needed a tattoo of an 8-ball on the top of his head.

uncle feaster said he played the burn victim in the kitchen of mascre manor last year, & his mask was made to fit him and him alone. this lady by the name of granny could only understand half the words comin out of my mouth. so i popped out my falsey's and stated "yeah, its hard to understand me with my teeth in." the room got quite and she kinda chuckled and said "ok then". then my name was called{last name being heck} and everyone went silent.

before the interview, this lady took me back to the scream room and mentioned "nice fangs, did you have them filed down?" i said "no, they grew in that way" & i proceeded to tell here my story on how i lost my teeth {which that is a different story entirely, & i dont wanna get sidetracked}. the interview consisted of how did you hear about this, what did i like and why, & a scream on demand. i was givin urgent scare. i found out rehires get to choose what they want, so carnevil better watch out next year.

then i was stuck in the finalization of signin my life away, & playing the waiting game that reminds me a lot of the BMV. after it was all over i went out to my car to switch shoes, transform my pants into shorts, And to take off that long-sleeve polo and into my dickies t-shirt. i saw and talked to what i thought was kittenpoo & ryepie. then went into park and headed for db, but saw a long line so i roamed my way to the tower to see my favorite team of employee's. then went down the tower and went to ride blue racer once. after that i was over the crowd so i went towards the front and looked around the shops before picking up a box of fresh taffy and headin home.

overall a good day at the k...i.

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Nice TR! Was "granny" the old lady who said she's worked at Massacre Manor for quiete a while. She said she was in the dining room? If so, then I also talked to her. She was very nice and helpful before I went in to interview and gave me some good tips. She could probably tell how nervous I was.

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Nice TR! Was "granny" the old lady who said she's worked at Massacre Manor for quiete a while. She said she was in the dining room? If so, then I also talked to her. She was very nice and helpful before I went in to interview and gave me some good tips. She could probably tell how nervous I was.

yes she was. but she wasn't the lady who played it last year. at least that is what she told me. also sorry for not responding sooner. i just got back from my Cedar Point trip/vacation. i will have a tr up when photos finish uploading.

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one well built girl was going for make-up artist and mentioned she new stalkerchick but kept calling her by the wrong name.

uncle feaster said he played the burn victim in the kitchen of mascre manor last year, & his mask was made to fit him and him alone.

LOL Did she call me Rachel? Or she probably called me Jessica or Pam cuz she's a nut. But her name Is Ingrid and i <3 her. she's a hoot. and totally made my nights working with her. Whenever i got hurt or just so upset with a guest, she was there to calm me down, make me laugh, and kiss my boo boos.

And yes Uncle Festers mask was pretty much form fitted around that head of his.


yes, uncle feaster. he is kool.

YES!!!! He's great. He also made the time putting on ppl's makeup so much more enjoyable!

I can't wait to audition. And if you're any good at coming up with ideas and short skits, I'd ask to be placed outside when you get there for rehersal week. thats when your supervisors decide where they put you. If you wanna do a lot of pop scares, request inside. They both can be fun! :) Especially if you're with the right ppl (Like Typical Guy ;) )

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