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Why don't we PKIUnlimited Folks meet at PKI soon?


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Well I'm thinking and hoping to go to PKI this weekend, just in case any folks want to meet there.

And I'm hoping that we can organize some kind of meeting for FearFest.

Since I'm not the most charismatic nor best organized person in the world, I hope that someone will take charge.


Italian Chef

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Hi Chef,

A meeting is a great idea (I like the scrapbook idea too). I have to admit, one of the highlights of my long-awaited, too-short trip to PKI last week was actually meeting Dragonlord!!

Living 300+ miles away, the chances of running into someone I know at PKI are nill. We're happy to have someone we can say "hi" to now. Besides, it was nice to meet him in person and find out he's not the scary, mean "rent-a-cop" (that term just cracks me up, some of my best friends - and Mr. G. - are "rent-a-cops") some on these forums would have us think....my kids weren't scared of him at all!

I hope you guys get it together this weekend and have a great time. Maybe you'll be around during FearFest? We should be there on the 11th & 12th and hopefully one more weekend. Would love to meet the famous Chef, and Mrs. Chef, and any other members of the PKIU community!

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Hey folks,

I used to have a great friend who hung out at PKI with me, but she and I don't hang out anymore. Mrs. Chef likes to hang out with me at PKI if I beg her enough, but due to circumstances....she can't until next year.

So.....I want to meet up with at least one PKIUnlimited person this weekend to ride Delrium, FoF, The Beast, and whatever else time allows.

Anyone interested?


Italian Chef

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Hey folks,

I used to have a great friend who hung out at PKI with me, but she and I don't hang out anymore. Mrs. Chef likes to hang out with me at PKI if I beg her enough, but due to circumstances....she can't until next year.

So.....I want to meet up with at least one PKIUnlimited person this weekend to ride Delrium, FoF, The Beast, and whatever else time allows.

Anyone interested?


Italian Chef

Hey Chef i might be able to meet up with ya..besides i am going to PKI this weekend for my last time until november rolls around so i will let ya know

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