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Trip Report 6/2


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So after getting out of school at 10:40 for exams, eating at El Rancho Grande, and just talking for a while, my friends and I went to KI at around 12:30ish. We were expecting the park to be empty. Boy were we wrong. It wasn't bad but it was definitely a lot for mid day in early June.

Our first ride was Congo Falls, that felt good! After that we rode Adventure Express. I'm a stickler for small details, and I noticed they added some cool looking red lights in the last 2 tunnels, and there's also a voice that says, "You will pay!" The station was also playing the Indiana Jones theme, which it doesn't always do.

I believe our next ride was Racer... nothing special here. After that we hit Vortex... I sat in my favorite seat- 72. Boy, it was really rough! I had ridden it a few weeks back and it wasn't nearly that rough! Maybe it was just that train, who knows?

Then my group had the desire to do Boo Blasters... I think my score was 960. lol. Then we hit Diamondback. I got my second favorite seat, the second-to-last. (My first favorite being the front.) Actually, I might like that seat a little better. I haven't ridden in the front in a while. We then rode the Crypt. They turned off all of the stupid looking strobe lights on the skeletons, thank God! They still had the strobes on the 2 demons in the waiting room closest to the ride. The ride itself... lol....

We then rode Beast. I got in the secret best seat of the ride. I will not disclose it, there is never a line for it, and I'd like to keep it that way! ;)

I think after that we went all the way to Flight of Fear. I'm glad to say that it doesn't stop in the MCBR anymore! The first 3 cars just zoom right past it, the brakes try to stop it, and they give up and let the train go. Since they greased the track, the whole ride is a lot faster now, too! The hangtime on the corkscrew is gone!

After that.. I think we rode Delerium, followed by Drop Tower.. the only ride that actually gives me butterflies on the drop! It's such a great feeling to just put your arms and legs out and just relax on the drop.

Then we rode Flight Deck... nothing special here, it's a pretty good ride...

After that it was 8, so we went to Chik-Fil-A at VOA, then Graeter's, and then we sat outside of Graeter's just talking and hangint out until 12, then we went home. It was a good day, and I'm glad that school's over with!

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Too bad you weren't there for ERT. My girlfriend and I had an interesting experience on The Beast... Namely, the slowest ride ever. So slow, in fact, that we only cleared the last hill before the second chain lift by a hair. For a minute I was sure it was going to stall (and if not for the rollback protection on that hill, maybe roll back).

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Nice report.

On our visit May 29th Flight of Fear made the usual stop on the MCBR.

Really? ever since either Monday May 16 or May 23 after it closed for the rest of the day, it has been going super fast. I know for a while the first car would always slip past the catwalk on the right, but after that Monday the first 2-3 cars run right past it. The first half of the ride is soo fast. The second half is just a little faster, you really only notice on the corkscrew.

As to The Beast, that ride seems to vary a lot. I rode it a few weeks ago after it had rained and it was cold (does cold make it faster? I thought it made it slower...). It really just flew through all the brakes. And, going up the second lift hill, it went way past the first post before the chain caught it (even yesterday evening the brakes didn't seem as noticeable on the 2 drops after the lift hills), and it flew up the last hill into the station. Then I have other rides like you mention, and it barely clears the last hill into the station... It's still a good ride, for the most part. I have noticed in my fast few visits, they have left the tunnel lights on. This doesn't bother me during the day, because light always seeps in anyways, but at night, it kind of ruins the whole "dark" thing.

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Yeah I've never heard a good explanation of why those tunnel lights are on or off. Nothing directly comes to mind as to why it would be useful to have them on unless they are inspecting the tunnel.

I'm fairly certain they walk the tracks each morning to check for tree limbs and the track structure.

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Yeah I've never heard a good explanation of why those tunnel lights are on or off. Nothing directly comes to mind as to why it would be useful to have them on unless they are inspecting the tunnel.

They wouldn't be in the tunnel inspecting while the ride is operating.

The supervisor at The Beast told me that they turn the lights on when they check the track in the dark hours before sunrise, and that they have likely just not gotten into the habit of turning them off. Of course, we're a good way into the season now, so if they haven't changed the habit now, they might not at all. She said it has nothing to do with safety or anything. It's the same reason Backlot Stunt Coaster's tunnel lights are on from time to time. The switch is in a lock-out area. Take that for what it's worth.

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