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What is your favorite memory of the the 2010 season?


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Riding the last train of the year on The Beast tonight with a lot of KIC'ers. The fog was dense in the second tunnel and the ride was pitch black and out of control. Hands down the best memory of the 2010 season was this whole day in general. I absolutely loved it.

EDIT-Also crushing on someone working at Kings Island today, I will never tell however. Gotta love silly crushes you get at age 19.

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How about the unplanned get togethers with friends met from these sites? Tonight was one of the best I've ever had. My only regret, was not bringing my regular camera and snapping some pics to send to my sister in Alaska. She has no phone where she is, so we rely on the internet for everything and I had told her of my plans for today. She has moved even farther out in the wild where the high temp today was 19. Should be interesting. I am already trying to get her to come home one last time for a spin on The Beast with me-thats my new goal.

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My favorite memory would be the only memory I have this year: coming back for the first time in 10 years, seeing how KI has grown, the changes that it's made...all incredible. I enjoyed the fact that I rode all the rides that I had been afraid of when I was a kid with no fear at all. Experiencing Diamondback for the first time. Eating blueberry ice cream. Most of all, I loved the fact that I got to spend the whole time with my cousin. That was the best part of the season. I can't wait until next year when I come back!

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I will also always remember my first visit to Boomerang Bay, and those Sunday's in October where there were no lines and it was a bit chilly outside. As well as my opening day that started at 5:30 AM leaving Richmond, and ended leaving the park at roughly 11 o clock after riding The Beast. So many memories this season.

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  On 11/1/2010 at 4:06 AM, Jasper said:

Riding the last train of the year on The Beast tonight with a lot of KIC'ers. The fog was dense in the second tunnel and the ride was pitch black and out of control. Hands down the best memory of the 2010 season was this whole day in general. I absolutely loved it.

EDIT-Also crushing on someone working at Kings Island today, I will never tell however. Gotta love silly crushes you get at age 19.

Yes, this was probably my best memory of the season, too. Not just because it's the most recent and freshest on my mind. It was

just the most fun of the year. I would say besides this day, was the KIC behind the scenes day on the train. That was really interesting!

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Best Summer /season of my life.

Getting to KI at 6:00 for Coasting for Kids

Riding The Racer 101 times in a day (13 Hour Day!)

First Diamondback Ride

First Crypt Ride

First Invertigo Ride

First Ride on all waterslides!

WindSeeker Announcement

Planet Snoopy (Enough Said)

Snoopy Rocks On Ice

Way Too Much T.V.

Night Rides On All Coasters


8th Grade Class Trip Last Memory of Elementary School

Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular

Train Tour

RockBand LIVE!!!!

BobbleHead Days!!!

Meeting Some KICrs

Blue Ice Cream Blue Ice Cream Blue Ice Cream!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!

Toyota Day!

First Eiffel Tower Ride!

I Actually Hated Going to Kings Island in 2009, but Now I have been at least 30times this year!!!!

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1.The Festhaus. The Festhaus is now one of my favorite (if not my complete favorite) areas of the park. I love the food in there, the atmosphere, and most importantly, the shows in there, (yes, even the Half Pint Brawlers).

2.The shows were another one of my favorite memory of the entire season. I am not a big ride person so the shows were my favorite part of the park. There was just so much energy in all the shows, especially in Way Too Much TV.

3. Another good memory for me was the Run Kings Island event. It was very fun seeing the backstage areas.

4. My first trip ever to Halloween Haunt. Who knew getting scared was so much fun?

But overall, my favorite memory of the entire season was finding KICentral.

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Ahh, Kings Island 2010...I only got 2 trips this year but so many good memories...plus, 2 trips is more than I've ever had before...

Riding Delirium, Drop Tower, Firehawk, Adventure Express, and Invertigo for the first time...

Hanging out with my friends and sister at KI...

Visiting Halloween Haunt for the first time...

Riding The Beast several times...and not having one bad ride...but one where the helix tunnels lights were on at night. D'Oh!

Eating LaRosa's Pizza for the first time in 10 years.

Good memories!B) And that doesn't even count my first HW trip came in 2010 as well...

Kings Island 2010 TOTALS FOR MCSALSA (2 Visits- 5/8/2010 and 10/16/2010)

The Beast x4

Diamondback x1 (Yeah, only rode it once...lines during Haunt visit were HORRIBLE here!)

Firehawk x1

Vortex x3

Flight of Fear x1

Blue Racer x1 (No Red Racer in 2010!!! DA DA DUM!!!)

Flight Deck x3

Invertigo x1

Adventure Express x2

Backlot Stunt Coaster x1

Delirium x2

Drop Tower x1

Monster x1

Shake, Rattle, & Roll x1

KI & MV Railroad x1

Eiffel Tower x1

Snoopy Surf Dog x1

Boo Blasters x1

Kings Island 2010 FINAL GRADES

Steel Roller Coasters: A

Wooden Roller Coasters: A+

Flatrides: B

Park Appearance: A

Staff: A

Value: B (Kroger $30 tickets good, $4 soda bad!)

Overall, Not Average: A+ (How could me not?)

That sums my 2010 KI trips up. I enjoyed them very much. Looking forward to 2011 and Wind Seeker!

