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Email From Don...


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After watching a train operator get hammered on Sunday about how "Stupid" it is that the train wont stop in boomerang bay until 11:00 AM I stopped to talk to him just to keep other from hammering the poor kid... He helped me with my son's stroller and had a plesent conversation about the park in general and I felt that he deserved some credit for handling things as well as he did. So once I got to the water park and got the kids in the pool i went back to my chair and subbmitted a contact form on the website explaining that "Matt" was helpfull and I appricated talking to him I got an email back from don as follows...


Thank you for your feedback. Your comments have been shared with the associate’s supervisor and our rides department managers.

Guest feedback is important. We appreciate your feedback concerning Matt.


DON Helbig

Public Relations Area Manager | Kings Island

6300 Kings Island Drive | Kings Island, Ohio 45034

(513) 754-5797 | FAX: (513) 754-5725

Now the fact that he actually used Matt's name tells me at least someone read it.

just thought i would share this...

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Well done!

All too often the comments are negative.

It is a very good thing to point out the positves as well!

It's easier to see the negatives than the positives. I agree that it's definitely refreshing to see such a positive post.

That's just like life. You get yelled at when you make a mistake, but when you do the right thing, you don't get anything. Haha

That wasn't ment to sound negative.

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I enjoy the reaction I get when sharing a thank you.

At GR one day last year I went in and asked for a comment form and got a "tell me what happened" response from someone who had obviously heard nothing but complaints all day. When I said that I wanted to share a kudos for a DB ride op, you could see the shock on their face - it obviously doesn't happen often enough. Now, like you, I just tend to comment it in from the website when I want to say thanks as it is easier and can be done on my time.

I did the same thing for a couple of cast members after my trip to Disney this Spring also. They actually contacted me via phone thanking me for my input and letting me know that the information would be shared.

Kudos to you for sharing the positive comment with the park and thanks for telling us about it here. I hope it inspires others to say "thanks" at least as often as they would share a "concern".

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I enjoy the reaction I get when sharing a thank you.

At GR one day last year I went in and asked for a comment form and got a "tell me what happened" response from someone who had obviously heard nothing but complaints all day. When I said that I wanted to share a kudos for a DB ride op, you could see the shock on their face - it obviously doesn't happen often enough. Now, like you, I just tend to comment it in from the website when I want to say thanks as it is easier and can be done on my time.

I did the same thing for a couple of cast members after my trip to Disney this Spring also. They actually contacted me via phone thanking me for my input and letting me know that the information would be shared.

Kudos to you for sharing the positive comment with the park and thanks for telling us about it here. I hope it inspires others to say "thanks" at least as often as they would share a "concern".

Don't hold me to this, but I'm pretty sure The Beast crew I was on holds the Cedar Fair record for most good GRs in a season at 74. We tried our hardest, and I know we had the most in the park by far that year. I seem to remember being talked about as a record, but I have no way to confirm that.

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I should do something like this. I've never submitted a comment - positive or negative - about my time at the park, and I'm generally very pleased with the staff and operations. My biggest complaints are always about inconsiderate attendees. Sometimes I'm annoyed when a ride is closed or running a lower capacity, but I usually assume there is a good reason for that even if it isn't obvious.

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I submitted a compliment as well. I had to give a shout out to the Woodstock Express crew (my kids did their first marathon session ever on that ride during our visit) and some at The Beast, as well as a food worker in Action Zone. If any of the employees are reading this, know that the little things you do are not going unnoticed. This is one of many reasons why KI is my home park. Employees can make or break a place, and KI has some of the most friendly and helpful workers out there. And yes, Mr. Helbig personally replied to my comments as well. It's nice to know our positive feedback reaches beyond a website.

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I should do something like this. I've never submitted a comment - positive or negative - about my time at the park, and I'm generally very pleased with the staff and operations. My biggest complaints are always about inconsiderate attendees. Sometimes I'm annoyed when a ride is closed or running a lower capacity, but I usually assume there is a good reason for that even if it isn't obvious.

Unfortunately, some complaints are valid and need to be dealt with accordingly.

I have only had 2 complaints at any park: 1 @ CP for a rude go-cart operator & 1 @ BGW for a rude Alpengeist operator.

Each time, I was offered free tickets for the next day (which I could not use anyway, but at least I was offered something).

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When me and my friend visited Universal Studios and Disney World for a week. We kept a small piece of paper to write down the names of employees who went out of there way. And stopped by Guest Relations on our way out each night. We had around 5 people per day. We knew it would make there day, and it was kinda fun looking for them. :)

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