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A whale attacked and killed a trainer at SeaWorld

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(off topic) Working with sea animals or doing something like the trainers at Sea World do has been something I thought about in life (training/helping sea mammals). I just don't look at it as a major option for me because I'm sure the opprtunities are limited and I don't really know what it would take.

Lol. Yeah, I realize how small the opportunities are for working with them. I have been involved with working with marine animals my entire life. Every vacation I went to the aquariums where we were at. Trainer for a day, Marine mammal keeper experience, discovery cove, numerous vip tours at sea world and aquariums, working with the manatees at the cincinnati zoo. Biggest impact of my life is going to Sea World Camp. We really had the entire experience of what it was like to work there. Cleaning buckets all day, it was a dream come true. And then being able to specialize in whale training was even better because I was able to get even closer to the Whales. And yet, I sit here wondering why i'm at Miami University for Business Economics. Haha. All of this has made me realize I NEED to transfer to actually go for my dream with working with marine animalas.

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good luck on the dream.....

So it seems in the last article posted the training aspects will change or at least the interactions will change. As some have pointed out it was a freak accident but how can you change to avoid future ones? It seems this orca (can we stop calling them whales? The killer whale (Orcinus orca), commonly referred to as the orca and, less commonly, blackfish, is the largest species of the dolphin family.) grabbed the trainers braid and pulled her in. Maybe not have braided long hair? But overall there is not much I see from an outside that could be different other than to pull the show.

Now this is a decent opinion, even if it comes from FOXNews.com. Talks about why Killer Whales like Tilly cant be returned to the wild....


Tilikum was taken from the waters off of Iceland in 1983, when he was estimated to be about 2 years old. He would have been close to, but not yet fully weaned at that age. The Icelandic killer whales feed predominantly on herring. They have distinctive techniques for cooperatively corralling and feeding on herring schools. Tilikum would not have learned to hunt on his own. Regardless of questions we have about his life in captivity and destiny, like Keiko, Tilikum cannot be returned to the wild. Millions of dollars were spent to return Keiko (star of "Free Willy") to his native seas, but despite great effort, he was utterly dependent on humans. He has no family, no culture, no real-world skills to survive.

Tilikum is the largest killer whale in captivity at over 6 tons and 22 ft. But killer whales live for decades, over 60 years and there are some indications they can live into their 80s. The fish-feeding killer whales tend to stay in their natal pods for life. That is mother and son have a life-long bond, extending many decades beyond weaning. Daughters stay as well, but if the pod gets very large, they may eventually split and raise their young in their own pod. Matings occur between pods during occasional encounters, so even though the family stays together for life, fathers play no role in raising their offspring. In mammal-eating killer whales, the pods can sometimes be smaller because cooperative hunting and sharing is more efficient in smaller packs. In this case, it seems that still, the son will stay and the elder daughter(s) will leave to start her own po

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EDIT: Fixed the quote, and the "stop calling them whales" is a nice request not an angry demand

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yet another article about her.

i thought this quote was quite interesting:

Brancheau, the youngest of six children, studied psychology and animal behavior at the University of South Carolina and worked with dolphins at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey for two years before being hired at SeaWorld, her mother said.
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Whale that killed its trainer won't be isolated

That's good news, but this is such a sad thing to hear, in general.

(off topic) Working with sea animals or doing something like the trainers at Sea World do has been something I thought about in life (training/helping sea mammals). I just don't look at it as a major option for me because I'm sure the opprtunities are limited and I don't really know what it would take.

Get involved. Volunteer at your local zoo if possible to gain some AZA experience. Take a jr. keeper class at a local zoo as well. You will get an invaluable class experience as well as hands on experience for a relatively very affordable cost. This will give you the opportunity to find out 1st hand if this is the field for you. If you love it, there is a good chance that it is. Keep your background clean, and your grades high. Choose your school wisely, and take a major in Biology or a related field is what people will tell you, however most of the trainers that I know majored in Psychology.

