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Royal Fountains Question?


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Is it just me, or did the fountains used to "dance"? As a child, I recall the fountains really getting their groove on, turning on and off, raising to different heights... Not necessarily in sync to the music playing on International Street, but they looked like they could've been. I also recall more colors... Today it feels like they're pink, purple, or blue. Didn't they used to be white and orange and red? Not all red... Some would be blue and some would be white, etc?

Again, I could be making this all up. I'm just asking!

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Is it just me, or did the fountains used to "dance"? As a child, I recall the fountains really getting their groove on, turning on and off, raising to different heights... Not necessarily in sync to the music playing on International Street, but they looked like they could've been. I also recall more colors... Today it feels like they're pink, purple, or blue. Didn't they used to be white and orange and red? Not all red... Some would be blue and some would be white, etc?

Again, I could be making this all up. I'm just asking!

They still do have different "show" levels that cycle thru, but I'm not sure that they've ever "danced." As for colors - aren't they all still dichrotic lensed? Or have they been upgraded to RBG mixing LED?

Have they been red all season? I thought that was just for the Haunt. It would honestly be up to whoever installs the lenses on the fixtures. (that is, of course, unless those fixtures have been upgraded and I wasn't aware).

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And unless they have upgraded the lights, I`m pretty sure that they are NOT LEDs in the fountains. Although, combined with the lighting package on The Eiffel Tower, an LED light package in the fountains could make for some breath taking special effects!

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I guess I just feel like they don't look / behave like this anymore... -_- I feel like at night, everything's so dark. The fountains are red, the tower is purple, there are awkward blue and purple lights shining down on the park logo from the International Restaurant... It just feels dark, whereas in this picture, everything's bright! Blue and green fountains with a bright blue tower, Christmas lights all over the buildings!... I much prefer that to the tower changing between yellow and purple and stuff... It looks cheap to me. A yellow Eiffel Tower? You're kidding, right?

But, maybe it still looks like this, and I'm just de-sensitized to it all. If that's the case... That's bad news. :[

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I just looked at some of my 2009 pics...

Each outer fountain has 4 light fixtures positioned around it, while the inner bowls look to have 8.

In my '09 pics, 2 of the lights on the outer fountains were gelled blue and 2 were gelled red. Compare these to the the pics you posted above which show 2 blue (although a much lighter saturation value, meaning more light can pass thru the filter) and 2 green (again a much lighter saturation than the red used in '09), which would increase the light level on the water dramatically.

In the '09 pics, I see that 4 of the lights on each bowl were gelled yellow, and 4 were gelled red. Compared to the pics posted above, where the bowl lights were yellow and white.

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