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B&M Website


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Last I heard, they did not currently have a website, because their product is so widely known in the amusement industry and their product so upscale, that they don`t have a website because any park interested in purchasing one of their rides would know how to get a hold of them. However, I heard that they acquired the domain bolligerandmabillard.com from a fan site of theirs and are currently developing that site. Currently though, I don`t believe it is online yet.

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No, PKI does not have any rides made by B&M (neither does Kings Dominion or Canada`s Wanderland) and is one of the few major parks without a ride by B&M. Theire rides are know for being incredibly smooth, reliable and high capacity rides. They are the creators behind Cedar Point`s Mantis and Raptor, SFWoA`s Batman Knight Flight, Paramount`s Carowind`s Top Gun The Jet Coaster and Vortex. Also, in addition to producing inverted, hyper (they call them speed coasters), and floorless coasters, they`re most recent addition to their arsenal is their version of the flying coaster which can be found at Six Flags Over Georgia in the form of Superman: Ultimate Flight. It is rumored, that PKI`s 2005 addittion might be a new roller coaster, possibly designed by B&M.

Edited by CoasterRZ
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When Six Flags asked them to help, hoping it would smooth out the coaster.

Little know that B&M also had a part on X at SFMM (same place as the wood coaster trains by B&M). After Arrow built it and had all the problems, SF went to B&M for help. Apparently their tag is on the X trains.

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well, i'm not sure which of these, if any, is the offical website, but i hope these can help.............

1. www.rollercoasterz.com/bolliger_and_mabillard

2. (if you just want to see a list of the rides they have made) bm.digital-coaster/search.php

3. www.tpne.8m.com/bandm5.html

by the looks of it, none of these seem to be the offical website, but i hoped i could help you anyways laugh.gif

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Yeah, Cedar Point (2) and SFWoA (1) each have some B&Ms and SFKK (1) has a stand-up B&M. However, it would be nice if PKI got a high capacity smooth engineering marvel from the Swiss firm. That would make PKI`s already superb collection of coasters world class IMO. We`ll just have to wait and see what surprises the park has in store for 2004 and beyond!

Edited by CoasterRZ
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  sobrider said:
B&M's Don't age well. Just like Arrow steel coasters. Anyone ridden Iron Wolf or Chang this past season? I would honestly like to see somthing different if we do get a B&M. Ohio has no B&M sitdown Loopers.

I think alot of the not aging well thing has to do with maintenance and lets face it, Six Flags isn't the best when it comes to that.

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I agree AZ Kinda Guy, Six Flags is not known for their great maintenance and upkeep. Let's face it, Raptor and Mantis are in excellent condition, so you can't blame B&M. Which is why I have heard that B&M will probably be building CP's next major coaster. There's rumors of a flyer for 2005. I also have a B&M type of question...Has anyone rode the Nitro Hyper coaster at six flags? I imagine that it would have to be a lot smoother than Magnum XL 200 at CP, not to take anything away from that coaster because it kicks butt. But, I would like to ride one that is a bit smoother. Which brings up another point. Since S&S acquired Arrow Dynamics (whom built Magnum), I've not heard any plans for them to build any more Hypercoasters. Wonder if they have abandoned that line altogether.

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Why I haven't rode Nitro I have however rode Apollo's Chariot, a B&M speed coaster lolcated at BGW. The two have the exact same track deisgn and trains but different layout. As for the comparison, I'd give the edge to Magnum. AC is just TOO smooth. I like getting a little shaken up on a coaster. Now don't get me wrong, AC was a GREAT ride but I prefer Magnum just a bit more.

As for Arrow building another hyper; if a park wants one, they will build one.

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  beastfreak said:
When Six Flags asked them to help, hoping it would smooth out the coaster.

Little know that B&M also had a part on X at SFMM (same place as the wood coaster trains by B&M). After Arrow built it and had all the problems, SF went to B&M for help. Apparently their tag is on the X trains.

I've heard that too, but not from anyone reliable. It seems that even though several people claim to have seen the B&M logo on the train, no one has been able to supply a picture. As soon as someone provides a picture of the train, I'll accept the fact that B&M was called in, but until then I remain skeptical.

It just doesn't make sense to me for Six Flags to call B&M and ask them for help, when Arrow had all the original designs and plans. It seems like another Drachen Fire rumor to me. It sounds possible, and very well could be, but there's always that little voice in the back of my mind saying something's not right.

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  sobrider said:
Last I heard Arrow stopped making hypers. It may just be a standup issue but I haven't heard the greatest things about Paramount's B&M standups.

Then again we all know about Arrow's standups

Did Arrow ever make an original stand-up? They did convert two of their coasters ( A mine train and a corkscrew ) from sit-down trains to stand-up trains, but both were eventually converted back.

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B&M bought Arrow for a reason they were going broke they needed a leg to stand with. thus arrow dosent exist @ all B&M took the name they (they weren't gonna name it Arrow/B&M) thats why the bought the coaster company (any of you dissagree i understand)

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  PKI_man said:
B&M bought Arrow for a reason they were going broke they needed a leg to stand with. thus arrow dosent exist @ all

Actually Arrow does still exist as a subsidiary of S&S power. Their name is still around, and I'd bet that if you order coaster parts from S&S, they will probably show up as Arrow parts.

Also the whole of the story deals with SFMM and Arrow going back and forth over the design and so called "flaws" with X. The real problem here is that SFMM pushed Arrow to advance the schedule on X, even though it was already like 3 months behind schedule, Arrow did not want to build the coaster and let SFMM run it, since they did not like how it was performing, and some parts were breaking due to stress. In the end, Arrow and SFMM filed lawsuits against one another. When S&S bought Arrow, the lawsuit by SFMM was "settled" and the Arrow lawsuit dropped.

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