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Keiko_coaster I'm like you I've loved the ocean and wanted to work at SeaWorld when I ''Grew up'' it's not gonna happen for me.. anyway make your dream come to pass you sound so passionate! My two-cents on this terrible news as a SeaWorld junkie I found this hard to take I always visit SeaWorld heck,I prefer it to Disney and Universal!!! My heart and prayers go out to the family.

Such a tragedy.

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Actually trainers can major in anything. They really dont need a college degree, but its highly suggested. Most of the trainers are Psychology or Marine Biology, but theres some business and communication

In todays economic market, to suggest that someone would not need a degree to enter this field is futile. Look up. You just might see me today.

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Lol. That's what i was saying. It's not necessary, but theres a massive greater chance that you will get hired with one. But then again, you better be in hella good shape. That swim test is killer. I've tried it. Oh, and whoever was asking about Tilikum, the whale is primarily used for mating. I believe it has 15 calfs.

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good luck on the dream.....

So it seems in the last article posted the training aspects will change or at least the interactions will change. As some have pointed out it was a freak accident but how can you change to avoid future ones? It seems this orca (can we stop calling them whales? The killer whale (Orcinus orca), commonly referred to as the orca and, less commonly, blackfish, is the largest species of the dolphin family.) grabbed the trainers braid and pulled her in. Maybe not have braided long hair? But overall there is not much I see from an outside that could be different other than to pull the show.

Now this is a decent opinion, even if it comes from FOXNews.com. Talks about why Killer Whales like Tilly cant be returned to the wild....


The recent death of Dawn Brancheau at Orlando's Sea World Park at the jaws of Tilikum, a 30 year old male killer whale, shocks the sensibilities of those that view killer whales as intelligent but gentle giants. Many call them 'orcas' rather than killer whales because it sounds friendlier.

Biologists, on the other hand, continue to call them killer whales because it so aptly describes their wild nature. They are top predators that, other than humans, are the only species capable of coordinating a successful kill of the largest animal on earth, the blue whale.

Just in case you dont like clicking on the links

I'm trying to be polite, but this does have an immediate grasp on me. Not everyone is going to be knowledgeable to the true nature of the animal. Or any animal for that matter. It's just moderately rude to say stop calling them Whales. Someone like myself could sit here and preach on the animal, or in my case, almost any animal, but I don't feel it necessary to demonstrate that knowledge here. I assume that you have some relation to the field, or maybe even the park itself. My position places me with a unique point of view, but as I currently am not authorized to reveal information or to represent the park in any way ( I always speak for myself ) I choose to remain silent. Be wary of what is said here, you never know who may be watching.

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i do not work at any of the parks just an average joe. I thought they were whales until this incident when all of the articles called them Orcas. I then looked it up and found out they are closely related to dolphins. So I thought we should be calling it by the right name. No harm no foul, it would be like calling zebras - horses..... different animal even though they may be similar, so no harm no foul. Just trying my best to make someone smarter each day (and is that such a bad thing?) So today's lesson is complete, a Killer Whale is actually a real big dolphin named that way because it can kill whales..... I edited my original post to show I did not mean it in an angry or spiteful or even rude way. But hey if someone on here would go and mislabel a roller-coaster brand that person would be put up on a wooden post.....

BTW I am changing that quote from my previous post. I had quoted the whole article but I guess it got shortened and it got shortened to the wrong part of the story I wanted to pin point, which was why Tilly can not be put back into the wild because he was taken from his pod before he could learn to hunt correctly.....

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This thoughtful piece deserves a full reading. I will not be quoting from it (there is far too much detail and too much balanced treatment of both sides of rather contentious issues to give it a fair use quote here that still reflects the piece fairly), but highly encourage you to go read it:

Whale May Have Seen Pony Tail As Toy:


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its a good article. I mean places like Sea World, and other zoos across the globe, have done a lot for helping animal species alive. But then again PETA has a point also. AT what point do you cross the line between helping and hurting animals. Then again at what point do you cross the line of putting other animals on higher platforms than humans.

