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Kings Dominion Visit

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I'm leaving for KD tonight, and will be there tomorrow 4-close, Friday open-3, and Saturday open-3.

As far as rides, I'm on my 43rd coaster, so I'm going to make either Dominator or Volcano my 50th. The other one that's not my 50th will be the first thing I ride. As far as my opinion, I'd go with Dominator as my 50th because I've never ridden a floorless coaster and it looks pretty awesome. But Volcano gets better reviews, so I'm kind of stuck. Any opinions?

Other than those, the other coaster's I want to ride are Shockwave, Anaconda, Avalanche, Grizzly, Hurler, Rebel Yell (both), Ricochet, and I guess I'll ride Flight of Fear and Backlot so I'll have ridden every coaster there, seeing as I've already ridden SDGC and Taxi Jam.

As for flats, the Crypt, Berserker, Drop Tower, Eagles (for bringing back good memories), Eiffel Tower (get a good view of the construction site), and possibly El Dorado, Americana, or the water rides.

Are those all the good rides? And what should crowds be like?

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I would go with Volcano as #50. Dominator is a great ride with generally short lines. You will want to get plenty of re-rides. My suggestion is to get the 6 that you need done on Thursday night then if you can get a night ride on Volcano for your #50.

I am assuming that you have a platinum card. They don't do ERTs like KI, but they let you into the back of the park 15 minutes early. The other thing is that they open Dominator before the park officially opens. We got there before the parking lot opened and had a great parking space and were first in line at the turnstiles. This allowed us to book on over to Dominator for the front row of the first train. We then got a re-ride before heading back to the holding area behind the tower for the season pass early opening. We did not get first train on Volcano, but we did get front row 2nd train.

We had a great time at KD and look forward to going back next year to ride the Giga.

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I went to KD in June, the Grizzly is nothing special but you should ride it. Anaconda is extremely rough. Volcano was spectacular with the launch and twists, and Dominator is in my opinion, the best coaster there. I didn't ride Hurler because honestly, it looked pretty lame! :lol:. But The Crypt is amazing with the fire and flames, but it does hurt on the last top spin. These are all my opinions and I think KD is a great park. (While on Volcano look for where they are building there coaster, looks big!!!!) HAVE FUN!!!

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I think that Volcano is by far the best coaster there. I really enjoyed both Grizzly and Hurler too, although the rest of my family didn't, but I rode in the front seat of both and I found them to give smooth great rides. A night ride on Grizzly is a must, as it probably is the best night ride in the park.

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I would definitely ride these:

1. Volcano. My favorite ride there, smooth, fast, unique launch and great themeing.

2. Grizzy. Good tunnel, didn.t notice trim, takes you into the woods and back. Only complaint is that it is short compared to The Beast.

3. Dominator. I've ridden this at GL as well. A solid B&M.

I posted descriptions and pics at my trip report here:


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I actually also went to Busch Gardens. It is my new favorite park. Everything is so scenic and beautiful. Not to mention, they have my new favorite ride: Griffon. As for Big Bad Wolf: don't get me wrong, its a good ride, but if I had to pick one of the five big coasters to tear down, it would be Big Bad Wolf.

My favorite ride at KD was Volcano, The Blast Coaster. By far. Dominator was a bit of a let down, cause we rode it in the second to back row. But riding it in the front was awesome! Volcano still reigns.

Anyways, I got pictures! I've got a lot of the new track and a few of the construction site. I'll write a TR when I have the time. Leaving for CP at 12!

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