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Florida PTR


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Hello again. Since I was asked to do a PTR, i decided that i would. I am currently in college at Miami and we had fall break on Friday, October 16. Soooo I decided to leave and visit my best friend as well as Chase (iChase) in winterpark, FL from October 14-October 18.

DAY 1:

The flight down was pretty intresting, I was supposed to fly from Dayton - Atlanta, Atlanta - Orlando. My flight was orginally set for 6:30, when I got to the airport though, i saw EVERY flight to atlanta was being delayed so i changed my flight to a flight that left an hour earlier, but got delayed anyway. I got an entire row. Then when I got to Atlanta I called Chase to tell him and that there was an earlier flight to Orlando that i'd try to get on. The one person told us it was booked and we'd have to wait for the 9PM one, except the other guy said he'd get us on, SOOOOOOOO I got the entire row of first class to myself, it was AMAZING. After getting to Orlando and being greeted by Heather and Chase we decided to head out for Buffalo Wild Wings to get some dinner.

DAY 2:

It was a pretty lazy day in the morning, went out to Chipoltle for lunch. We we're going to Halloween Horror Nights that night. Soo Chase and I went to Rollins college to pick up Heather and Justin and left for Universal at 5 PM. We had to pick up the tickets so we headed to do that, well instead of ending up where the tickets were, we ended up at Disney. Finallyy after driving around getting our tickets we got to Halloween Horror. We paid for preferred parking but we accidently missed the enterance for preferred parking, soooo Chase ended up going through cones so we could get in.. :) Halloween Horror night was OK, it was absolutely packed for a Thursday. We only really got in one haunted attracted, Werewolf. It was pretty good, my group was pretty scared. We were told Chucky only had a 70 minute line, but it was definately over 3 hours because we waited in mmore than half of it. The scare zones that you have to walk through are amazing, and its neat that you have to go in at least one of them. We rode Mummy and Jaws. Otherwise, for the regular price of $70, it wasn't really worth it.








DAY 3:

Went to Olive Garden for lunch. Then hung out at Rollins college for the rest of the day/night. Group of people went to double feature: Where the Wild Things Are and Paranormal Activity. Lets just say, Paranormal Activity is very freaky.

DAY 4:

Had to wake up pretty early to go to Sea World. Heather had never been to Sea World sooooo i was excited to show her around and we did the VIP 7-hour walking tour. They show you around Sea World, you get reserved seating (which Heather and I decided to get better seating than that), fish to feed the dolphins, rays and seals as well as skipping the lines to get on the rides such as Manta, Kraken and Journey to Atlantis. Also with the VIP tour we got to enjoy Dine With Shamu. They also had a Halloween Event for everyone, and you could go trick-or-treating around Sea World.

















DAY 5:

Had to leave at 3 AM to get to the airport. Not a lot else went on, the flight from Orlando to Atlanta was jammed pack with little kids screaming for ice cream at 5 in the morning. haha.

Thanks for reading/looking. If you have any questions just ask me :D

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Thanks for sharing! My only questions are what did you think of Manta and HRRR?

I really enjoyed Manta, the scenery was awesome, as the roller coaster was intense. It was a pretty cool view of the park. It's pretty much like Firehawk, except that the seats are a lot more comfortable. The ride was actually closed for a while during the morning, and I believe the line was 45 minutes. They get people on and off the ride very quick. I'm blanking right now, whats HRRR?

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Guest TombraiderTy

I like several of the SeaWorld Orlando photos a lot, especially the dolphin ones. Sounds like an overall good time, although it's too bad to hear you didn't enjoy Halloween Horror Nights too much- I've heard that getting Express Passes to skip the lines is the way to go.

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I like several of the SeaWorld Orlando photos a lot, especially the dolphin ones. Sounds like an overall good time, although it's too bad to hear you didn't enjoy Halloween Horror Nights too much- I've heard that getting Express Passes to skip the lines is the way to go.

It probably is, but then it kinda ruins the anticipation you have for a haunt becuase you dont have to wait in line. As well as just to get in is really expensive, then add another thing on to buy.. It already was a pretty costly weekend.

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Yay Danielle! I'm glad you had such a great time! Your photos are awesome too.

I want a VIP tour of Sea World :( I'm jealous! Not just because of the coasters, but because I love animals and marine life so much. Anyone who's been to a zoo or an aquarium with me will tell you that I'm in heaven when I'm there. Especially if I walk into an aviary.. I absolutely love birds.. you have to DRAG me out of there! :)

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My sister's trying to convince me that any place that uses animals for entertainment, aka SeaWorld, is cruel to animals. She said they told her that in their zoology class. My mom said that that stuff probably always come when animals are in captivity.

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lol although both are vaild points in some aspect. The animals there are being cared for extremely well. I have worked at the Sea World for camp there and seen how much hard work and attention each animal gets as well as the quality of food (AND YES, ITS RESTRAUNT QUALITY FISH PEOPLE) they receive. Now yes, I dont like the shows that much at Sea World because they're highly based upon the trainers, but i believe the park in itself gives a great opportunity for people of all ages to explore and learn about marine life, thats how i found my passion.

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