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A few things jump to mind:

  • New rides that the kids had grown into - 6/7 year old took on Vortex, Drop Tower, and started to really enjoy The Beast, while 4 year old added Surf Dog, Flying Ace, and Shake Rattle & Roll, although the division when one is over and one is under the 48" line isn't fun.
  • First train of the year on Diamondback, row 4 - who knew the old guy could still run like that
  • Train tour with others from KIC - great event, great people
  • Random rides and hanging out with people I've met through KIC and riding DB - too many to name, not always long enough spent together, but always a pleasure

Although not KI related, I'd also have to say a highlight of 2010 for me was adding so many rides and parks to my coaster count: Busch Gardens Tampa, Dollywood, Holiday World (with an awesome KIC group at HWN!), Knott's, Legoland CA, Belmont Park along with Maverick, TTD, Wicked Twister, and Wildcat at CP.

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Enjoyed hanging out with the rest of the DB regulars, including Darlene, Karen, Don,Dan, and Phil. ( I apologize if I left anything else ) Also had a blast hanging out with Raptorguy and my friend Derek. ( Took my first Holiday World Trip with them.)

On a side note, got to ride both the last train on DB and the last train on Beast. How, do you ask, did that happen? After Darlene and I finished last train on DB, we headed down to Beast to wait for the last train to come in. At the exit, the ride crew asks if we want a last ride on the train that was just coming in. ( Aparently, they decided to give that train another ride. The train that had just left, the intended last ride, turned out not to be the last ride after all.) Oh, I gave the people who thought they were taking the last train such a hard time. ( LOL.)

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  On 11/2/2010 at 2:59 AM, markr said:

Enjoyed hanging out with the rest of the DB regulars, including Darlene, Karen, Don,Dan, and Phil. ( I apologize if I left anything else ) Also had a blast hanging out with Raptorguy and my friend Derek. ( Took my first Holiday World Trip with them.)

On a side note, got to ride both the last train on DB and the last train on Beast. How, do you ask, did that happen? After Darlene and I finished last train on DB, we headed down to Beast to wait for the last train to come in. At the exit, the ride crew asks if we want a last ride on the train that was just coming in. ( Aparently, they decided to give that train another ride. The train that had just left, the intended last ride, turned out not to be the last ride after all.) Oh, I gave the people who thought they were taking the last train such a hard time. ( LOL.)

That is a really great experience! Once in a lifetime for sure! Thank you for sharing

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My middle child taking her first, second and third (hehe) ride on Beast this summer...and her very first ride on Vortex, which was also her first looping coaster. She LOVED them. My oldest has yet to conquer them. Many memories were made by our family. First rides, seeing the huge smiles, hearing the screams, watching the little hands become brave and let go of the bar and reach for the sky......

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  On 11/2/2010 at 3:26 AM, pcc said:

My middle child taking her first, second and third (hehe) ride on Beast this summer...and her very first ride on Vortex, which was also her first looping coaster. She LOVED them. My oldest has yet to conquer them. Many memories were made by our family. First rides, seeing the huge smiles, hearing the screams, watching the little hands become brave and let go of the bar and reach for the sky......

I remember those same things from 2007 with my children! My eyes were very watery that year!

--Beatle, who won't tell you that your kids will start to get an "attitude" in two or thr.....Uh Oh!!! LOL!

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My favorite KI memories of this year are my first ever ride of Diamondback, my first ever ride on The Crypt, and getting to experience KI with my family again. Our extended family used to take a trip to KI every summer from 1991 until 2003. We finally got my Dad back this year for the first time since then and that was by far my best day of the summer. What a great season it was, looking forward to next year already!

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  On 11/1/2010 at 8:00 PM, muppetfan1999 said:

1.The Festhaus. The Festhaus is now one of my favorite (if not my complete favorite) areas of the park. I love the food in there, the atmosphere, and most importantly, the shows in there, (yes, even the Half Pint Brawlers).

2.The shows were another one of my favorite memory of the entire season. I am not a big ride person so the shows were my favorite part of the park. There was just so much energy in all the shows, especially in Way Too Much TV.

3. Another good memory for me was the Run Kings Island event. It was very fun seeing the backstage areas.

4. My first trip ever to Halloween Haunt. Who knew getting scared was so much fun?

But overall, my favorite memory of the entire season was finding KICentral.

Yes, Way Too Much TV was best show they've had at Kings Island in 5 years! It wasn't as good as the best show ever, which I believe was Santa's Toy Factory

at Winterfest in 2005. It was probably the best show Cedar Fair has put on at Kings Island for sure! Hope it comes back next year.

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I guess I will also have to include in my favorite memory, me and fighting31irish getting a fist pump from Gary Coleman on the last rides of The Beast, I felt as if my life was complete right then and there.

Posted from my iPhone!!!

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i went to KI only once this year but the memories are amazing. Making the trip with just my wife and I, watching the Half-Pint Brawlers, riding The Beast at night, walking thru the park while its a little chilly outside.. *sigh* i miss you Kings Island..

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From KI's Blog Favorite Memories from 2010

We recently sent out a tweet asking what were some of your favorite memories from the 2010 season. Below are some of the comments we received:

@smalltownpastor - riding the Diamondback in the front car!

@warriordog1011 - my favorite memory was the last day of the season. I rode Diamondback 16 times.

@zarekk - i won the baseball pitching game and found out i can throw 64 mph!

@Lisa_C_Hamilton - riding The Beast 8 times in 2 days Oct. 23rd & 24th

@burgtoad67 - Taking my 11 year old cousin on her first coaster - Diamondback! She was terrified and hated me for a bit but she had fun!

@scrat93 - Our 10 year old daughter's first rides on The Beast, Vortex, Flight of Fear and Diamondback. All in one day!

@naptownbuzz - No line for The Beast & not much of one for Diamondback in October!

@chriswc11 - working on my favorite roller coaster for the first time, Diamondback

I was mentioned!! Yay @chriswc11 any one else on here get your memory added to the blog?

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