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PTR: FaerieWench's Closing Day Report


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I went!

But first I had to play with my new Olympus SLR along the bike trail and got pics of the Peters Cartridge Company behind KI... didn't realize it till then you can see Drop Tower from there, lol.

We got to KI around 1:30pm (me, my dad and brother). My dad and brother proceeded into the park on their own while I went and bought a ticket for Undertaker (the bring a friend for 10bucks deal) and remained around the front gate waiting to hear from him. While hanging around the gate I saw Don Helbig who I carried a brief conversation with till a park friend/long time coworker came up, lol. Saw Rach/StalkerChick walk through the metal detectors with a couple other Haunters and different people. I approached only her just to give her the blasted hug she been waiting for me to actually give rather than her jumping me for it. I made sure to keep the encounter brief because...

1) I didn't feel right wandering off incase Undertaker got there

2) for the sake of my own comfort zone (only a select few know what I'm talking about)

Seeing StalkerChick though eased me a little bit though cause I miss Haunt terribly. Such a fun year.

I decided to go into the park myself to at least catch a couple quickie rides while I waited for Undertaker to arrive. So I went for my favorite coaster in the entire park! Top Gu er Flight deck! Then I came back to I-Street to get one last trip up the Eiffel Tower... at least for the year. By that time I got a text from Undertaker telling me he was on his way to the park. I decided then to head back to the front gate, and due to how I was feeling I chose not to haul around the SLR camera round the park, so I walked back to my dad's chevy van (ugh that thing >_>) to drop the camera off and wait for Undertaker. Didn't realize I actually dozed off, lol. Undertaker got back in contact and I alerted him where I was so he came to the van. We both sat there and talked while I tried to collect myself again (cause I honestly wasn't feeling well :( ) and so he could smoke a cigarette. My dad called my phone telling us to meet him at Howl o Fest. That was when we left to head to the park.

I regret I didn't take the Olympus back in the park with me.

One last look at Nick Universe as Nick Universe! Hooray its leaving! As we walked through Nick Universe I caught sight of a husband and wife pair from Cut Throat Cove, I shouted the wife's name, I love the bewildered look on her face looking around like "who's that calling my name?" till she saw me run to her for biiiiiiiiiiig hugs! Undertaker ran alongside me as he jumped in the arms of the hubby :P I finally got to meet their little fella who stood there watched all that... d'aaawwww. We were told more Haunters are in the area all currently at Danny Phantom Flyers. I was somewhat interested but then again I couldn't keep my dad waiting, so we had to move on to Howl o Fest. When we reached Howl o Fest my dad was taking a break sitting on a bail of hay while my brother was wandering somewhere...

agh My brother found us.

We actually went through that kiddie fun house... well cause my brother dragged us to it. Undertaker took maybe two pieces of candy, oddly enough he is not much of a candy person but enjoyed the scenery most above anything and seeing some fellow Haunters who happened to be working there. Cute little funhouse lol.

It was bittersweet (I hid it well I think) seeing some Haunt people with their families. Howl o Fest though was getting ready to close so the 4 of us left and went back to Nick Universe. Undertaker wanted to ride Avatar. We both tried to talk my brother into it, who was scared o_____O Ended up just being me and Undertaker, while my brother and father watched and filmed from elsewhere.... gee thanks daddy :P We were going back and forth about that hat he was wearing and I was telling no no shouting at him to take it off... shockingly. We know each other too well I think.

"your gonna loose it!"

"nah my dreads will keep it down"

and it goes on.....and on.

He didn't loose it thank goodness.

We got our pictures taken at the pagoda at the Avatar entrance... and say our farewells to it.

We went to Scooby-Doo and the Haunted Castle. Because of my dads obvious phsycal disability we went up the exit where they put us all on. Just before we got aboard I saw kjkjkj and his cousin (who worked with me at Haunt) getting off. I said hi to Kyle and gave his cousin a big hug! xD My dad and brother got in a car while and me and Undertaker got in another. Neither of us played with the guns much, mainly just took in scenery :P for the first time tho he got more than a 100 points than me. Usually I beat him by like 934838373483 xD

Due to this being late (like an hour and a half away from park closing) Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle was my last ride of any kind for the season. After SDatHC, we went back to the front gate. Undertaker feels partial to that giant skull so it was photographic time. Then seemingly out of nowhere, him and my brother get into a light saber fight. Before actually heading out we got LaRosa's pizza.... yum, lol. Last time I will probably have LaRosa's of any kind till next spring, tehe.

The 4 of us left the park and all went to the van where once again Undertaker and my brother get into yet another light saber fight... this time I had my Olympus on hand for that!

I miss KI...


My dad took these (feel guilty I didnt bring my Canon PowerShot along for him to use)





Spongebob begging Eiffel Tower not to have his butt booted out (cellphone shot)


My pictures






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Great PTR! I am glad we saw you after getting off Scooby. I am really going to miss all the Haunt people! You really helped me out in the beginning, answering my tons and tons of questions! hahaha. I am going to miss ya!

It looks like you guys had a great time, and had a fun last day at the park. It's too bad you weren't feeling well. I've been sick the past 5 weeks from working outside! lol. Hope you're feeling better though!

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kjkjkj - thank you! over all it was fun. I thought it was flippin adorable how Undertaker felt left out on the hug I gave your cousin

"what no hug for me? fine BYE KYLE!" xD

StalkerChick - what choice did I have? :P if I didn't and saw you at Howl o Fest I can picture you literally chasing after me. lol you hyper active girl.

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Wow, its only been one week, & I miss the two of you. @ mayhem mansion last night iwas talkin like him & was threatend by three club blood peeps that had I not stopped I was gonna get slugged. Nice tr by the way, can't believe you were in the vacenatiy (sp?) & my KIC'dar didn't regester.

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kjkjkj - thank you! over all it was fun. I thought it was flippin adorable how Undertaker felt left out on the hug I gave your cousin

"what no hug for me? fine BYE KYLE!" xD

StalkerChick - what choice did I have? :P if I didn't and saw you at Howl o Fest I can picture you literally chasing after me. lol you hyper active girl.

Lol. That's hilarious! My cousin also rubbed it in my face that she got a hug and I didn't hahaha

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