It seems this whole tragic incident was a freak accident and to be truthful no one will know for sure. People who think the whales shouldnt be captive will say it was being natural and killing something. People who love the animals will say it was being curious and just happened. Either way it was a horrible accident and hopefully trainers can learn something from this incident.

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I admit I haven't read all the posts on this thread, but I have an opinion on this whole tragedy-and I'm gonna get flamed for it. I don't believe any animal-especially a wolf or a whale or anything-should be in captivity for the entertainment of the public. If you want to get involved with them, get involved by protecting them in their natural habitat-the wolves in yellowstone for example. I have experienced a slight few animals in their natural habitat and in captivity, and even though the captive ones are generally well cared for, to me they don't appear happy. Sometimes its better to let nature run its course, even if it sucks sometimes. I never took my hybrid out for "educational" purposes, nor did I even let people know what he was-only my closest circle knew when he was alive. My vet didn't even know until after he had been euthanized and we were still in the room. He was a companion to me, nothing else. I learned plenty from him-and my very first vet wanted me to put him in puppy classes which I did, and he was miserable. Trying to get a wolf to do tricks just isn't natural.

In Virginia I was shoulder to shoulder with a bald eagle, and even though that particular being couldn't go back to the wild, it was sad to me for him to have to be chained to his trainer at pow wows-although he did try to jump on my arm which was the biggest thrill of my life :)

I dont truly like circuses either.

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windshawne, good opinion. My only thought was, you didnt tell your vet? that could have been dangerous :blink:.... but seriously shawne, many people believe what you feel, and you backed it up. But in some cases I think animals are better to be captive. Look at the white rhino, zoos are tying to help them rebreed and grow in population numbers...... side note, if you like looking at animals in a "real" setting you should check out The Wilds. They are in eastern Ohio. The animals seem to be happy there (versus a zoo) http://www.thewilds.org/

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windshawne, good opinion. My only thought was, you didnt tell your vet? that could have been dangerous :blink:.... but seriously shawne, many people believe what you feel, and you backed it up. But in some cases I think animals are better to be captive. Look at the white rhino, zoos are tying to help them rebreed and grow in population numbers...... side note, if you like looking at animals in a "real" setting you should check out The Wilds. They are in eastern Ohio. The animals seem to be happy there (versus a zoo) http://www.thewilds.org/

I suspect the vet knew, I just didn't admit to it, and he never asked. The last one didnt, the first one asked me what he was since she suspected something was "off" the first time he was there as a puppy. I think she was afraid of him. The second vet was much better-and you have to realize the liability if you go around bragging about it and something happens.

I discovered a cave here locally-I knew it was there all these years, but this past summer I just ventured up to it-and saw bats hanging in it. That was cool. I will not disclose the location, because there are some who would go up there and try to kill them. Thanks for the link-I love all of that kind of stuff. I plan to visit deer park next time I go to sandusky.

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from seaworld:


the video was played before the first showing of the believe shows at each seaworld park.

Needless to say, the first show was very emotional. I popped over quickly to watch before heading into work myself. Regardless of one's opinion on whether these animals should or shouldn't be in a place such as SeaWorld (despite the fact that they are shown extraordinary care by the SW staff), it doesn't change the fact that this tragedy still took place. As hard as it was for those of us who work for the Park to fight back tears, it was very touching for me to see guests that were every bit as emotional as we were. My hats off to ALL of the Believe trainers....I know this was a very difficult day for them.

- Todd

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Shows Resume, Includes Video From The BBC:

...On Saturday SeaWorld employees wept as a photo montage honouring Ms Brancheau was shown, the Assosiated Press news agency reported.

Russell Thomphsen, who watched the event, told AP: "I just wanted to be here for this show. It's so special."...


Also, another short video well worth seeing:


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Video was released today or yesterday. This is not the attack video but just video of Dawn and Tilly working together. They are now saying Dawn was laying on or near a shelf in the water, which she was not suppose to do. Her hair was in a pony tail, which they state is mandatory, but the hair still driffted in or near Tilly and he snagged her. Supposedly the hair got stuck, possibly in the orca's jaws. They had to pry the jaw open twice to free Dawn. Either way other trainers have reported to NBC news this morning that after Tilly took Dawn underwater, Tilly started to get frantic with his motions and possible attitude; which they say means he knew something was wrong. Either way the video is safe for all ages and does not show the attack.

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Seaworld Whale Attack Video Could Be Released To Public:

...The family of Dawn Brancheau is fighting back trying to stop the release of the tapes. However, SeaWorld turned over the tapes to the Orange County Sheriff's department. Once their investigation is complete, the tapes will become part of public record via a law.

Brancheau's family and those wishing to stop the release of the attack footage will have an uphill battle. If they succeed in their quest to thwart the release, a precedent will be set that will render the public records law almost useless.

SeaWorld and the Brancheaus have contacted Jon Mills, the same high profile attorney that helped keep Dale Earnhardt's grisly autopsy photos from the press after his death in a NASCAR crash....


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Those who argue for their release claim it is the only way of checking to be sure Seaworld and the Florida authorities have actually properly investigated the death. Those opposed to the release claim the family is entitled to some privacy and not to have to endure seeing those tapes played over and over again on the news media outlets. In most states, 911 tapes are releasable, even in the most gruesome of circumstances. Some states have changed this, and others are trying to.

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Those who argue for their release claim it is the only way of checking to be sure Seaworld and the Florida authorities have actually properly investigated the death. Those opposed to the release claim the family is entitled to some privacy and not to have to endure seeing those tapes played over and over again on the news media outlets. In most states, 911 tapes are releasable, even in the most gruesome of circumstances. Some states have changed this, and others are trying to.

That is a private matter, and not for the public view-they should do like they did with Steve Irwin, and completely destroy the tapes.

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Those who argue for their release claim it is the only way of checking to be sure Seaworld and the Florida authorities have actually properly investigated the death. Those opposed to the release claim the family is entitled to some privacy and not to have to endure seeing those tapes played over and over again on the news media outlets. In most states, 911 tapes are releasable, even in the most gruesome of circumstances. Some states have changed this, and others are trying to.

That is a private matter, and not for the public view-they should do like they did with Steve Irwin, and completely destroy the tapes.

Steve Irwin's video was a private video, owned by the producers of his show (partly himself). Although looked at to prove an accident, the videos having not shown any irregularities were given back to the family/producers.

In this case, these tapes are owned by sea world's security team, and those tapes are needed to examine the extent of this issue. As has been stated in Florida these become public record. I am not sure how I feel about this, I am all for the sharing of information, on the other hand I don't think people need to see Dawn's death. I think the investigators viewing the tape and commenting on its contents would be enough, but still others would want to know more for themselves.

I guess the question is, do you own the rights to the image of your own death? And, can the image of your death prevent others from happening as well?

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Those who argue for their release claim it is the only way of checking to be sure Seaworld and the Florida authorities have actually properly investigated the death. Those opposed to the release claim the family is entitled to some privacy and not to have to endure seeing those tapes played over and over again on the news media outlets. In most states, 911 tapes are releasable, even in the most gruesome of circumstances. Some states have changed this, and others are trying to.

I actually believe that Ohio is one such state that is trying to make 911 tapes sealed and not open to the public. Many news outlets will file lawsuits against the states, or governments requesting this information. This is commonly referred to as the sunshine laws, as a way for the government to be transparent. At the heart of the issue is a family`s right to privacy versus the ability of governmental agencies to remain transparent. There have long been lawsuits and court battles associated with this type of thing, and they will surely continue for some time.

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